
Transformation Survival Guide

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A Special Note:
I am writing this guide because throughout my travels I have run into many stories of people being transformed against their will, many doomed to a life of misery and woe. After I got past my initial stages of laughter, I began to feel quite sad about their fates. And so this survival guide is dedicated to those poor sufferers, who have been transformed against their wills, in hopes that the knowledge I am about to lay out before you shall help you avoid their fate. This should also give you fair warning that this guide automatically assumes you are not wishing to be transformed.

Transformation Survival Guide Section 1: Categories of Transformation</u>

Some of the most important information one needs to know when facing transformations is just what kinds of transformations are out there. While the possible amount of transformations that are possible are basically infinite, they can for the most part be grouped into five major categories: body modification, age, inanimate, gender, and species. Each of these categories, however, contains sub-categories. It should also be mentioned that it is quite possible for several of these to be combined in one transformation. Now then, let us begin describing each of those categories in detail.

Body Modification:
The first major category of transformation is that of body modification, which is simply what it says; the modification of the body. There are wide ranges of transformations that can fit under this category, with the two most recognizable being changes in size (such as your height) and changes in weight, with weight gain being the most widely known. These two, however, are not the only transformations that can be considered body modification. Expansions in certain parts of the body are also common, especially among the breasts of females. Overall, if the body or any certain part of it is modified, it can be considered a body modification.

The next major category of transformation is that of changes in age. This is a relatively simple one as there are only two major sub-categories; age progression and age regression. Age progression is basically the progressing of age, such as going from a child to an adult while age regression is the reverse situation. Changes in age may or may not result in appropriate changes in mental status. A child may end up in the body of an adult but a child’s mind, or they gain all the insight and knowledge one receives over time.

The third major category of transformations is that of inanimate changes. Basically, a living organism is transformed into an inanimate object, plush toys being a common result as well as statues. There are usually two main situations that occur from this; the person remains completely conscious of himself or herself and their surroundings or the person loses all conscious thought, truly becoming just another object lying around. What is the better result is a question of personal taste.

Gender (a.k.a. Transgender):
Gender transformation, the bane of all males. Female to male transformation does exist, but it is far outweighed by the number of male to female transformations. Occasionally a situation may arise in which a person is stuck between male and female, having physical traits of both. Like age transformations, gender transformations may or may not be accompanied by mental changes to fit the new body.

This final category is probably the most encompassing of all. Any change in the species of a subject is included under this category, whether the change is something as simple as gaining a pair of ears and a tail, such as a cat girl, or something more drastic such as a full-on animal transformation. This is probably the most widely known transformation, and is also probably the most common. Changes in species may be accompanied with mental changes and/or instincts. Whether or not a person is capable of dealing with said instincts tends to vary.

Transformation Survival Guide Section 2: Categories of Triggers</u>

Now that the various kinds of transformations have been discussed, it is time to move onto the various situations that can cause them, known as triggers. Just like the kinds of transformation, triggers have an almost endless variety of ways to be pulled off. They also can be organized into various categories that are discussed in detail below. Note that magic and science are not triggers per say, but are in fact just how a trigger works. Feel free to take and place the categories below into a magic or science category.

The Spoken Word:
“Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” though have the possibility to transform you. Words are powerful and, in a world with transformations possible, dangerous. What constitutes a word trigger is simply a word or sentence that is directly responsible for a transformation. How this happens is partially irrelevant. It could be something as simple as “You know, you’d look good as a cat girl” to something as complex as wish-granting genie has appeared before you and is ready to grant wishes. Most commonly, the spoken word causes transformations due to being poorly phrased or quite simply ‘asking for it’, a.k.a. saying something along the lines of “I wish I was appealing to chicks (the term for baby chickens).” The best way to avoid such mishaps; choose your words carefully. If while thinking of your wish you can see a way to be twisted into a transformation, avoid using said wish. Unless, of course, you want a transformation, in which case why are you reading this?

While I’m sure I don’t have to explain what spells are, this would be an appropriate place to mention that a common way spells cause transformations by accident is usually due to them backfiring, being used incorrectly, or misunderstood. Therefore, it is suggested that before even attempting a spell, research it. Attempt to find anyone who has done the spell before to make sure it does the effect you want. Furthermore, pay attention when doing the spell because all it could take to turn you into some half dog-half man monster is for your dog to throw a bone in your way.

Objects and Clothing:
Objects and clothing are combined into one category because they are, for the most part, the same things. Simply put, any item or article of clothing can trigger a transformation. Common objects tend to be artifacts or cursed objects, while collars, bells, fake ears, other animal-related accessories and costumes are common clothing triggers. It is suggested that one never, ever touch cursed artifacts as well as being suspicious of any articles of clothing you receive. Also, do not buy objects from stores with weird managers or has obvious magical connotations in their names. Most likely they deal in magical artifacts or costumes, so why people continue to fall for them is beyond me.

Modern science is such a wonderful thing, giving us such great objects such as electricity, flight, the Internet, and chemicals capable of transforming you into animals. Chemicals are usually used to transform people through injections or some kind of absorption or ingestion (food laced with transformative properties are pretty tasty though). Main advice for this is to avoid scientist, doctors, and chefs who seem overly pushy, promising spectacular ‘life-changing results’, have animalistic or transformation-related names, etc. That, and avoid unlabeled or oddly labeled medicines. Remember that licensed pharmacists are your friends here.

Technology is great and all, but it has really innovated the art of transformation. With it, transformations are no longer hooked on spells and curses, but are now capable of being performed with the press of a button. While the machine can be a simple chamber of some sorts, a ray of some sort is generally a common form of machine-based transformation. You may also occasionally run into a machine that grants transformation abilities like, oh I don’t know, a blue cube or something. The advice is simple with this category; don’t get hit, and don’t get into a machine without knowing what it does. And if the machine grants you transformation powers, make sure you know any rules. You wouldn’t want to get stuck after two hours or so.

Sometimes surgeries get a bit, weird. You go in for a toothache, come out with some literal canines. Main thing to be concerned with here is that if you are going to have a surgery and don’t want transformation-related side effects, always go with a licensed medical practitioner and not some sleazy alleyway doctor. The former could possibly be sued if you are transformed and are therefore less likely to attempt it. And if they do, at least you can ease your pain with a couple million in damages.

Deals and Contracts:
These triggers work similar to the spoken word as they are usually based on someone misunderstanding a deal or phrasing what they want done in bad way. Usually, however, the person who is offering the deal knows this is going to happen, and so attempts to trick the person into making it, with the level of subtlety varying. Advice related to the Spoken Word works here as well, but there are also some suggestions that work here. The most important being that old phrase “If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.” Second, if the person making the deal is overly pushing, or hands you a contract you can’t read, do not sign it. Actually, I’m sure there are laws concerning purposely making unreadable contracts so you should ignore them for that reason alone. Finally, if the deal is being given to you by a strange person who has appeared out of nowhere and exhibits the trait of pushiness, then you should be suspicious of there motives.

According to the classic werewolf story, lycanism was spread through a bite, and those infected with it became werewolves themselves. Similar fate came for those bitten by a vampire. Both of these examples serve as rather extreme examples, but it gets the point across. Transformation by disease are spread by, well, diseases. Whether the transformation is transferred by a bite, through contact, air, knowing someone in the biblical sense, etc., it can be placed under this category. Main suggestion is to avoid infected persons or areas, possibly call up the Center for Disease Control, quarantine yourself, and possibly have a bowl of chicken soup nearby…without the chicken (see Chemicals).

Sometimes transformations occur because you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. The locations themselves are limitless, though they tend to be either cursed locations or locations built for the purpose of transformation. For the former, it is highly suggested you become knowledgeable about local legends, and when they say to stay away from somewhere, stay away. There usually is a good reason for the advice. As for the latter, read up on the place before going there before going. If for some reason you can’t do so, when you arrive there watch for the following: the people are acting odd, have people, services and/or rooms with meaningful names, or there are victims of transformations (which you may think as simply people in costumes) walking around. Any of these tend to be warning sings of something odd going on, and show the best time to make a run for it.

Transformation Survival Guide Section 3: Categories of Motivations</u>

Just as important in studying the kinds of transformations and what triggers them is the study of what motivates them. Knowing why someone does something is just as important as knowing how it is done. Motivations, however, are more complex than transformations and triggers, and so I must apologize if the next few categories are more vague than usual. It is a necessary evil in order to try and explain the limitless motivations.

Revenge is probably one of the most powerful motivations in transformation. Simply put, someone is angry at you, and they feel you should pay. The person responsible varies, but usually they are either; someone you bullied, a scorned lover (and if they are female, remember the saying “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”), someone who suffered due to you or your family…you kind of get the point don’t you? Luckily, most of this can be avoided by not acting like a complete ass towards people and attempting to act kind, gentle and nice. Or at least if you have to be mean, don’t go overboard with it.

People are bad, and that’s simply a part of life. Some people find it hard to go through the systems in place for such occasions, and decide to take the law into their own hands. This may be considered a sub-category of revenge, but sometimes the person doing the transformation is absolutely unrelated to the event, only deciding to become involved due to a sense of justice. Or it could be karma. Either way, the same advice for revenge works here; just don’t piss someone off.

“The love of money is the root of all evil.” And when someone is motivated by that love, they are willing to do anything for it. However, it doesn’t have to be money, just something that they desperately want whether its an artifact (probably curse), power, etc. If you get in the way, you may just end up disposed of in the body of a puppy. Only thing I suggest is that you tread vary carefully around these kind of people, and hope that you are not in their way.

Love makes people crazy. Love conquers all. Insert other love cliché here. Either way, love is probably one of the biggest motivators. Depending on the situation it can be disturbing enough that it can fall into the Greed category, mainly if the love is one-sided and the word “no” is not part of vocabulary of the one giving the love. It is only when love reaches that point it should be of concern, as if the love is mutual there is no need to be reading this guide. If you are on the wrong end of the love line, try to find someone else for them to hookup with. Or possibly attempt to persuade them away with a speech about how real love is based on mutual trust and respect, not on stalkers (though there have been reports of certain vampires being able to pull the creepy stalker thing off). Or you can make yourself so undesirable they leave you alone, although this may cause everyone to do so.

When people have a cause they support, they sometimes go all out with it. This motivation basically appears when a group wants to change people into what they feel is the ideal state, such as an animal rights group transforming people into animals or a scientist in desperate need of funding for a genetics project. It should be noted, however, that such extremists are the minority and do not represent the actions of the movement as a whole. Still, next time you hear a person shouting something to the effect of “Soon you all become X and the world will became a paradise for that,” avoid them. And if you hear about a group like this kidnapping people in the local area, move. In fact, that goes for any situation that involves stories of kidnapping.

Sometimes a person just gets bored, and the only way to fix that emptiness is to transform someone. There isn’t an insidious plot, no extremist ideals, just pure old boredom. This person may exhibit some tendencies of insanity, and so it best to avoid these people if possible. Or give them a new hobby. I personally suggest writing.

You may find it shocking, but sometimes there is no reason at all. This is usually a rare situation, as it only happens due to a transformation occurring out of nowhere. Usually tied to a location of some sort, so follow the advice mentioned there. Otherwise, you are on your own.

Transformation Survival Guide Section 4: Categories of Results</u>

So, either you’ve ignored everything I’ve said in the last three sections, or the universe just hates you. Either way, you have now been transformed and are wondering just what you should do now. Well, lucky for you, I have some suggestions on that once again divided into categories based on the length of the transformation.

However, before we get to those, there are some things you should do first that are relevant for almost all of them. The first is very simple; do not panic. Panicking is never a good thing as it causes you to think less intelligently. Even in mid-transformation you shouldn’t panic, if you can do so (I’ll forgive you if excruciating pain is involved). Once you have calmed down enough to think clearly, start recalling everything you can think of related to the transformation. With that information in mind, continue on towards the relevant category. Note that if your mind has been altered due to the transformation, I can not help you in any way, as you most likely do not even know you have been transformed.

I also suggest that if the transformation involved the ripping of clothes or making them worthless to wear, get some new ones unless the transformation provides adequate compensation

Short-term Temporary Transformation:
If the transformation is known to be short-term temporary (a few days, weeks at the most), do not fear. Instead, I suggest that you enjoy your new body during this time in case you never get the chance to do so again. May need to do some minor adjustments to your life, such as a new alias if remaining humanoid, or finding someone willing to take care of you if full animal. This is the least worrisome of all transformation times.

Mid-term Temporary Transformation:
If the transformation is going to be a few months in length, it may be time to be concerned. Your life will be disrupted quite a bit, and it is during this length that things are going to be tougher. There is a better chance of something going wrong during this part so enjoy yourself, but be careful as well. Best to find family or close friends willing to help you out.

Long-term Temporary Transformation:
At this point its time to worry. A few days allows some fun, months some worry. But if the temporary transformation is able to last years, then it’s time to get serious. Start off by informing any relatives and close friends of your change, especially any that can assist you. You will probably need to create a new identity of sorts as your old one is probably not going to be very helpful. If you are still humanoid, you may have to gain some assistance from the government to update your personal information. Either way, settle down for the long run, get comfortable with your new self, but remember it is only temporary.

Permanent Transformation:
This is basically the same as the long-term transformation, but will last as long as you live. However, if there is a chance of it being reversible, I suggest you attempt to locate and discover the process responsible for doing so. If it is something that you are capable of doing, go for it. If there isn’t a chance of reversal, or the only way of doing so is too high of a price, good luck with your new life. You are going to need it.

If the transformations are temporary, but occur on a regular pattern (such as the classic full moon schedule), then it can be considered a were-transformation. In this situation, it’s best to figure out what sets off the transformations, or its schedule. That way you are not surprised when it occurs, and you can be fully prepared for when it occurs. Go into violent rage when transformed? Have fun in a locked room chained up. Need fresh meat? Buy some freshly butchered meat the day before. I believe that you kind of get the point.

Transformation Survival Guide Section 5: Categories of Mental Changes</b>

As mentioned earlier, physical transformations may be accompanied by changes to your state of mind. These changes can be relatively small, like better perception, to immense, such as the gaining of overwhelming instincts. Like all the other sections, mental changes can be grouped into several all-encompassing categories.

Instincts are the innate ideas and behaviors that an animal has from birth. It’s what tells them to bare teeth at aggressors, gives them the urge to breed, and other wonderful behaviors. Obviously, such mental changes only occur with species transformations, but it is important to be aware of them. Many instincts are helpful, and can help you adjust to your time as an animal or anthro. But instincts serve as a double edge sword. Situations may arrive when instincts overpower human thought, with situations related to mating being a common one. There are also certain animals, such as ants and bees, which are subjected to a hive mind of sorts. They have an immense instinctual urge to follow whatever is commanded of them, and such urges can cause loss of human thought. In fact, any full-animal transformation puts you at risk of losing your human side due to the strength of the instincts.

“Experience is the best teacher”, or at least that is how the old truism goes. But in transformations, it’s possible one can gain all the knowledge experience gains without all the work. Examples of such mental changes span the entire spectrum of transformations. Turning into a bird and gaining the knowledge on how to fly would be an example, and if you gain an innate knowledge of the mannerisms of girls when going under a transgender transformation you are being affected by this. The time it takes this knowledge to come forth varies. It could be instant, or it’s over time. You may even gain the knowledge instantly but have to draw it out over time. Out of all the mental changes, this is by far the most helpful of all of them.

Personality is whom you are, how you see the world, how you deal with others, and all that other important psychological stuff. But the physical body can have a massive effect on the mental mind, and transformations can have massive effects on the physical body. Therefore, they can have a big effect on the mind. The reasons behind this change can vary from chemical changes to mental stress from the change. The changes themselves can vary from increased aggression to total pacifism.

Multiple Personalities:
You ever get a voice in your head telling you to do or not do something? Well, this is that effect grown into your mind now being the home of two distinct personalities. How this manifests itself can vary. It’s possible that both personalities are conscious at once, leading to the said voices in the head effect, except this time you can’t simply block it. Instead, I suggest you learn to live with this new personality, unless it has a violent/evil tendency. In that case seek psychological help immediately. The personalities can also be expressed in a Jeykll-and-Hide situation in which the two personalities are at work at different times. One moment you are experiencing one, and the next another. Memories may be affected by this sort of multiple personality situation. On the one hand you may remember what the other personality did during its reign, but on the other hand you may not. The latter is well known to be in play during were-based transformations if the affected turns into a violent, raving monster. In either case, figure out what has been done during the different personalities various times and then fix anything that is needed. I would also suggest having a buddy or family member keep an eye on you at all times.

Obviously, this is related to transgender transformations, but for the sake of this guide we’ll broaden this definition to anything related to sexual preference. For example, let’s say you are a male and are hit with a transgender transformation. Eventually you begin to take a second look at guys, thinking some look cuter than others, fantasizing about them, you get the idea. Congrats, you have been affected by a change in sexuality. Another example of this would be if affected a full-animal transformation you find yourself attracted to members of your species of the opposite sex. Now, it could be blamed on instincts, but this sort of mental change may also be at play.

It should be warned that there is a very dangerous variation of this: bimboization. Bimboization is the fancy name I’ve given to the process of turning someone into a bimbo. They tend to be busty, blonde hair, and totally lacking in personality outside of a craving for sex. It is a very sad state of affairs, and you should avoid any situation that could lead to it.


And so my readers, we are at an end. Throughout this short guide I have attempted to categorize every major kind of transformation, the events that trigger them, the motivations behind them, and the possible results. If I have succeeded in my purpose, then hopefully I shall help someone avoid the fate of being transformed. If not, at least I had a good way to spend my time. Either way, I hope you have enjoyed reading this guide and I wish you good luck in life. Just remember to follow my advice, but don’t be afraid to deviate when the situation arises. Common sense is your friend in all situations, both in dealing with transformations as well as life.
Feel free to offer suggestions for improvements, new categories, etc. I want this to be the most completed guide to transformations and there effects. Furthermore, if you happen to write transformation stories, feel free to reference the guide in your works...even if the person didn't listen :).

Edit 4/17: I added in a section for Mental Changes caused by TFs.
© 2009 - 2024 Whammyman5
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I was expecting more clinical, in tone. Like the DRCC would be going around giving this to people victim of non-cosentual transformations.