piratecaptain on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/piratecaptain/art/Wood-Katana-Tut-Sageo-Knot-115119651piratecaptain

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Wood Katana Tut.-Sageo Knot



Here is one of the many promised tutorials, the Sageo. I know the file is enormous, but I wanted to be sure it was clear. Any suggestions for editing would be very appreciated. Early apology to 56kers, I'm terribly sorry.

So yeah, I hope this helps people out, it really adds to a katana. Let me know if there is any trouble understanding either picture or text. If you find this helpful, please link back so that others may find/use this too. Let me know what you're working on too, I'd like to see it!

And since this is the second to last thing I do on a sword, maybe you're asking yourself what is around the corner?


Other Tutorials

Intro to the Tutorials: [link]

Part 2- Planning & Research Tutorial: [link]

Part 3- Tools & Materials Tutorial: [link]

Part 4- Drawing out the Katana: [link]

Part 5- Shaping the Blade: [link]

Part 6- Shaping the Blade (cont.): [link]

Part 7- Laying out the Habaki: [link]

Basic Chisel Tutorial: [link]

Sageo Knot Tutorial: <--- You're here!
Image size
1100x8890px 1021.99 KB
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Awsome, just what ive been looking for thanks a million.