
Edge of Thorns - Pt 18

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Cei-Ellem's avatar

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Part 18
On second thought, it doesn't really matter if I believe him or not, does it? Still, it makes great writing material…

"That's… oddly logical," Nathan admitted, smiling while he considered the details. "And actually makes a lot of sense. I would have never thought of the story like that."

Alton laughed and shook his head. "Oh, I'm sure you would have. You're very creative, Nathan, and clever. I have no doubt that if, for some reason, you ever decided to use me as a protagonist in one of your stories, you would conjure up something very similar." The doorbell chimed from downstairs, and the shopkeeper looked out the window. "Oh good; he went to the back door like he was supposed to. Nathan, would you mind answering the door while I get some plates? Just turn right instead of left when you exit the stairwell: the back door is for my apartment."

"Good to know." Nathan had no problems hopping up to answer the door, casting a quick glance at the other man before he left. Alton seemed almost giddy as he headed towards the kitchen, a little too excited, but then again Nathan was too. A little. Somehow, he just knew that this impromptu meeting with Avery was going to be interesting…

When he answered the door, Nathan was surprised to see the teen carrying not just two carryout bags, but also a bouquet of white and yellow roses, and raised an eyebrow in confusion. Avery smiled awkwardly, looking at the flowers. "Um… they were sitting on the steps, so I thought I'd bring them in," he said with an uneasy chuckle. "I tell you what, Mr. Sterling makes some odd requests."

"What kind of requests?" Nathan asked, ushering him inside. "When he called, he ordered in Chinese, so…"

"Apparently, he asked for me specifically, and wants me to stay for lunch. When they told him I had another hour left to my shift, he more or less bribed them to let me leave early: he's paying double my remaining wages so I can stay."

"That… is weird." Nathan knew why, but thought it best not to mention. At least not yet. "Well, since we'll be having lunch together again, I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Nathan. I'd shake your hand, but…"

Avery nodded in understanding, laughing. "Could you take something instead?"

Nathan took the flowers from him and led him back upstairs. They were greeted by a loud meow from Adonis, who wasted no time rubbing up against Avery's legs. Alton had just finished setting three plates out on the table when he spotted them, eyes immediately falling on the bouquet. "Roses! Where did those come from?"

"They were on your back doorstep," Avery told him while Nathan passed them over. "The card has your name on it."

"I bet I know who sent them." The bookseller buried his nose in the flowers. "Only one person would send me white roses." He went back into the kitchen to get a vase for them, and Nathan took one of the two bags from Avery and began unpacking the food.

A few minutes later the paper boxes were empty, the plates filled, and the three men seated to enjoy the meal. The roses sat in the middle of the table between them, and Alton couldn't stop looking at them with a smile. Nathan couldn't stop watching Alton, wondering if there was anything that they were supposed to do to make Avery's powers show up. Avery just devoured his food.

"So," Alton said, stirring the noodles on his plate with his chopsticks, sending that disturbing smile Nathan was becoming familiar with Avery's way. "I bet you're wondering why I wanted you to stay for lunch, aren't you?"

"Hmm?" The teen looked up, a half-eaten dumpling hanging from his mouth. He scrambled to finish swallowing it before he answered Alton. "Actually, I was more curious to know how you knew my favorite dish, but yeah, that too."

The older man smirked. "I know many things about you, Avery." Nathan watched uncomfortably as Alton slid his hand onto the teen's knee. "I wanted you to stay so I could get to know you better…"

"Whoa! What the fuck, man?!" Avery pushed his hand away and pushed out the chair, knocking it over as he stumbled back. "What the hell's wrong with you?!"

Nathan was standing almost as quickly, wondering the same thing, but Alton recoiled, remaining seated, clutching his arm. When he turned back around there was a devious glint in his eyes, and he held up his hand to reveal why. "Avarice. I had a suspicion that this would be your gift."

His entire hand, from the tips of his fingers and almost to his elbow, had turned to smooth, glistening, solid gold. By the look on his face, it wasn't an entirely pleasant experience either. Avery stared at him in confusion and fear as Alton grimaced, touching the metal limb with his other hand, the gold fading away as if it was being absorbed into his skin. The shopkeeper sighed, flexing his fingers before he turned to address the teen. "In the future, you'll want to be more careful with what you change with your touch."

Avery promptly fainted.

"Well," Nathan said, glancing back and forth between the unconscious waiter and Alton. "Mind explaining to me what just happened? I tend to agree with him: what the hell?"

"It was a guess, but I figured that his powers would likely manifest under duress," Alton admitted, straightening his glasses. "The rumor that I have an unhealthy crush on him seemed the perfect thing to exploit to make him upset, and I was right."

"Huh." Nathan looked down at Avery for a long time. He definitely upset him. "So, about that rumor…"

"Even if it had any truth, as you can see…" Alton gestured towards the roses. "I'm already seeing someone." He sighed, resting his chin in his hand. "The question now is do we rouse him or let him wake up on his own. I didn't mean to startle him this badly, but if we wait there's the chance that Micah might show up, and, well…"

He'll probably try to kill him. Yeah, that would be bad. But if we wake Avery now he'll probably panic and turn something else to gold, and that seemed painful. I don't want part of my body suddenly becoming cold metal, and I'm pretty sure Alton wouldn't like to do it again.

What should we do?
The votes were unanimous this week: believe Alton. I guess it was a rather ridiculous choice, wasn't it? Because of my current job situation, I'm a little late with the upload. I have a feeling Monday will be the new day, but we'll see how things go.

So, Avery's powers finally manifest! Should they wait on waking him or not?

THE CHOICE HAS BEEN MADE: Read Part 19 to see his decision!


ON TO PART 19 >>>

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crazyBookworm013's avatar
you never sieze to surprise me