
Chapter 11 Naruhina Right One.

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Chapter 11: Naruhina: The Right One

Naruto had turned around an walked away from the training field holding Sakura's hand. He only wanted to feel comfort for a moment he was upset but wouldn't admit it to himself. He dropped Sakura off at her house and told her that he would be back in half hour to pick her up he just had to change and shower. When he got to his apartment he turned on the shower and let the water run till it got hot he got out of his training clothes and jumped in. Naruto had been going to tell Sakura that he could not go on a date with her because he wanted to stay and talk to Hinata. But when he had glanced on the training field to see Hinata, Kuin had his arms wrapped tightly around her and he wasn't letting go Naruto saw a light blush on Hinata's features and that was it he decided to keep his date with Sakura. After all he had liked Sakura for years nothing had changed nothing was different . Besides Kuin would be a lot better for Hinata what did Naruto have to give her she was the heiress to the Hyuga clan . Naruto got out of the shower and rubbed his blonde hair with a towel he put on some black dress slacks and a white polo shirt with a little orange fox embroidered on the left hand side. He looked in the mirror and thought he even looked like a movie star a little himself he looked good. Naruto grabbed his Gama-chan wallet off his dresser tucked it in his back pocket and went to go get Sakura. He told himself that he was going to try not to think of Hinata while he was on his date.

Hinata had been crushed when she saw Naruto walk away holding Sakura's hand it was what she had been afraid of happening. But then she had been so happy when everyone had come to do her punishment exercises with her they all actually had a really good time out in the middle of the training field and some of the villagers had stayed and watched . When they had finished everyone tried to convince Hinata to go out for a night  in Konoha there was a local band playing down at the park and they promised to be good. Hinata how ever had declined saying she was tried and wanted to head home. She thanked everyone for training with her.
" Would it be okay if I still went Hinata?" Kuin asked her
" Of course it would be okay if you went you don't have to ask me Kuin." Hinata responded
" I just don't want you to think that I don't care about you. I just kind of want to see the band to."
" It is fine Kuin we are good friends of course I know you care about me go and have fun."
" Are you sure that you are going to be okay Hinata?"
" Yes Kuin don't worry about me I am fine try to enjoy your stay here at the village."
" Alright I am going then."
Kuin walked up to Neji and Tenten to follow them to the park with in seconds Ino and another girl Hinata had never meet had attached themselves to Kuin's side but that didn't brother Hinata at all.

Hinata turned around and started to head in the direction of the Hyuga compound. She thought to herself how emotional the last two days had been, filled with highs and lows she would treasure that night though when it was her and Naruto alone. Hinata noticed Kiba, Akamaru, and Shino walking towards heading in the direction of the park she really hoped that was were they were going and that they didn't have a mission for the team right now.
" Hey Hinata you are not going to the park?" Kiba asked
" No"
Akamaru went to Hinata's side and nuzzled his head against her no matter what her mood was Hinata would always be happy to pet Akamaru she smiled at the dog that was her friend to.
Shino "Yeah we figured as much."
Kiba elbowed her " That's why we came to tell you what we over heard Naruto saying ."
" Naruto's not why I am upset."
A little blush crept up on to her face
Kiba " That may pass with everyone else but not us we know you to well."
" What did you hear him say?"
She asked shyly
" Just that he had to talk to you about something but then he took off and didn't say what."  Shino told her
" Thank you for telling me and going out of your way to wait till everyone else left to do so have fun at the park guys."

Naruto for once was a little early he got to Sakura's door and knocked she came almost right out he could hear Sakura's mom telling her to have fun and not do anything inappropriate on her date. Sakura had on a cranberry colored one shoulder top with a light pink skirt and some pale pink heels she had a green head band in her hair.
" You look nice Sakura."
" Yeah Naruto you to lets go."
Sakura looked really pretty but it didn't seem to matter to Naruto. Naruto looked devastatingly handsome but it didn't seem to matter to Sakura.
" So that training we saw tonight was certainly something?"
" I guess."
Naruto had his hands in his pockets and just shrugged his shoulders. If she kept talking about the training he was going to have an even harder time not thinking about Hinata.
" Lets not talk about that let's talk about something else."
" How come Naruto?"
" I just don't want to that is all."
" Your acting odd again Naruto."
" Look we are here."
Naruto ushered Sakura into the tea house and they sat down at a table. It was quiet for a minute or so and the waitress came over and took their order.
" Thanks for bringing me here Naruto."
" No problem Sakura."
" So what do you think everyone else is doing you think they went to go see that band?"
For some one who spent most of his time not keeping his mouth shut he sure wasn't talking that much and Sakura had this nagging feeling like she was being a bad friend.
" Who knows but I bet Hinata is probably out some where with Kuin not that I care because I finally got you to go out with me."
Naruto pushed a fake smile onto his face. That response was enough Sakura had know she was being selfish because she was acting like a complete girl who was afraid to be alone. She had been wondering if Naruto was seriously falling for Hinata for awhile but she hadn't been sure now she knew that Naruto had finally fall in love. Did he know thought she wondered. Sakura smiled and giggled a little.
" You mind telling me what you think is so funny Sakura."
" Just me and you on a date it is never going to work Naruto we are both better off has team mates and friends best friends."
" Geeh thanks a lot Sakura."
" See but you feel the same way because you didn't even try to deny it Naruto. Lets not say this is a date anymore lets just say we are eating dinner like normal when we go to the ramen stand okay?"
" Yeah but why Sakura I don't understand you are the one who wanted this date?"
Sakura put her head down.
" I was afraid things would change Naruto If I had to share you with another girl. I know part of you feels obligated to look after me cause he's not here anymore. An I am scared what if I am alone for the rest of my life. You're the closest person to me and it seemed that if it couldn't be him then it had to be you but I was wrong I am sorry."
A single tear escaped Sakura's eyes
" No way is that going to happen Sakura you are and astounding person. I am not mad at you for still loving Sasuke you know I kind of understand it . An it really doesn't matter to me that I am second to him in your eyes anymore because I have always been number one to someone else but I was to dumb to see it."
Naruto sounded genuine and happy again.
" Besides you did get me to eat somewhere besides the ramen stand."
They both had to laugh at that.
" You better be good to her Naruto. Hinata has the kindest heart out of all of us and if you slip up I will be right there to beat you."
The waitress came over and gave them their food.
" As it is I feel like I should apologize to Hinata for this  date-non date she is probably a little mad at me and I can completely understand why. I feel so stupid."
" It doesn't matter Sakura."
" What doesn't matter Naruto?"
" Hinata is never going to be with me when she can have someone like Kuin what do I have to offer her. I was and idiot for two whole years she told me she loved me that day in the fight with Pain and I avoided her. I didn't know what to say or do or how to act. I didn't want to hurt her cause I still liked you Sakura or I thought I did anyway. An to be honest I didn't know if I knew how to love if I was capable of feeling that way. No had ever or has ever said that they loved me besides Hinata. It meant a lot but I wasn't in love with her. I couldn't tell her that I didn't love her  though either sometimes when we were all in large groups are eyes would meet and I could feel this intense feeling between us but I would just look away. Hinata never sought me out she never expected anything in return. She almost died for me Sakura she put her life on the line just to have a small chance of saving mine. I may not be here right now if it wasn't for her. I have always respected Hinata and how hard she works. In some ways we are so similar in other ways we are so different. I now know that I love Hinata for all the good it is going to do me. I have Kuin to thank for that the minute he showed up I realized I could loose her. I feel like I have and it is my own fault because I am in the biggest knuckle head in the world."
Naruto looked so defeated and down. Sakura smacked him right across the face. Naruto lifted his head up to look at her.
" Would you snap out of it. Naruto we have been through a lot together over the years. An never once have you acted like this. The Naruto I know would not give up this easily, The Naruto I know would never back down or think that way about himself. An I bet you are wrong I am sure Hinata still cares for you. So you better do something about it and tell her how you feel. I hope one day I get to be someone's Hinata."
Naruto rubbed his face
" Thank you Sakura I needed that. Lets finish this meal."
" Okay Naruto, you know this is the first actually date I have ever been on and I have to say it went really well. We both realized that we don't like each other and that we are both in love with some one else."
They laughed together at this.

A few tables down was Kakashi he was hidden from there view and was sitting at a table alone reading one of The Icha Icha  novels. He smiled to himself so that was why Naruto had been acting weird he had finally fallen in love and with Hinata Hyuga. Kakashi thought that was a good choice for him. Sakura of course was still in love with Sasuke that was a good thing Sasuke was going to need someone to love him when he came back to the village. Kakashi knew that Sasuke would return soon. He had always looked out for his students the best he could and for a time he wasn't sure that team 7 was going to ever be okay but now it seemed things were going to work themselves out. They were all going to be interesting to watch.

Hinata had gotten back to the Hyuga compound and started the shower part of her wanted to sneak out to get some more training in but she had decided she was actually very tried and she really needed rest. Tomorrow she had plans to make herself train even harder then usually. Hinata stripped down out of her training outfit and waited till she got in the shower to cry she didn't want anyone on the Hyuga compound to hear how sad she was especially her father. Hinata had no clue what to do about Naruto and Sakura being together. What had Naruto wanted to talk to her about it most not have been important she knew Naruto well enough to know that if it was important he would have found a way to tell her. Sakura was Hinata's friend after all even if they weren't really close.  Part of Hinata was mad at her for going on a date with Naruto she was pretty sure Sakura was aware of how she felt  about him. Hinata wondered how Sakura would react if she ever tried to go on a date with Sasuke if he ever came back. She didn't like to think this way though she would never do that and thinking like that made her feel petty and small. Hinata sighed as a picture of Naruto's face came to the fore front of her mind she couldn't help it she still thought he was one of the best people she knew. Hinata was sure that after tonight she would have to endure seeing Naruto and Sakura together as a couple she didn't know if she could be that strong everyday to not cry until she was alone. Part of her thought that her friends being happy should be enough at least they had both found some one but Naruto was Hinata's someone she just knew that he was the right one for her. No matter how hard Hinata tried she knew that she would always love Naruto. There was  of course Kuin waiting in the wings to scoop Hinata up if she ever gave him permission to do so he was very attractive they got along great together all the time. The only thing was Kuin didn't make Hinata feel like her heart was on fire. No she wasn't ready to completely forget about Naruto yet. However Hinata didn't see what she could do about it so she decided that for a little while till she felt she could face Naruto and Sakura she was going to avoid them at least for the time being. Hinata was still crying when she got out of the shower and put on her pajamas and got into bed. She was going to throw every ounce of her into the training so she would keep from thinking about it a tear slid off the tip of her nose. She rubbed her eyes just has her door opened.

A part of Hinata wished it were Naruto but it wasn't Hanabi was standing ion her door way.
" Hinata can I come in?"
Hinata smiled at her little sister " You already are. Are you okay Hanabi?"
" I had a really bad dream Hinata could I come lay with you?"
" Of course."
Hinata had a large bed so she scooted over and let her little sister lay down next to her. Hanabi sometimes did this when she had a bad dream . It had been along time though since she had come to Hinata's room.
" What did you have a bad dream about?"
Hinata was tucking Hanabi's hair behind her ear and thinking she really did look so much more like their father.
" There was a women in my dream Hinata and she looked almost exactly like you expect she was older. I was just a baby in my dream and she was holding me singing while tears rolled down her face she was so sad. It was almost like I could feel all of her sadness. The next thing I know I was still a baby but I was looking down at the woman and she was dead. It was really scary Hinata she looked so much like you I couldn't believe it and when I woke up I felt strange."
" Hmmmm Hanabi maybe you had a dream about our mother."
" That would make sense and it makes it a little less scary but it was sad. She was beautiful though."
"Yes Hanabi our mother was beautiful."
" Do you think that if she was here that she would like me Hinata?"
" No she would love you Hanabi and she does she is looking out for us."
Hinata noticed tears starting to from in Hanabi's eyes she almost never cried.
" I will tell you what when you are older I will show you a jutsu only the Hyuga woman know it is a tradition passed down from our earliest relatives and I can prove it. I just found it myself and I know our mother knew this jutsu but it is a secret for now and even when I do show you how to use it you will have to be a little older."
Hanabi sit up
"What Hinata you learnt another new jutsu how am I suppose to catch up to you now I know father thinks I am stronger but you know so much he doesn't know about."
" You will be just as strong as long as you try your hardest and never give up."
" Hinata were you okay today I thought you looked a little sad at the end of the training."
" I was and am fine Hanabi don't worry about me now try to get some sleep we will  have to have you back in your bed before checks on you in the morning."
" Okay Hinata."
Hanabi feel asleep immediately. Hinata laid awake hoping that her younger sister would have better luck when in it came to love then she did. Avoiding both Naruto and Sakura was going to be a little changeling. Hinata did not have to avoid Naruto in her dreams though. A picture of Naruto walking out on to the training field that night smiling at her with the moon glowing in his eyes came to her mind and she fell asleep. If she couldn't be with Naruto in real life at least she could dream of the right one.
Okay so Naruto finally realized he loves Hinata now he just has to tell her. In the mean time Hinata thinks that all hope is gone but it is not. I hope that everyone likes this chapter and as always thank you for reading. All feed back is welcome.

All the Characters belong to Kishimoto.

Ukia and Kuin are mine

Chapter 1 [link]
Chapter 2 [link]
Chapter 3 [link]
Chapter 4 [link]
Chapter 5 [link]
Chapter 6 [link]
Chapter 7 [link]
Chapter 8 [link]
Chapter 9 [link]
Chapter 10 [link]

Chapter 12 [link]
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shariemaire12's avatar
uhm..:giggle::love: finally i'm back^^ i finally found it again^^