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Literature Text

Title: Princess
Author: QueenofFerelden
Game: Dragon Age Origins
Characters/Pairing: m!CouslandxLeliana, hints of AlistairxOC, Eamon
Disclaimer: Dragon Age and all its characters belongs to BioWare. I'm just having fun with them.

"She's even prettier than I thought."

Seth chuckled at Leliana's admission, his arm tightening around the bard's waist. "I told you she's gorgeous."

She shot him a warning look as she pointed out, "You also said your tastes run more towards redhead bards than brunette princesses."

"I did. For a woman who's been reassured I'm not letting her go multiple times in the past few days, you're sounding awful jealous, Lel."

"Maybe I'm just worried I'll have to share you again." The words were nearly whispered, Leliana's eyes focused on the floor as she mumbled them.

Seth chuckled. "Is that what you're worried about? Leli..." He pulled her closer and rested his forehead against hers, making her look at him. "Aside from the fact Alistair would kill me if I tried anything with Roxane, I promised to never do that to you again."

She smiled. "You really think Alistair would kill you?"

He nodded. "Maker, yes. That man is halfway in love already, and the Nevarrans have only been here a couple days."

"Probably why she came with them," Leliana laughed. "It's far easier to work womanly charms in person."

"Is that experience I hear talking?" Seth whispered in her ear.

"Careful, now you sound jealous, ser Cousland," she giggled.

He kissed her cheek, running his thumb along her jaw. "Maybe just a little. I'm still madly in love with you, don't worry."

"Good. I was getting concerned, no?" Leliana smiled at him before curling one hand around the back of his neck and tugging him down for a real kiss.


A day of politics and various others tasks pulled the two of them apart after only a few more minutes together, Seth brushing a kiss against the back of Leliana's hand as he promised to sneak away that night.

Most of the talks and deal-making were, of course, with the Nevarrans. Seth knew he couldn't be the only one to notice the glaring absence of both the Nevarran princess and the Fereldan king, but none of them mentioned it. As far as Seth was concerned, it was probably a good thing. Provided they'd skipped to be together. He'd have to ask Alistair later. If his friend had found a woman as willing to occasionally break the rules as he was, who enjoyed his sense of humor, and was nobility to boot... The Maker couldn't have arranged things better himself. The fact she was one of the most gorgeous women he'd ever seen didn't hurt either.

The trade agreements were worked out with only minimal difficulty, the two nations' shared dislike of Orlais helping in that respect, though Seth did decide he probably wouldn't be introducing Leliana to the delegate. The constant disputes over territory had the Nevarran wary of anyone Orlesian, not that Seth could blame him. Once the agreements were ironed out to an acceptable point, he excused himself and went to find Alistair. A number of occassions stealing a moment with Leliana left him well-versed in all the places such moments could be stolen.

I'd lay a sovereign they went to the gardens. He grinned and headed that direction.


Seth's guess received another level of certainty when he passed Roxane not far from the garden gate. He fought back a smirk at the surprised look that flickered in the princess' eyes before she nodded a greeting.

"Chancellor," she mumured, the lightest of blushes coloring her cheeks to match her pale pink gown.

"Your Highness," Seth replied. "I trust you're enjoying your stay so far?"

His question set her blush both darker and higher on her cheeks. "I am, thank you, Chancellor."

"Glad to hear it, Princess." He smiled. That is a woman falling in love, or I'm an Orlesian dandy. "I wonder, have you seen Alistair? I've yet to see him today, and that's rather unusual."

Her blush crept down her neck as well, her fingers rising to brush the white rose tucked in her intricate bun. "I--I believe I saw him in the garden, Chancellor. Before you go in search of him, however, a question: what..." she hesitated, seeming unsure of herself. "What kind of man would you say he is?"

"A very good one," Seth replied with a chuckle. "Honest, honorable, and willing to put the needs of his nation well before his own."

Roxane smiled. "You must know him very well to be able to answer so quickly."

"I would consider him my best friend, Highness. We spent a year fighting the Blight together; you learn a person's true character rather quickly under such circumstances."

"Yes, I suppose you would," she replied with a quiet laugh. "Good day, Chancellor."

"Princess." He lowered his head in an abbreviated bow before continuing to the garden.


"So, how goes it, Your Majesty?" Seth teased when he found his friend.

"How goes what, exactly?" Alistair asked, an expression of pretended innocence quickly fading into a grin.

"You know what, Alistair. She madly in love with you yet?"

"I dunno if I'd go as far as 'madly' yet, but I'm pretty sure there's something there."

"Good." Seth sat down next to him. "That rose she had in her hair wouldn't happen to be from you, would it?"

The brilliant shade of red Alistair turned was answer enough. "Seemed like a good idea."

"Oh, I think it was, my friend. If I'm any judge, that woman is falling hard for you. She wouldn't have asked what kind of man you are if she wasn't," Seth chuckled at the mildly alarmed expression that flashed across Alistair's face. "Relax, I didn't tell her anything bad. I'm saving that for later. When she knows you better and will accept it as part of your charm."

"Hey, now..." Alistair protested. "Did I do anything like that to you and Leliana?"

"Oh, I seem to remember you teasing her about ogling at least once," Seth grinned. "If memory serves, pulling hair and passing love letters were also mentioned."

"That was different and you know it," Alistair grumbled. "Y'know, I should probably find Eamon, return to my kingly duties." The expression of distaste on his face made Seth laugh.

"You probably should, Your Majesty, considering I worked out the trade agreement with the Nevarrans single-handedly," he pointed out. "You owe me now, you know that, right?"

"Do not; it's part of your job to handle things like that." Alistair stood to head back inside the palace.

"You're king, it's kind of expected that you'll be there for things as important as trade agreements," Seth reminded him. "You owe me for covering for you in that respect, if nothing else."

"Alright, alright, you have me there," Alistair admitted, rubbing the back of his neck as the two men walked back toward the palace and their responsibilities.


Eamon wasn't happy. About either Alistair's absence from the discussion about the trade agreement or the young king's interest in pursuing the Nevarran princess as a future queen. "Your Majesty, with respect, the Nevarrans are quite different from us in their customs and traditions. I'm not sure how well such a match would go over with the nobility."

"Eamon, aside from the fact I honestly like her, she's a princess, it would be another tie--politically, I mean--with Nevarra, and aren't you the one who told me I need to marry and we need allies?" Alistair demanded, leaning forward across the desk to glare at his advisor.

"Yes, but our alliance with the Nevarrans is secure enough thanks to the trade agreement. If you wish to secure an alliance through marriage, there are other nations from which to choose a queen." Eamon met Alistair's gaze with a disapproving frown of his own.

Alistair glanced over at Seth, who simply smirked and leaned against the wall. Let him have it, Alistair. You're handling yourself just fine without my help.

The king looked back at his advisor. "Maybe you would be so kind as to tell me which nation you had in mind, Eamon? Orlais, perhaps?" Alistair's eyes narrowed as he stared the man down.

The surprise that flashed through Eamon's eyes widened Seth's smirk until it felt too wide for his face. Didn't think anyone knew, did you? He didn't voice the words, wanting to let Alistair handle this himself, but the memory of the letters he'd found at Ostagar pushed his enjoyment of Eamon's speechless state to nearly obscene levels.

"I rather think Empress Celene would be even harder for the nobility to stomach as queen than R--Princess Roxane," Alistair pressed. "Don't you?"

"Perhaps," Eamon admitted reluctantly. "But our alliance with the Nevarrans is already secure, and there are differences--"

"None of which are horrible enough to make her a worse choice than Empress Celene," Alistair interrupted. "I want to court this woman, Eamon. I'm not asking your bloody permission." He straightened and walked from the room without another word.


"So, how did the day treat you, my love?" Leliana followed the words with a kiss on the cheek, hardly waiting for Seth to shut the door behind him before starting in on his buttons.

"Treaties, covering for a love-struck friend, and watching Alistair talk Eamon into the idea of a Nevarran queen. He wouldn't shut up until Alistair asked if he thought Empress Celene would be a better choice." A wry grin twisted Seth's lips as he shrugged free of his shirt. "I don't think I've ever seen anyone render Eamon completely speechless like that before. It was actually quite funny."

Leliana giggled and tugged him toward the bed. "So, it would appear you were right about Alistair and Roxane, no?"

"Oh, I definitely think Alistair wants her. And if the way Her Royal Highness blushed when I just mentioned him is any indication, she's interested, too."

"Excellent. He needed to find someone who make him as happy as you make me," the bard murmured as Seth sat on the bed and pulled her into his lap. She tilted her chin up for a kiss, a small moan of pleasure humming in her throat when he deepened it and slipped his hands into her hair. She cuddled close to his chest when they finally broke the kiss, sitting in silence for a long moment before whispering, "Seth?"

"Yes, love?" He shifted position to better wrap his arm around her.

"Are you happy with me?"

He frowned in confusion. "Am I... what?! Of course I am, Lel. You're amazing, and gorgeous, and I love you." He pulled back enough to meet her eyes. "I'm blissfully, incoherently happy with you. I promise."

"Even though I'm not a princess?" Her eyes were dancing with an impish light as she asked,  lending a playful air that made the question less serious.

Seth smiled and kissed her forehead. "You are to me."

She giggled. "I'll be sure to mention your honeyed tongue in my next ballad, my love."

"You do that," he replied with a low chuckle as he pushed away from the wall to lower her to the pillows with another kiss, grinning down at her. "Allow me to inspire you further."

"By all means, inspire away," she whispered, hands wandering softly up his arms.

And he did.
Lo and behold, Seli fluff!! And hardened!Alistair being all awesome(I felt like I owed him after Let Go). Man, I've missed these two. Written in about five hours this morning, cuz I felt like it. :giggle: And cuz Seth's gotten bumped a couple times recently, for both Worth Celebrating and Let Go. He got tired of waiting.

I have to say I just really, really love Roxane, and the way Alistair went all RAEG(well, not really, but sorta) on Eamon. fangirl moment!!

Leliana, Alistair, and Eamon belong to BioWare

Seth, Roxane, and the unnamed Nevarran delegate belong to me. :)
© 2011 - 2024 queen-scribbles
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Leonar-Cousland's avatar
Is there going to be another one? I quite enjoyed this.