
Dramione: Hermione+Draco pt.4

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Dramione: Hermione + Draco

         The Untold Story



Once again the Great Hall was bustling with students. This time though it was for dinner. For the second time that day Hermione found it hard to concentrate on eating when her head was filled with so many other things. She was waiting for a certain Slytherin to get up from their table and leave so Hermione could hurry up and get this whole mess behind her. Thinking back on it Hermione wasn’t completely sure as to how Melanie had even known that Malfoy got up at a certain time every night and left dinner early. She wondered how Melanie had noticed and why she was paying attention. She made a mental note to ask her later.

“So Hermione you gonna tell us where you were during Herbology.” Ron was looking at her waiting for an explanation.

“You skipped Herbology? You never skip classes, at least not unless your with us”, Harry chimed in looking astounded, but amused at his friend.

Hermione wasn’t quite sure as how to answer. She didn’t want to tell them about Alissa and her breakdown but she felt bad lying to her friends as well.

“There was a problem in the girls bathroom. I just helped out is all”, she answered being careful not to lie but not tell the whole truth at the same time.

“Anything interesting”, Ron questioned, obviously hoping for some juicy news.

‘Yeah, something interesting all right’, Hermione thought. Instead, she sad, “No.” The two boys, disappointed, went back to stuffing their faces with as much food as possible while Hermione went back to watching the Slytherin. She gasped when she saw he was not in his usual spot and quickly scanned the room looking for him.

She spotted him quickly heading out of the Great Dining Hall and she stood up suddenly and started after him as he slipped out the doors practically unnoticed. Both Harry and Ron looked at her questioningly but she didn’t stop to give an explanation as she hurried out of the doors, hoping no one would notice that she and Draco had left practically at the same time. When she was outside in the hallway she spotted him making his was for the Slytherin Common Room and quietly she followed him. Yes, she wanted to help Alissa and talk to him but at the same time she couldn’t help but wonder why he left so early everyday. As they approached the Common Room Hermione heard him say the secret password and then there was silence. She glanced around the corner to see no one there and wondered what he could possibly be doing inside. She decided to find out and do what was normally not allowed.

Quietly she repeated the secret password and was grateful when the door opened silently. She stepped inside hoping that Malfoy had gone up to his room. It was dark inside like he hadn’t turned on any lights and Hermione only had a second to wonder why before the portrait slammed closed behind her, every light flickered on illuminating the room, and a wand was pointed at her head.

“Granger”, Malfoy sneered lowering his wand slightly. “For a know- it- all I am surprised that your sleuthing skills aren’t a bit better. This would be the second time you were caught snooping around today, wouldn’t it?” His voice was cold and Hermione could tell he was enjoying having her at his mercy. “What are you doing here in MY common room?”

            Hermione swallowed and answered,

“It’s a peaceful visit Malfoy. I just want to talk.” Draco laughed as if this were the funniest thing ever but didn’t lower his wand.

“And why exactly do you expect me to believe that when you sneakily followed me hear form the dining hall.”

“It was the only time I knew you would be alone”, Hermione answered simply. Wishing that for once she could reach his brain through that thick skull. “It’s about someone from your house. They wanted me to talk to you for them. I kind of have a message. From Alissa.” Hermione saw him squint but he lowered his wand until it was by his side.

“And you swear you aren’t lying”, he question, still suspicious.

“I swear.” Draco pointed to a couch next to a gray stone fireplace that breathed with green fire. Hermione assumed that she was now allowed to sit and made her way to it. She sat at one end and Draco surprisingly sat next to her, not too close though. Hermione swallowed down her worries and decided to get on with the story.

“Alissa wanted to tell me that she is sorry. She didn’t mean to embarrass you today in front of your house. She said that she just had to say what was on her mind. She is really upset and thought that you wouldn’t want to ever see her again so she sent me. I just met her in the bathroom earlier today and she had been crying a lot. She said people were laughing at her because they thought she was stupid for liking you. But yeah, she just wants you to know that she’s sorry.”

“Is that it”, is all that the blond replied looking at Hermione, expressionless. Hermione felt a wave of anger overtake her.

“Yeah technically that is all she wanted to tell me but personally I have absolutely no idea why she is the one who is sorry. People re laughing at her and you didn’t even say anything. She likes you so much and you did nothing as she was publically embarrassed and yet she is still too busy worrying about you to even think of herself.” She glared at him only to find him staring back at her. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked into those startling eyes.

“Sorry if I was a bit shocked myself, Granger”, he sneered. “She ran out before I could say anything anyway. I planned on..speaking with her tonight anyway so your little visit was really unneeded.”

“Oh.”  Hermione looked around the room unsure of how to continue and noticed that there were books laid out on a desk in the corner along with papers and quills. “Are you doing homework”, she asked not being able to hide her surprise.

Draco stood up. “You aren’t the only one is smart in the world, you know.”

Hermione blushed he stood by the desk pushing up his sleeves. She blushed harder when she saw the veins in his forearm move as he did this. ‘He looks so good’ , she thought, mentally slapping herself immediately after. It was like he was trying but not trying at the same time while he was causally leaning on the desk one long leg crossed over the other. His arms were folded, the rich, pale skin on his forearm exposed. His hair was slightly messy from the work of the day but it still looked good. Hermione snapped back to Earth when he started walking back towards her.

“So we gonna chit chat or are you gonna get out of my Common Room?” Hermione felt slightly dizzy as his sweet natural good smell washed over her. Her head hurt just knowing that she had even noticed these things about him but she stood up quickly to leave. Bad idea. Immediately she lost balance and her knees buckled pulling her to the ground. Draco didn’t catch her as she had fallen away from him. He knelt beside her and sat her up, but she leaned heavily on him awkwardly.

“Good grief Granger, what is wrong with you”, he asked snappily. Hermione realized she hadn’t exactly eaten at either of her meals. Another wave of his smell washed over her and she smiled slightly.

“You smell good”, she said softly, as she slipped into unconsciousness.





Draco was scribbling away on parchment when he heard shuffling on the couch. He turned to see Hermione slowly opening her eyes. ‘Well it’s about time’, he thought. She had a confused look on her face.

“What happened”, she asked trying to focus on Draco.

“You passed out. That’s what happened.” She looked on the table beside her and saw some food laid out. She looked back at Draco. “Look Granger, I sent a message to Alissa asking her to leave class early and meet me so we could talk. Can you manage to make it out the door this time?” Hermione struggled to her feet, slowly this time. Draco walked over and put the food in her hands. “Take it with you, I have better stuff.” He walked her to the door as quickly as she could manage. Before the exited she asked,

“Do you like her back?”

“No”, Draco answered simply, waiting for her to leave. “Granger you have suggested that I was dumb, interfered with my personal life, and now passed out on the floor. I think we have spent enough time together for one night”, he said sarcastically looking at her. Hermione glared.

“Who don’t you like me. What have I ever done to you that you should hate me so much?”

“Oh please don’t act all innocent on me. I could very well ask you the same thing. You know that the only reason you don’t like me is because your stupid friends don’t. So don’t give me that load of bullcrap.”

“Well you haven’t exactly been that nice to me all these years either”, she snapped back angry because what he said was true.

“Oh really. I stop messing with you a long time ago Granger. Do you even remember the last time I called you a mudblood?” Truthfully Hermione couldn’t remember. “And besides the freaking war is over Hermione. Maybe I don’t think the same things I used to.”

“Well maybe you should tell someone that!”

“Well maybe you shouldn’t assume that someone can never change.” Hermione had been yelling all this time but Draco had not. Hermione wished he would have though because his words stung even worse. Hermione had stepped out the door by now.

“What are you saying”, she whispered.

“I’m saying that I don’t need you looking down on me because of who my family is, what I have done, who I was or who you think I am.”

“Are-are you saying you want to be friends”, she asked in shock.

“No. Leaving me alone would be fine enough”, he whispered coldly as he shut the door.



He walked back to the desk but before he could sit down, the portrait hole opened up once again. He almost cursed, thinking it was Hermione using the secret password again, but then he realized it was Alissa and he was faced with a whole new problem. She stood near the door shyly.  Finally she decided to walk in and sit on the couch, looking up at Draco. He watched her silently before sitting next to her, but again not too close. He didn’t want her to confuse what he was trying to say.

            “Alissa told me what you said.” Alissa nodded prompting him to go on. “And I don’t think you need to be sorry. You didn’t embarrass me. Trust me, I don’t get embarrassed easily. And I’m sorry that you cried bu-”

He was cut off as warm lips pressed against his and arms wrapped around his neck. He was pushed over and lying flat on his back. It took a moment to register that Alissa a girl he barely talked to was kissing him with all her might. She paused for a second, barely giving him enough time to breathe. ‘You could kill someone this way’, he thought.

“Algrm”, he mumbled through the kiss. She intertwined her legs with his pressing her body hard against his thin figure. His hands tried to gently push her away but she seemed to think he was trying to reach her chest and encouraged the action. ‘This isn’t working’, he thought frantically. He didn’t want to just throw her off but he didn’t want her to keep smothering him either.

She took one hand away from his neck and made a mad grab for his privates. His hand quickly flew to her wrist and his other hand pushed her shoulder away gently, separating their lips.

“Stop.” She looked at him confused for a moment before realizing that he might not have been going where she thought he was going with the conversation. She quickly clambered off of him and blushed furiously, looking like she wanted to melt into the chair.

You weren’t going to say you wanted to be with me were you”, the mumbled tears starting to once again prick at the corners of her eyes.

“No”, Draco said softly. Alissa grabbed her bag and raced to the girl dormatories not looking back.

Draco sighed. ‘Well that’s the second time I have broken her heart in the same day’, he thought.

Part three of the story and yes! i did do that hahahha! Anywho i do not own any of the characters except for Alissa who i made up. Donot worry next time something is heating up it will be actually be with hermione this time lol. comment please. thanks

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143PEACE's avatar
So good! and i just cant read it fast enough