
Raki Bio

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Name: Raki.
Full name: Ngurakin.

Age: Mid twenties, possible early thirties, when first introduced.

Gender: Male.

Eye color: Blue.

Fur color: Dark grey, bordering on melanistic.

Species: Dingo.

Clothing: Varying, as needed.
Uniform: Navy blue jacket and pants, worn tight to avoid catching on obstacles. Kevlar armor. Work boots and gloves. Cavalry style Stetson hat (see notes). Most of his gear displays an EUSAR (Echidnaopolis Urban Search And Rescue) emblem.
At home: Open vest, gloves, work boots, and any one of a variety of Stetsons (he seems to have a collection ^^;) and other types of hats... frequently another cavalry style Stetson.

Family: (All listed relatives are echidnas.)
Emi-Li (betrothed).
Keith (Emi-Li's brother) and Aki-Ko (Keith's wife, Raki's sister; deceased).
Komi-Ko (niece through Aki-Ko).
Remington (nephew through adoption by Keith).

Lives: Echidnaopolis.
Angel Zone, Floating/Angel Island.
Albion, ruined and rebuilt.

Primary Skill(s): Illusions, including those that fool all the senses.
Techno-magecraft. He can cast illusions that fool even machines.
Assorted spells, learned from books he has inherited or collected over the years.

Practical jokes.
He is especially fond of using his illusions to create mirror images for his targets to puzzle out, whether it's a simple reflection of the book they're trying to read, or trapping them within a funhouse style maze.
Only his intended targets perceive the illusions; everyone else is left wondering what's wrong with the target. He has used this to his advantage many times, even switching the target's property with real mirror images and casting an illusion of a normal item.

Personality: He likes children and animals, and will often use his spells to amuse them.
Often serious around adults, unless they are among the few he cares about.

While he does appreciate a good practical joke, even when he is the victim--the more thought that went into the joke, the better--his are only infrequently about friendly teasing.
They are more often a form of revenge against anyone he feels has done him or his loved ones an injustice.

He is unimpressed with people in positions of authority.
He feels that the authority, no matter how the position was gained, must earn respect, just the same as the commoner.
Raki has gained a reputation for disdain for authority, for the simple reason that a commoner is less likely to interpret his manner as disrespectful.
He has, as a result of this reputation, lately gained another reputation...for playing his practical jokes on as high of authorities as possible. Guardian Hawking found himself a frequent victim during the events of Bad Blood.

Bio: Hundreds of years ago, the war between echidnas and dingoes grew so destructive that Guardian Hawking had little choice but to divide the two peoples and send them away to different zones.
The Guardian's concern was for the welfare of the greater population, even though his decision proved troubling for some individuals.
Families were split apart, and even some of one species or another found themselves trapped among the other people.

One such dingo met a young echidna by the name of Jani-Ca.
The two worked together to protect one another, and the other foundlings they came across.
Years later, Jani-Ca even welcomed two ex-Legion technomages to the group, one of whom the dingo developed a mutual interest for.

The dingo and the ex-Legionnaire eventually became partners.
Raki, his sister Aki-Ko, and Aki-Ko's daughter Komi-Ko, are the latest descendents of that union.

Given much of the city's disdain for technology, the technomages found it necessary to learn other ways to apply their magics.
Among their efforts was the attempt to reunite the populace with pets and such domesticated animals as provided different services.
The ranch Raki owns in Echidnaopolis is one of many things he inherited from these ancestors; he has since built a new ranch in the Angel Zone, on the site of an older ancestor's own farm.
Raki and his entire bloodline have also inherited their curiosity about different forms of magic, and many of the books in his collection come from those studies.

Raki and his family raise Pasha on his ranch.
Here's Raki...the first one I wrote up a personality for!
I could probably just skim through other parts of the bios to add a "personality" entry for some of the other characters.... Or at least for Jani-Ca.

Anyway, his Stetsons:
I don't know who has or has not seen a Stetson, let alone the cavalry style, but any of the hats on Wikipedia would work for his "collection." As well as the one ~August-Stone gave him when she drew him as a gift. :D
And most of the ones sold here would do for either of his cavalry hats. (Heck, I want one of those myself!)
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queenmoreta's avatar
I wonder how things would unfold if Raki met my Dingo character Skeldon :). sounds like a very intriguing character, I was always rather fond of general Stryker so I do quite like to see other dingo characters.