
The Legend of Zelda - Snow White Ch. 5

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AnaLee94's avatar

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WARNING BEFORE READING: This fanfiction was originally written in Portuguese and was translated with a help of a Translator. Any errors, just forgive the writer. Nobody's perfect anyway...
I hope you enjoy reading ^^

Chapter - 5 - Knowing the village

Leaving the little house along with Zelda and Saria, Link walked to the village center, where a group of Kokiri children stroked a beautiful chestnut mare.

"This is Epona." Link said as he caressed the animal's mane gently. "She is my great companion! Say hello, Epona!"

The mare whinnied and shook her head, which meant "it's a pleasure to meet you" in horse language.

Zelda bowed, greeting the animal. "It's a great pleasure to meet you too, Epona. Certainly, you are a very polite girl!"

Epona whinnied in thanks for the compliment. Link watched the two excitedly. "I see you have a way with horses, Zelda. It seems that Epona likes you."

"Yes, I love horses." She replied as she gently stroked Epona's nose. "When I lived in the castle, my stepmother forced me to clean the stables almost always. What I liked most was washing the horses on hot days. They loved it!"

"Oh..." Link let out a soft sigh. He wondered how Zelda should have suffered in the years she lived with her stepmother.

But now that she was there, far away from the wicked queen, he was willing to help her forget all the suffering she had passed through most of her life. While she was there, he would do anything to make her feel at home.

He looked back at Zelda, who rubbed Epona gently. The mare whinnied with satisfaction.

"You two get along very well!" He said, "One of these days I'll take you for a ride with her through the forest."

Zelda looked at Link and smiled. "It would be really fun!" She replied.
He smiled at her again. After a few seconds, he said,

"Well .." Link paused to think, then continued, "You have met Epona. Now, I want to introduce to you my Kokiri friends. You already know Saria. That one over there is Mido, the Kokiri chief of the Kokiri children and the grumpiest of all."

"Humph!" Mido grunted and shrugged, as he always did when someone was talking something about his ill-humor.

"I know," Zelda spoke calmly. "He didn't receive me very well when I got here."

Link let out a slight laugh. "Yes, I understand. The same thing happened to me. But he has a good heart. He just doesn't like to show it to others."  He cleared his throat. "Well, continuing... That little girl over there is Fado, Saria's best friend." Link pointed toward a blond girl, who greeted Zelda kindly.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Fado!" Zelda smiled at the girl. Link continued.

"Those are the twins Kayla and Mayla and those are the three Know-it-all Brothers: Riduki, Daru, and Kido."

All Kokiri, except for Mido, greeted the princess with politeness.

"It's a great pleasure to meet you all!" Zelda said, greeting the children. "I hope we can be good friends from now on."

Link smiled at Zelda being welcomed by his Kokiri friends. The only one that didn't care was Mido, but this attitude coming from him was normal.

"Well, now that everyone knows each other, I want to show you our village. Follow me." Link said, gently taking Zelda's hand.

They strolled through the small village and Link was showing everything to Zelda. He showed the house of the twins, the Know-It-All Brothers, and also Fado's house, but Mido at first did not let the princess visit his home. But with the insistence of his friends, he had no choice but to present his home to the princess, against his will. Until after a walk around the small village, Link stopped in front of a simple house with a ladder that led to the door.

"And this is my home." He spoke with enthusiasm.  "Would you like to know it inside?"

The princess smiled shyly. "I'd love it."

With a smile, Link looked back at her and said, "So, ladies first."He gave space for Zelda to climb the stairs. She climbed up the stairs carefully, to avoid slipping. Link looked at her with fear.

"Want some help?" He offered kindly.

"There's no need! I'm fine!" She replied.

Link climbed the stairs after her. When they got up there, he opened the door for the princess to enter first. As she entered, she was surprised by the size of the house. It was the biggest of all in the village. There were even some stairs that led to the basement and another one that rose to the highest window. The second floor had a bed made of wood from the forest and on the floor below, there was a small fireplace and a table. It was a very simple house, but at the same time, very comfortable.

"Wow!" She exclaimed, looking around. "Not bad."

Link smiled.

"It's... Not too fancy, but very comfortable. Saria and the others helped me build it. In the beginning, it was not so big, but as I was growing up, there was a need to expand it. The Kokiri don't grow up, so their houses are very small. But as I am not a Kokiri, I had to expand the house so I could continue to live here." He said, excited.

Zelda continued looking around the house, admired. After a few seconds, she said,

"I wonder how it is... It would indeed be very bad for you if you lived in a small house like that of Saria and the other Kokiri." She sighed sadly and then continued. "Look at you. Living in a house so simple, but having a good life so full of friends and people who treat you well... I lived all this time in a palace with everything at my disposal, and I only had pain and suffering..."

She lowered her head and a tear started running down her cheeks. Link approached her and gently wiped the tears that began to stream down her eyes.

"Take it easy, Zelda. Everything will be alright. You will be happy here with us, I'm sure of it. We will make you forget all the suffering you have already passed."

She looked up at Link and smiled softly at him. "Thank you." She spoke in a whisper. "You are so kind."

He blushed slightly with the compliment. Slowly and without realizing it, he was approaching his face to Zelda's so that only a few inches separated them from a possible kiss. But even before something else could happen, the two were interrupted by the cries of Saria, coming from the outside.

"Link! Zelda! Come down! You are taking too long up there! We still want to show more things to Zelda!"

Link stopped abruptly. The scare that Saria's voice had given him immediately made him regain consciousness and he realized what he was about to do. His face took on an intense reddish tone and he walked away from Zelda, embarrassed.

"I— I, uh... Well... " He stammered awkwardly, "Let's go see what Saria wants to show us." He said with an awkward smile. Zelda looked at him for a while and then said with a grim smile.

"Alright then..."

She walked toward the exit. Link opened the door for her and helped her down the stairs. Saria and the others were waiting in the center of the village. They took them to the Sacred Forest Meadow, which was a very beautiful place rich in natural beauty. There were several species of flowers and various animals walked on the meadow, without any fear, because they were already accustomed to visits from their Kokiri friends. They spent almost all afternoon admiring the landscape of the prairie. Zelda was charmed with the beauty and tranquility of the place. After some time, Saria approached the princess and said quietly.

"This place is sacred to us, so we take good care of it." She inhaled deeply the scent of flowers that filled the air, filled with satisfaction and joy. "Whenever you want time to relax and reflect a little, here is the perfect place to find tranquility and peace of mind."

With a smile, Zelda lied in the middle of the meadow, breathing calmly the fresh air.

"It's certainly a beautiful place. I could spend all afternoon here!" She said, watching the beautiful blue sky hidden behind the foliage of the tallest trees.

Sitting beside her, Link said in a soft voice, "I loved to play here when I was a kid. It is one of my favorite places in the forest."

"Without a doubt". Zelda confirmed. "It's such a beautiful place."

He smiled slightly, watching the beautiful scenery.

"However we'd better get back to the village. It's almost dark and even a beautiful place like this hides dangers at night." He stood up and gently wiped the leaves that were stuck on his clothes. Link then extended his hand to help Zelda to stand up from the grass.

She held his hand and with his strength, he pulled her close to him accidentally. It was not his intention to make her stay so close to him. He just wanted to help her get up, but the strength in his arms pulled her closer than it should. Their bodies almost touched, and their faces were only inches away from each other. To complete, Zelda still held gently Link's left hand, which was starting to sweat with nervousness.

For a time, they stood at that position, looking into each other's eyes. Link felt a heatwave go through his whole body as he contemplated Zelda's beauty. The breeze was light and soft and made her beautiful brown hair wave gracefully and her pure and innocent look made his heart beat so loudly that he was almost sure that Zelda could hear it. Suddenly, a voice was heard in the background. It was Saria and the other Kokiri calling for them. Link suddenly regained consciousness and walked away from Zelda, his face aflame.

"I-I'm sorry..." He stammered in embarrassment. " I..."

Zelda interrupted him by putting a finger in his mouth to make him silent. Link instantly silenced.

"It's alright..." She said with a slight smile on her face that made Link blush even more. "I know it wasn't for bad..."

Link was momentarily stumped. Blinking rapidly, he took a deep breath when Zelda's finger left his lips.

"Oh..." He said, his embarrassment was fading. "Alright..."

Zelda's eyes regarded him tenderly. She curved her rosy lips in a gentle smile. Dear Goddesses, her smile was stunning. He smiled back and they were admiring each other for some time before Saria shouted again, drawing their attention.

"Heeeey!! You two! Come quickly! It's getting cold! You want to freeze there?"

"If they aren't frozen already... " Mido said, rude as ever. "They are standing in the same place for a long time."

"Mido is right. It's been a while since the two don't leave that position. What happened?" Fado observed.

Saria leaned her head slightly to the side, examining the situation.

"Hmm..." She thought, watching the couple as they approached the group of children. Zelda smiled shyly at Link, who returned the shy smile to her.
They seemed like a shy couple of lovebirds.

As they approached the children, Saria could not stop talking.

"At last! First on Link's house and then here. May I ask why so much delay?"

Link looked at Zelda. The two looked at each other, somewhat embarrassed, and their cheeks acquired a pinkish hue.

"Ah... It was nothing." Said the two teenagers at the same time, looking in opposite directions.

Saria raised an eyebrow in disbelief. That comment did not appear to convince the small Kokiri.

"Well, it doesn't matter now. We need to return to the village before it darkens. Link, you go ahead. If by chance something appears suspicious, you can protect us."

"Yes." He replied with a seriousness in his voice.

Link's eyes became suddenly serious. With a skillful hand, he drew a sword that hung in a sheath strapped to his back. Zelda was surprised to see her friend holding a weapon so dangerous.

"What?" She asked, startled. "Are there monsters around here?"

"Only when it gets dark." Link said seriously. "They don't like sunshine."

"But is not even dark!" She cried, a little disturbed.

"In any case, prevention is better, right?" He turned his gaze back to the princess and smiled graciously to give her security.

The flushing on the princess's face returned with Link's confident look. She was amazed at the kindness of the young man. She now saw how much he was brave, and certainly, a man so brave and gentle as him would protect her from anything that would threaten her.

Link began to guide them along the trail. Zelda, Saria, and Mido went behind him and the other Kokiri accompanied them. After a while of walking, they finally arrived in the village. The day passed quickly since then. Once darkened, everyone gathered at Saria's house to make a great welcome party to the princess. The twin sisters played happily the instruments and the other Kokiri danced excitedly with Zelda. As always, Mido was sitting in a secluded corner, scowling, and Link and Saria sat nearby, watching the others dance. Link had eyes only for Zelda. He watched every smooth move she made, and she occasionally smiled at him, causing him to blush slightly. He found himself completely charmed by the beautiful young woman.

This was the only word to describe Zelda: stunning. She seemed the very essence of beauty, almost like a goddess in nature. But Link found himself attracted not only for her incredible beauty but also for her innocence, her charm. Link had never met anyone like her before, or indeed, a woman like her. Although he had known other girls before like Malon, the daughter of the owner of Lon Lon Ranch, where he got Epona and Ilia, the daughter of the mayor of the small village of Ordon, Zelda was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. And that, he thought to himself, was very appealing to a simple knight like him.

Saria watched Link for a moment. It had been a while since Link had said something and she realized that he was only looking at Zelda. An idea began to form in the young Kokiri's mind. She nudged him lightly to get his attention, but Link was so focused on Zelda that it needed several nudges to male him finally notice the presence of Saria by his side.

"What is it, Saria?" He turned to her, a little annoyed. "Hey, hadn't you said you were going to the kitchen to get some water?"

Saria snorted. "That was ten minutes ago! Didn't you realize I came back?"

"Uh... " Link didn't know what to say.

"Hmm... That was what I thought. You were paying attention to more important things to not notice my presence, right?"

Link blushed intensely with Saria's comment and he quickly looked away to look at Zelda again.

After a few seconds of silence, Saria said, "You like her, isn't it?"

Link turned abruptly. His thoughts were intertwined and he fumbled around to talk.

"I... Uuuh... Of course, I do! She's my friend! What a silly question, Saria!"

Saria rolled her eyes.

"I don't say that way... I speak of love. You love her, don't you?"

Link didn't answer. He just looked away, avoiding looking directly at Saria.

"Don't try to hide..." She continued. "I saw the way you look at her since the moment you arrived in the village. And also I noticed the way you behaved today in the meadow. Be honest with me, Link. I'm almost like a sister to you. So then, do you love her?"

Words were not necessary. Only a slight smile from Link had been enough to confirm Saria's suspicions.

"She is so pretty... She seems like a dream... A dream in the shape of a woman" He said slowly, without taking his eyes off the princess. "She's so gentle, innocent, gorgeous, delicate... Just by hearing her beautiful voice in the forest, I felt quite attracted to her. I confess I never felt this way before..."

Once he saw Zelda looking specifically at him, Link blushed intensely. Saria watched carefully and after a while, she said. "Hey, Link. Why don't you go dance with her?"

Link looked back at his friend and said clumsily, "I... Uuh... Is that..."

"Come on, come on! Don't be shy!" Saria said, pushing the young man off the chair.

"But... Saria I don't know how to dance!" He muttered as the girl pushed him to where Zelda and the others were dancing excitedly.

"You end up learning!"

As they approached the group, Link didn't know what to do. He looked around, apprehensive and embarrassed and feeling weird. Until Zelda approached him.

"Come on, Link! Dance with me!" She said, taking his hands. "It's not so hard!"

And Zelda's body moved slowly to follow Link's movements. Until after a while, the two had already entered the music rhythm. Zelda swirled and Link gently held her by the waist. It was incredible the way they came into harmony so quickly. Even in the middle of the dance, Link did not stop to admire each graceful movement the young woman did. She flapped her eyelids gently as she smiled at him all the time. Holy Goddesses! Was she flirting with him?

Meanwhile, Saria watched everything with the corner of her eyes. She smiled at the two dancing together. Until then she had another idea. Saria approached Mayla, one of the twins who was playing the flute, and whispered something into her ear. The little girl laughed and sent a message to her sister Kayla, who played the lute. Then suddenly, the music stopped. Everyone looked around, confused.
Until a mild and gentle melody began to play at a slow pace. Link looked at Saria with a confused expression.

"What is happening, Saria?" He gestured with his lips. "What happened to the music?"

Saria smiled slightly and replied gesturing, "It's for you two to dance a romantic waltz. Very close together."

Link blushed deeply. Somewhat embarrassed, he turned to Zelda and said, "Uh... Well... Grant me this dance, princess?"

Zelda looked at him, a bit confused. Link held her gently by the waist and pulled her closer to him, hugging her gently, making the princess blush in embarrassment.

"Just follow my moves, Zelda." Link whispered to her. His face was so close to hers that she could feel his hot breath touching her face.

Zelda felt a warmth enveloping her body. A wonderful feeling took hold of her being, dominating her completely. Closing her eyes, she gave herself completely to that moment so precious, so unique in her life.
Link wrapped her even tighter on his arms as if she were a precious treasure that he never wanted to lose.
Together, they followed the sound of the romantic melody, as Mido watched them with a scowl.

"It was just what I needed!" He muttered. "They're in love! Yuck!"

But they didn't even hear the complaints of the boy. For both, there was nobody else at that party. They felt alone and they didn't need anyone else.

Zelda put her head on his shoulder, hugging him tightly. She could now feel his rapid heartbeat. She smiled slightly. That feeling of being so close to him was so good, feeling his heart beating so fast, feeling the warmth of his body involving her own... She closed her eyes for a moment just to feel all these new sensations that so deeply involved her at that moment.
She could no longer remember her horrible stepmother and her suffering at the castle. She could only think of him... In his gentle smile in the castle garden, on their first meeting... In his gentle touch, in his sweet voice, in his angelic smile...

All that mattered to her at that moment was Link... just him, and nothing more.

He made her feel so good, so safe. She wondered how could a man like him make her feel that way after so many years of suffering. She could not understand that powerful feeling that was dominating her at that moment. Gently, she left her head off his shoulder and looked back into his bright blue eyes that were so close to her face. It was then that she realized that what she was feeling was something new, something unexpected... It was love. Yes, that feeling could only be love. She was in love. She was wrapped in the arms of the man she learned to love so quickly.

His face approached hers. For a moment the two were breathing the same air. His lips were just a few inches away. If Zelda approached a little, their lips would be meeting in a passionate kiss... Zelda closed her eyes, waiting for his warm and moist lips...

"HEY!" Mido yelled, which startled the young couple, causing them to separate abruptly, ruining the romantic moment of the young lovers. "It's late! We have to go home!"

Saria was enraged with Mido for ruining the romantic moment between Link and Zelda. Enraged, she shouted at Mido:

"Wow, Mido! Did you really have to be so rude? Didn't you see that you stopped... something... important... Ahem!" She coughed.

"Important... I see..." He mumbled. "I'm sick of you all! Let's all go to sleep now! Tomorrow will be a long day."

Link sighed a little upset with that embarrassing situation.

"Well... I think it's best if we all go to sleep." He looked slightly at Zelda and spoke in a sweet tone. "See you tomorrow, Zelda. It was a pleasure to see you again."

Before he walked away, Zelda took his hand, which made him blush again.

"E-Link, wait, I wanted to say... Well... It was a pleasure to see you too..."
He smiled at her and the two gazed at each other for a few minutes before Saria called Link again.

"Go on, Link. Tomorrow you will have all the time in the world to... Uh... talk to each other. " She smirked.

"I'll follow Link to the door," Zelda said, a little embarrassed.
The Princess took Link's hand and followed him. When they reached the door, Zelda, still holding his hand, said in a soft tone,

"Well..." Her cheeks began to blush slightly. " I... I want to thank you for everything... For welcoming me to the village and being so kind to me. You know, never before someone has treated me so well as you..."

"No problem, princess. You deserve it. A woman like you is so hard to find."

She smiled shyly at him. "I'm so lucky to have met you."

"Me too." He replied sweetly.

Once again, Saria's cries interrupted them. "Zelda! Come in! It's getting cold out there!"

Link laughed. "You better get in or Saria will go crazy!"

"Yes," The young woman smiled gently. " I... Just wanna say good night."

Zelda leaned on her tiptoes to give him a sweet kiss on his cheek that made him blush immediately.

"Good night, Zelda." He replied, kissing her forehead gently. "Sleep well, my princess."

Zelda's heart nearly exploded with excitement. Even after they have finally said goodbye to each other, Zelda could not help watching Link as he walked away back to his home. Sometimes he turned back to look at her again.

"Link..." She sighed deeply, watching him disappear into the darkness of night.

She was so distracted with her thoughts that she didn't notice Saria's presence, who was beside her at that time.

"Wow, how long did you take to say goodbye to each other?" She said, watching the princess.

"Uh... Saria, sorry... It's just that I—"

"I know, You don't need to say more." She smiled sarcastically. "I see that you two will get along VERY well together..."

"I-It's, I—" - Zelda sighed again.

"Zelda! No reason to worry! You'll see him tomorrow! You will be able to "talk" better if you know what I mean... " She laughed. "Let's go to sleep, Zelda. Tomorrow is another day."

"Yeah... You're right. Let's go to sleep."

Zelda walked towards the bed that Saria had prepared for her. As she lay there, she spent the night dreaming about a certain blond man in green clothes whom she had fallen in love.

"Sweet dreams, Link, my love..." she thought before deeply falling asleep.
OBS: Link's house here is described as his house in Twilight Princess, since he's an adult in this story and his house in Ocarina of Time is just too small for him...
And the names of some Kokiris was invented by me, except for Fado.

Finally I have finished Chapter 5! Phew! At least I was very inspired!
Finally some Zelink fluffy moments :love: I was waiting so much for that :heart:
Anyway, there will be another ones :icononionhohoplz:

And again, any mistakens in the translation, forgive me please! I'm going to fix the errors when I have some time :D

Chapter 1:[link]
Chapter 2:[link]
Chapter 3:[link]
Chapter 4:[link]
Chapter 5:<--------------------
Chapter 6:[link]
Chapter 7:[link]
Chapter 8:[link]
Chapter 9:[link]
Chapter 10: [link]
Chapter 11: [link]
Chapter 12: [link]
Final Chapter: [link]
© 2012 - 2024 AnaLee94
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PrincessZeldaGirl's avatar
oh my goddess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was amazing!!!!!!!

"ever since we were kids, i'd always be the one to wake you up when you slept in. but now , when all this is over, will you wake me up sleepy-head?"--zelda (skyword sword)