
Chapter 1: Initiation

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JaphirTheGreenDragon's avatar

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Dawn broke, sunlight peeking through the crumbling walls of the ancient fortress, illuminating a new day.  Blinking in the harsh glare, Duncan, Commander of the Grey, stood in solemn reflection on one of the parapets of the Ostagar fort.  Laid out in front of him was the Korcari Wilds, split in two by the Imperial Highway snaking down the middle.  Today marked the day before the battle Duncan was most worried about.  The Blight had begun and the Grey Wardens and the King of Ferelden had been working together to end it before it could cause too much devastation.  The army had won a few skirmishes before but this was where the war truly began in Duncan's eyes.  The king, Cailan Theirin, looked at this threat like all the others, something that would bring him glory.  Something easy.  Duncan knew otherwise.  He had yet to convince Cailan and his uncle Teyrn Loghain that this was truly a Blight.  The Commander knew it was, beyond all doubt, unfortunately for him, it was Cailan who was king and not his father, Maric.  Maric would have taken Duncan seriously and been able to quiet Loghain.  Instead, it was mostly Loghain who had the voice of reason, even though he didn't trust the Grey Wardens.

Gazing out over the army camp, Duncan whispered to himself;

"And so is the Golden City blackened
With each step you take in my Hall.
Marvel at perfection, for it is fleeting.
You have brought Sin to Heaven
And doom upon all the world.

He had often come across the Chant of Light in his research into the darkspawn.  Mostly references to the ancient magister's trespass into the Maker's kingdom, the creation of the first darkspawn.  He wasn't especially religious but there was some comfort in the words that had been recited to him as a child.


The Commander turned to see a young man climb the steps to join him on the parapet.  The young man was Alistair, a relatively new recruit Duncan had Conscripted in Redcliffe.

"Ah, Alistair.  You're awake early." he replied.

"I, uh, couldn't sleep..." Alistair said sheepishly, "What are you doing up here?"

"Merely thinking." was the short answer.  Silence fell over the two as they stared out at the land around the fort.  Alistair suddenly leaned over the rail, shading his eyes to see something, "What is it?" Duncan asked.

"I think I see travelers coming down the road.  Merchants, you think?  No, it... looks like there's only two of them..." the man relayed.  Duncan looked to where he was pointing and the both of them glanced at each other in shock.

"Go!" Duncan shouted, stealing one last look towards the travelers to judge where they were.  He then followed Alistair, breaking into a run to get down there as fast as he could.  The two Wardens came in sight of them just in time to see the man had disappeared and the woman swarmed by the darkspawn.  She held a long sword in one hand while the other fluttered nervously at her side.  A hurlock swung at her and she ducked at the last minute, shooting back up to slice the thing's arm off.  Another came up behind her and she spun to impale it through the stomach.  Duncan and Alistair reached her seconds after she took a shield to the head and went down.  They quickly dealt with the rest of the darkspawn and Alistair knelt to make sure the girl was alright.

"She's unconscious..." he reported to Duncan, who nodded and looked around, "What happened to the guy I saw?  I could have sworn... did I really see two people?"

"I don't know, perhaps he ran.  In any case, we should get her to a healer." Duncan replied.

"Ah, right."  Alistair lifted her up and they began to walk back to the camp.  Once there, the healers cleaned and dressed the girl's wounds, assuring the men that she was, at this point, merely sleeping due to exhaustion.  Duncan and Alistair returned to their duties, after having asked the healers to send someone for them when she woke up.

Duncan was quickly retrieved to meet with the king who wanted to discuss the upcoming battle.  This took up the better part of the day, until in the late afternoon when Duncan was sent for again.

"My Lord!" an unfamiliar voice interrupted.  Cailan and Duncan turned to greet the newcomer, slightly unsure who he was addressing, "I beg your pardon, but the healers have requested the help of the Grey Wardens immediately, sir!" the messenger said.

"What has happened?" Duncan asked, "Has the girl woken up?"

"Girl?" Cailan interrupted.

"Ah, yes, this morning Alistair and I rescued a girl from a scout party of darkspawn.  She was knocked unconscious and so I left her in the care of the healers." the Commander explained, he slightly turned back to the messenger expectantly.

"Uh, no, sir, she's... I don't rightly know, sir.  The healers wouldn't say."

"I see.  Lead on." Duncan followed the boy, slightly confused why the healers were so secretive.

Alistair had beaten him there and was already hovering worriedly over the girl.  As they Commander and king approached, the healer beside him looked up at them with relief, "Ah, my lord!  Thank the Maker, I- Oh!  Your Majesty, I didn't expect..." she stammered.

"What happened?" Cailan asked.

"I- I think she's started to show signs of the taint, my lords... I wasn't sure what I should do..."

"It's good you came to me." Duncan said, kneeling beside Alistair.  He inspected her for a few moments and glanced up at the king and the healer, "Yes, this is definitely the taint.  It is at a very early stage, however, so she can still be saved, but it requires her to become a Grey Warden.  Your Majesty, will you witness the Right of Conscription?"

"Huh?  Yes, of course.  If that's the only way to save her." Cailan replied quickly.

"Thank you.  I hereby invoke the Right of Conscription; this girl is to be a Grey Warden.  Alistair, take the other two recruits into the Wilds to gather what we need for the Joining.  Return quickly and we will begin." the older man ordered.  Alistair nodded and scampered off to find the others.


Minutes after their return, the new recruits were waiting anxiously in the old temple.  Or, more like, Ser Jory was waiting anxiously while Daveth was just waiting, albeit rather impatiently.  Alistair returned carrying the girl and earned a curious look from the other two.  Finally, Duncan returned as well, a large, ornate chalice in his hands.

"At last we come to the Joining." he said ominously, "The Grey Wardens were founded during the first Blight, when humanity stood on the verge of annihilation.  So it was that the first Grey Wardens drank of darkspawn blood and mastered their taint."

"We're... going to drink the blood of those... those creatures?" Ser Jory exclaimed.

"As the first Grey Wardens did before us, as we did before you.  This is the source of our power and our victory." Duncan replied.

"Those who survive the Joining become immune to the taint.  We can sense it in the darkspawn and use it to slay the archdemon." Alistair put in.

Duncan nodded and continued, "Not all who drink the blood will survive and those who do are forever changed.  This is why the Joining is a secret.  It is the price we pay.  We speak only a few words prior to the Joining, but these words have been said since the first.  Alistair, if you would?"  Alistair bowed his head.

"Join us, brothers and sisters.  Join us in the shadows where we stand vigilant.  Join us as we carry the duty that cannot be forsworn.  And should you perish, know that your sacrifice will not be forgotten and that one day we shall join you."

Duncan offered the chalice to Daveth, "Daveth, step forward."

The thief took it without hesitating and drank slowly.  Emptying it, he glanced at Duncan, who took back the chalice and stepped away.  He tensed, his hand hovering uselessly over his temples.  A pained look crossed his face and when he opened his eyes, they were wiped clean of their pupils.  Daveth fell to the ground in convulsions, choking.

"I am sorry, Daveth." was all Duncan said.  Without skipping a beat, he turned to Ser Jory, "Step forward, Jory."

The knight backed away, reaching for his greatsword, "But... I have a wife.  A child!  Had I known..." he stammered.

"There is no turning back."

"No!  You ask too much!  There is no glory in this!"  Jory shouted.  He took a few more steps back and found himself up against a wall.  Duncan silently drew one of his daggers, setting down the chalice.  Ser Jory watched him in almost disbelief, and swung at the man.  Duncan deftly parried the wild blow and followed his momentum, driving the dagger into Jory's stomach.

"I am sorry." the Commander murmured.  He let the body slide to the ground before retrieving the chalice and joining Alistair next to the girl, "But the Joining is not yet complete."

"All falls to one, I guess..." Alistair muttered.  They tipped the girl's head up and let the blood trickle into her mouth.  Then, they waited.


She felt the warm liquid seep down her throat and swallowed automatically.  She instantly regretted doing so as whatever it was burned a trail into her stomach, making her choke slightly.  Visions of a terrifying dragon swam under her eyelids, the beast roaring straight into her mind.  Her eyes snapped open and she lurched up, gasping for breath.  An unfamiliar pair of hands reached out to steady her shoulders and she looked up to see a young blond man looking at her worriedly.  Squinting up at him, she thought his features reminded her of someone, but couldn't place them.

"Oh, thank the Maker...  I was worried there for a second." he said, smiling warmly.

"..."  The girl tried to speak but her voice wouldn't come out.  Somewhat panicked, she clutched at her throat and looked up at the man desperately.

"Huh?  You... can't speak?"  She shook her head.  Alistair glanced over at Duncan, who was standing beside them, "Could this be because of the taint?"

"I have never heard of such thing." Duncan replied, "Can you write?"  The girl nodded without having to think about it.  The older man reached into the leather pouch at his side and pulled out a journal and quill.  He handed it to the girl and she quickly scribbled out a message.

"Who are you and where am I?" the note said.

"Oh, right, I'm Alistair, nice to finally meet you!"

"I am Duncan and you are in Ostagar."

She looked down, thinking, Ostagar?

"You were attacked by darkspawn just outside the fort and took a nasty hit to the head." Alistair explained.

"While you were unconscious, you began to show signs of the taint.  As Commander of the Grey, I conscripted you into our order.  I would have asked, however, you would not wake." Duncan continued, "From this day forth, you are a Grey Warden."

"Speaking of, what's your name?  Who are you?" the young man asked her.  She began to write but stopped, mid-sentence.

Her eyebrows knotted in confusion, and then fear set in.  She looked up at the two men and started to speak, belatedly remembering she couldn't.  Her head snapped back down and she frantically scribbled out what she had started writing before, "I can't remember!" the note now said.  Alistair cocked his head in confusion.

"Amnesia?"  Again he shared a look with Duncan, "...because she got hit on the head, perhaps...?"

"I cannot say.  Do you remember nothing?" he asked.  She shook her head.

"All I remember is this… dream, I think." she wrote, hesitantly, "I saw a dragon, surrounded by darkspawn."  She shivered as the image resurfaced in her mind.

Duncan nodded, understandingly, "Such dreams come when you begin to sense the darkspawn, as we all do.  That and many other things can be explained in the months to come.  How do you feel?"  The girl chuckled slightly.

"Like I was dumped arse-end in mud and trampled by a horse." she snarked, then amended, "A few horses."

"Ha, that's not far off!" Alistair laughed, "But... if you don't remember anything, then what should we call you?"  The girl shrugged.  Her mind was still reeling somewhat in confusion and she was, honestly, a bit scared.  With no memories to anchor her, she felt... empty and adrift, "Hmmm..." the man continued, "How about... Fiona?"

She debated for a second, then shook her head.  If she had to choose a name, she wanted to pick something she not only liked, but would remember.

"Amara?  Mell?" he began listing off names, all to which she shook her head to, "No...  How about Skye?"

Something about this one caught her attention.  She liked the way it sounded.  Nodding her head enthusiastically, 'Skye' let Alistair help her to her feet.

"Good.  Although, your memories will have to wait.  The darkspawn call our attention.  You know the mission of the Grey Wardens, yes?" the Commander asked.

"Yes.  They- we, I guess, fight the darkspawn.  An order of extraordinary warriors.  But why did you Conscript me?  I am no warrior." Skye wrote.  A surprised look crossed both of the men's faces.

"But... when we rescued you, you were doing a pretty good job of defending yourself." Alistair told her.  Now it was Skye's turn to be surprised.

"I guess I am then?  I really don't remember anything..."

"Let us find out." Duncan said.  He led the two young Wardens out of the temple and into the camp area.  There, he leaned over and picked up two sticks of kindling.  He tossed one to Skye who barely had time to get a good grip on the makeshift sword before he attacked.  The girl tried, and managed to a point, to deflect or dodge Duncan's blows.  A few times, it felt like her body moved on its own and she'd dodge and try to counter without thinking.  Once, she managed to nick Duncan's leg by feinting high on the left, then spinning and striking low on the right.  He kicked back quickly, so she thought she had missed, until he called for a halt.

"That's enough." he said, only breathing slightly heavier than before.

"Wow, Skye, you may not remember it, but you definitely learned how to fight at some point.  No one can make a move like that without some kind of training." Alistair remarked.

Skye smiled breathlessly, and sat down, trying to slow her breathing, "I think, I may have sparred with someone like that before.  It seemed... familiar." she wrote.

Duncan nodded and turned to flag down the quartermaster.  The man quickly outfitted Skye with two daggers and their scabbards, along with a pouch for the journal she wrote in.

"You know, it just occurred to me that there have never been many women in the Grey Wardens.  I wonder why that is?" Alistair mused suddenly while they were waiting.  Skye snickered.

"You want more women in the order, don't you?" she wrote.

"Would that be so terrible?  Not that I'm some drooling lecher or anything.  Please stop looking at me like that."  Skye just laughed.

"So, what happens now?" she wrote to Duncan.

"Take some time.  When you are ready, I'd like you to accompany me to a meeting with the king." he replied.


"You heard the plan.  You and Alistair will go to the Tower of Ishal and ensure the beacon is lit."

"What?  I won't be in the battle?" Alistair asked.

"This is by the king's personal request, Alistair.  If the beacon is not lit, Teyrn Loghain's men won't know when to charge." Duncan chided.

"So he needs two Grey Wardens standing up there holding the torch.  Just in case, right?"

"I also want to keep Skye out of battle as much as possible, until she can train.  I want you to act as her protector, Alistair." the Commander said.

"Oh, right..."  Alistair sighed, "I get it, I get it.  Just so you know, if the king ever asks me to put on a dress and dance the Remigold, I'm drawing the line.  Darkspawn or no."

Skye chuckled, "I think I'd like to see that."

"For you?  Maybe, but it has to be a pretty dress." the young man said, feigning seriousness.  Duncan just sighed, shaking his head as he forced himself to hold back a smile.

"The tower is on the other side of the gorge.  You'll need to cross the gorge and head through the gate and up to the tower entrance.  From the top, you'll overlook the entire valley." he continued to explain.

"When do we light the beacon?" Skye asked.

"We will signal you when the time is right.  Alistair will know what to look for."

"Alright.  This should be interesting." she wrote.

"Now I must join the others.  From here, you two are on your own.  Remember, you are both Grey Wardens.  I expect you to be worthy of that title."  With that, the older man saluted them and turned to go.

"Duncan..." Alistair stopped him, "May the Maker watch over you"

"May He watch over us all."
The first chapter of my Dragon Age OC Skye :) The mysteries that enshroud her life from before will slowly be revealed as she fights to save Ferelden from the Blight! I will post more chapters when I get a chance to type them up :)

All Dragon Age characters, picture and setting copyright: Bioware.

Disclaimer: THIS IS ALL FOR MY OWN AMUSEMENT!! So if you don't like the things I have happen then that is your perrogative. I respect your thoughts and welcome constructive criticism but please do not put bashing posts in the comments. Thank you!

EDIT: WHEW!!!! Totally rewrote the entirety of the first three chapters! I hope you enjoy them now, because to be honest, they kind of REALLY sucked before... :P Thanks for reading!

Next chapter: [link]

Bound in Blood: [link]
Taint of the Past: [link]
Tomb of Stone: [link]
Freedom's Empty Ring: [link]

Final chapter: [link]
© 2012 - 2024 JaphirTheGreenDragon
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IceQueenofMitera's avatar

I'm already liking this. I'm wondering who "Skye" really is. Love it