
Purple Haze 2

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Purple Haze 2
by *RuuRuu-Chan

Purple Haze

By: Aurora Collins

Disclaimers: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters associated with it. I'm only borrowing the characters to amuse myself and hopefully others. ^__^

Ch. 2 Abrupt Malady

"It's everywhere! The locals are calling this disease Purple Haze due to the fact that before you die your eyes turn purple; like a poison! Authorities don't know if this was caused by terrorists, the government, or something that just appeared. It seems to be striking the public at random and there are over forty known victims in the hospital. Wait…. I just got something…. Apparently there seems to be a connection between this disease and the construction workers from last week. All the construction workers that were found dead had the same ailments as the patients that are currently in the hospital…"

Channel 4 news roared in the living room as Kagome, Souta and Mrs. Higurashi squished onto the couch.

"Wow, I really want to study this," Souta whispered.

"How could you say that at a time like this?" Kagome ushered in.

"Shhh… quiet you two. I want to hear this," their mom said.

"I don't get why we're here at home and not at work," Kagome mumbled.

She had dedicated her life to her work and studies, so much so that she didn't even have time for boyfriends. Her friends would laugh at her now if they found out she was still a virgin.

Souta elbowed his sister, "Because all the schools are closed until further notice. They don't know if this thing is airborne or if it's passed from person to person. Ugh! I really want to be in there with the rest of the scientists and testing on this stuff. This so isn't fair."

Mrs. Higurashi pushed the volume up on her remote, drowning the siblings out. "We're back on channel 4 news and so far there are no altercations to what we know now. All schools are closed until further verification. The population is cautioned to stay indoors and if you have to go out then please wear a mask for your own protection…"

"Oh dear, I can't believe this," their mom sobbed as she stared at the television.

"Statistics say that new diseases appear all the time. We just don't know it," Souta rambled on.

"Souta please! I don't want to hear this," Mrs. Higurashi finally snapped out.

Souta scrunched away from his mom, "Sorry Mom, but I'm just saying what I learned in college. I mean our bodies usually ward off these diseases and sometimes they can't."

"Hey Mom, are you crying?" Kagome asked.

Mrs. Higurashi dabbed her eyes, "No actually. They just got really watery all of a sudden, and I feel a little light headed."

"Here mom, let me help you up to your bed," Kagome offered as she led her mom upstairs.

"Alright sweetie. I think that might be a good idea," Mrs. Higurashi said as she allowed her daughter to help her.

"You've been getting these headaches pretty often mom. Are you sure you don't need to go to a doctor?" Kagome asked as she finally got her mom to the bed.

Mrs. Higurashi just shrugged, "Oh honey I've only been having minor migraines for a week. It's nothing too serious, so please don't worry about me. Could you make dinner tonight?"

Kagome nodded, "Of course Mom. Just rest for now and I'll come check on your later."

Kagome's mom smiled, "You're such a good daughter." "I love you Mom." "I love you too Kagome."

Kagome left her mom's room and went back downstairs to see that Souta was still watching television.

"Souta, turn off that stupid TV," Kagome bit out.

"But sis, there's something interesting that they're saying. I'll only watch it a little longer then I'll get on my homework," Souta insisted.

"Aren't you supposed to go to work tonight?" Kagome inquired with confusion.

Souta cleared his throat to articulate a point, "My job called me this morning and told me not to come to work. Apparently a lot of restaurants are closed right now in fear of the disease being spread. You don't think this will cause a pandemic, do you?"

Kagome chuckled, "Really? I don't think so. I think that people are just trying to look for an excuse to go crazy. I mean how long has everyone been talking about the end of the world?"

"True, I mean last year in 2012 everyone thought the world would end, and we can't forget the Y2K," Souta stated as he recalled past events.

Kagome just bobbed her head, "See? So don't worry about it so much. It's not like this outbreak will last for long. I'm sure it's just some chemical that got out in a certain area in the city and it's causing these weird deaths. They'll have it under control soon."

Souta just scoffed, "Kagome you know that isn't what it is. You know all about this weird stuff from your time in Feudal Japan. I don't think this is something formed from a chemical or from humans for that matter. I mean you always seem to have an excuse to make things normal and you know that the world isn't normal…"

The room grew silent as Kagome stared at her little brother. Maybe he was right. Maybe this was something that wasn't even caused by humans. It was meant for humans. She didn't want to think about it.

"I'm going to fix dinner Souta. If you're so worried about this then why not write a letter to your favorite scientist and tell him your theories,"

Kagome said it more as a joke, but Souta broke out in a huge grin. "You're right Kagome! I'll go do that right now!" Souta literally jumped off the couch and mumbled something under his breath. He probably forgot where he put his laptop again.

"It's in the bathroom again Souta!" Kagome called out, knowing that he took it in there when he 'used the can'. She didn't know why he did that, but he seemed to get his best ideas in there. She started to hear Souta rustling around and then he started ticking away on his laptop at the speed of 75 WPM. Kagome was in the middle of cutting vegetables when she heard Souta yelling, "Whoo-hoo! It's sent!" She jumped and nearly cut her finger off. With a quick sigh of relief that she didn't cut herself she went back to creating a nice homemade dish. She had no idea how her brother got his work done so fast, but she supposed that it took passion to want something so bad.

"That Souta; what am I gonna do with him," she said to herself with a chuckle.

Kagome looked at the stove clock and it read 6:30 pm. "Souta! Time for dinner! Get Mom please!" Kagome announced as she got the dinner plates ready.

"Yeah, alright!" Souta yelled right back as she heard him run up the stairs.

While Kagome was preparing dinner she did think about what Souta said, about how this disease could be something from her time spent in Feudal Japan. It reeked of the essence of something she knew before, but it had been so long since she used her miko powers. Maybe she didn't even have them anymore. Maybe they died when she died inside. She had no connection with anything that could be considered demonic or unnatural for four long years. Kagome also considered what Souta said; about him accusing her of trying to make the world around her normal. He was right; she had been trying to make her life normal for the sake of 'normalcy'? She couldn't bring herself to keep living in that fantasy realm and still live in her time with no way out. Kagome knew she belonged to another world, something beyond her reach. She was used in such a way that myths and legends were built around her and the group that she fought alongside with.

There were times that Kagome still caught herself going near the well, hoping and praying that it would open up once more. She recalled how she would jump into the well for the sake of trying and each time she was met with a soggy grime filled bottom. She tried digging within the bones and dirt to get to the other side. Kagome went as far as recruiting her grandfather to help her open the door to her freedom. With his death she ceased trying to make the well bend to her will and in the end she had gained nothing; just a broken heart with broken memories. Kagome often thought about how much easier it would be to connect to the well if she was as dedicated and passionate as Souta was in his studies. Kagome often though what would happen if she sought out demons in her world and reached out to them. She wondered if there were any left alive that is. She didn't really know if any of them survived; like Sesshomaru, Kouga, Ayame and Shippo.

Kagome was bounced out of her deep depressing thoughts when she heard Souta yelling out her name.

"Kagome! Kagome, come quick! It's Mom!"

Kagome's heart skipped a beat and it felt like her lungs became constricted. She immediately ran up the stairs and saw Souta with a tear streaked face.

"What's wrong Souta!? What's wrong with Mom!?" Kagome began shaking Souta for an answer.

"Call the hospital," he whimpered.

Kagome moved Souta aside as she rushed into her mother's room. Mrs. Higurashi was on the bed convulsing, her eyes and face covered in blood.

Kagome quickly got to the phone and dialed 911. The phone rang and someone answered, "911, what's you emergency?" "M-My Mom! She's convulsing; there's blood everywhere! Please send someone quick!" Kagome told the receptionist.

"What is your address?" the lady on the phone asked.

"It's the Higurashi Shrine! Please just hurry!" Kagome began to cry as she began to lose herself.

"Please stay calm mam; an ambulance is on the way. Please stay on the line until they get there," the lady said in calm, even tone.

It seemed like forever until Kagome heard the sirens and saw the lights from out the window.

"They're here," Kagome said as she abruptly hung up the phone without waiting for a response. The emergency team came in and looked at Mrs. Higurashi.

"She's going into cardiac arrest!" the EMT announced. Kagome and Souta were rushed out of the room as Kagome saw the man give her mom CPR. Kagome didn't see much of anything until her mom came out on a stretcher with a breathing apparatus attached to her face. Mrs. Higurashi was gasping for air as she was transported to the ambulance.

"Souta get in the ambulance with Mom. I'm taking the car. I'll meet you there," Kagome ordered as she forced her brother with their mom. Souta just nodded as he did what he was told. Kagome got into the car and quickly followed the medical team to the ER.

They soon got to the Tokyo Metropolitan Matsuzawa Hospital.  Both Souta and Kagome were forced to stay in the waiting room. It seemed like hours before a doctor came out of the ER to talk to them. Kagome immediately stood up and greeted the doctor with a solemn hand shake.

"So how's our mom?" Kagome asked with fear lacing her face. "Let me be frank with you Ms. Higurashi; she had an Epileptic Convulsion which is a result from abnormal, excessive or hyper synchronous neuronal activity in the brain," the doctor explained.

"What in the hell is that?" Kagome began to get angry.

Souta intervened at this time, "Kagome, it's because there's something wrong in Mom's head. It could be caused by too much neural activity or perhaps even a tumor. Am I right doctor?"

The doctor nodded, "Yes son, you are. There is also something else that you two should know; something that the general public doesn't know about yet."

Kagome could feel her hands begin to sweat. "Your mother has the Purpuraetmortis Humi Virus; also known as PHV. Scientists just named it and it has been on the news…"

Souta cut him off, "Yeah we heard about the incident on the news with the construction workers and the forty some odd patients; so what do you know about it?"

"Well young man, we have people working around the clock trying to figure out where it came from and what we can do to make this transition go as smooth as possible," the doctor explained.

"Doctor, what are you trying to tell us?" Kagome nearly hesitated with her question.

The doctor cleared his throat, "We don't have a cure for this virus or any kind of medication to slow it down. It's like when AIDS first came around. It's the same situation, but this virus is too new to determine anything at the moment. Your mother will pass away. The time between catching the disease and death is also unknown. It seems to differ from person to person."

"I don't want to hear anymore!" Kagome cried out. "I just want to see my mom…"

"We can't let you do that. We don't know if this is airborne or if it transitions from person to person. She's in an isolated unit," the doctor said.

"I don't care what you say doc. We were exposed to her in our house, so what does it matter now? We just want to see her if she really is going to die," Kagome pontificated in a dogmatic way. In all actuality she was feeling panic deep within, but she had to remain somewhat calm in order to get what she wanted.

The doctor fiddled with his name tag, which Souta just noticed. It read Doctor Miyazaki.

Souta sighed and decided to use the old doctor's name, "Doctor Miyazaki, we have to go see our mother. She's the only family we have left. You have to understand."

Doctor Miyazaki finally conceded and said, "All right, but you have to wear a mask and don't touch her unless you have some latex gloves on. When you decide to leave the hospital please allow the nurses to look you over. That is the only stipulation I ask if I allow you to do this." They didn't even have to think about it. They quickly agreed to the terms and went to go see their mother for perhaps the last time.

They put the masks and the gloves on before they proceeded into the isolated room. There were tubes all around Mrs. Higurashi's body that were connected to the beeping machines that showed that she was still alive. Her breathing was shallow and it looked like she was asleep. It was probably the morphine they gave her that made her tired. She must have been in a lot of pain. Kagome grabbed her mother's hand and squeezed it gently, knowing that they all had a long night ahead of them.

Morning finally came and the rays of light hit through the window panes like a jolt to reality. Kagome felt someone gripping her hand and she woke up to see her mother looking at her. The opaque's of Mrs. Higurashi's eyes were purple instead of white and this worried Kagome further.

"Morning honey," Mrs. Higurashi squeaked out.

Kagome gulped, "Hi Mom. Are you feeling better?"

Kagome's mom just smiled weakly and said, "I feel alright, but I can barley see you. All I can see are hues of purple."

Souta heard the commotion and opened his eyes as well to see his mother barley audible.

"Mom?" Souta said softly.

"Oh Souta, you're here too," Mrs. Higurashi said in a tired voice.

Souta looked away from his mother and said, "I'm gonna get the doctor and ask about something."

"Oh Souta I'm fine," their mother exaggerated in her whispered voice.

Souta shook his head, "No you're not." Before anyone could argue Souta left the room to go find Doctor Miyazaki about something that was apparently important. Souta rushed out of the room and immediately went to a nurse to retrieve the doctor to discuss something that was bothering him.

"Yes young man, how can I help you?" Doctor Miyazaki asked. Souta looked straight at this expert in the medical field and thought how ignorant this man was.

The young sixteen year old shook his head and said, "I want my mother to have a computed axial tomography scan."

"You mean a CAT scan?" the doctor corrected him.

"Look I don't care about your little acronyms sir. I want my mom to be put through a scan to see the inside of her head. There's something wrong with her brain," Souta explained. Souta continued, "Her opaques are purple instead of white. I know she has body aches and pains. She is suffering from headaches, light headedness and dizzy spells. She even admitted to barley seeing anything but purple hues."

"Hmmm, that sounds pretty serious. Alright we'll schedule a CAT scan for tomorrow," Doctor Miyazaki said as he pulled out a tablet.

Souta began to get angry, barely keeping his temper in control, "No! I want it done right now. If you wait she could die before then. There still could be a chance and if she dies without you doing your best to save her life, I will personally come back to kill you. Trust me sir, that is the first time I ever threatened anyone."  

The doctor put away his tablet and cleared his throat, "We have others in line for a CAT scan before your mother."

Souta grabbed the doctor's lab coat and yanked Miyazaki close to him, "Are any of them in a life or death situation? You better be honest with me or you'll be the one in critical condition." Souta never threatened anyone in his life and he was a pretty docile boy, but this was his mom they were talking about. His only family that was alive besides his sister.

"Alright, alright. Just calm down and we'll get her in there in just a few minutes," Doctor Miyazaki quickly said as Souta finally released him. Souta's eyebrows slanted as he watched the doctor leave around the corner to make the appointment. This was getting serious and Souta felt helpless in a wave of despair. There was a time when he was younger that he looked up to Inuyasha and saw him as his hero. He realized how wrong he was about the half demon. The only heroes were those that weren't afraid to fight for the right things in life; like family.

Souta went back into the isolated room with his mask put promptly over his face. "What did the doctor say?" Kagome asked, muffling through her own mask.

Souta shoved his hands in his pockets, "We're getting Mom into a CAT scan so that we can see inside her head. I want to know what's going on."

Kagome remained silent as she held their mom's hand. Souta just paced the room until the doctor returned with a stretcher to transport Mrs. Higurashi to another room for the scan.

They put her on the machine and the doctor was explaining the procedure, "This is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions. CAT scanning combines special x-ray equipment with sophisticated computers to produce multiple images or pictures of the inside of the body. These cross-sectional images of the area being studied can then be examined on a computer monitor. The scans focus on internal organs, bones, soft tissue and blood vessels; and it provides greater clarity and reveal more details than regular x-ray exams. It also shows more detailed information on head injuries, stroke, brain tumors and other brain diseases than regular radiographs."

"This way we can see what exactly is going on inside of our mom Kagome. Does that make sense?" Souta asked his sister.

Kagome gritted her teeth, "Yeah I got what he said. I'm not stupid Souta."

Souta bit the inside of his cheek and said, "I wasn't trying to say you're stupid sis. I just want to help in the only way I can."

Kagome didn't respond as she hugged Souta close as the scan took place. They were both hoping that something could be done to save their mother's life, but they knew in the back of their minds that their mom would die. The scanning was soon completed and their mother was transported back to her room. Kagome and Souta stayed behind to talk with the doctor about his findings. They were desperate to find out more.

Doctor Miyazaki was clicking at the computer when he was pointing some abnormalities out. "Her whole head is full of tumors, but what's weird is that these tumors are almost like air pockets that are dissolving the tissue inside. I'm guessing the PHV is causing the blindness as well. I don't see anything that we can do," Miyazaki actually started to sound worried himself.

"Is that why her face was covered in blood when we first found her?" Kagome asked.

Miyazaki nodded, "Yes, she was bleeding from the orifices of her eyes. There is just too much pressure built up in her head that there was nowhere for the blood to escape." Kagome covered her mouth to extinguish a sob that formed in her throat.

"All we can do is keep medicating her to keep away the pain. I don't know what else to do," Doctor Miyazaki uttered.

Several days passed with Mrs. Higurashi was in and out of consciousness.  She spent them in pain and soon became delusional of the world around her as she soon became blind. With the final step into blindness she died. Souta and Kagome had a proper funeral for their mother and they were lost on what to do now. All they had was each other to embrace the future of the unknown.
NOTE: This is just a temp version until my editor corrects for me. I just want you all to read it in it's... rough form. And of course if you see anything I can fix... then tell me! ^^

The nickname of the disease is Purple Haze, and who planted it was Naraku from 500 years in the past. Those who catch the disease on time are put into pods to be frozen until a cure is found. Kagome, being one of these victims is thrust into a future where everything is uncertain and where a dog demon lord awaits her.

Link to fanfiction account: [link]

Chapter 1: [link]
Chapter 2: HERE!
Chapter 3: [link]
Chapter 4: [link]
Chapter 5: [link]
Chapter 6: [link]
Chapter 7: [link]
Chapter 8: [link]
Chapter 9: [link]
Chapter 10: [link]
Chapter 11: [link]
Chapter 12: [link]
Chapter 13: [link]
Chapter 14: [link]
Chapter 15: [link]
Chapter 16: [link]
Chapter 17: [link]
Chapter 18: [link]
Chapter 19: [link]
Chapter 20: [link]
Chapter 21: [link]
Chapter 22:[link]
Chapter 23: [link]
Chapter 24 END: [link]

Inuyasha cast © Rumiko Takahashi
© 2012 - 2024 RuuRuu-Chan
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RAE8892's avatar
I almost thought it would be a zombie virus the way it was happening so quick, but this is way more original! I love it, though I did tear up, just a little, when Kagome's mom got sick and died :(
I am loving this!