
Vic and the Secret Door - Chapter 39

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Vic and the Secret Door – Chapter 39
"To Fight A Battle In Another Man's Body"

They had a rough landing in Karasumori. No one could figure out how to land on his feet. Each one in the group felt awkward in their new bodies. It was like walking around in shoes that didn't fit.
It took them all a few moments to readjust themselves. When everyone was finally able to get up they heard a young girl scream.
"Tokine!"Fai, or rather Yoshimori, screamed as he ran off towards the voice.
"Here we go again…" Yukito said with almost no enthusiasm.
But at this point in their journey, no one but Tamaki had any energy left. Everyone was exhausted. Through the entire thing they had gotten little to no rest.
They ran to the voice but were slowed down due to the unfamiliarity of the bodies they were in. Almost everyone tripped and fell just by trying to walk.
"How am I supposed to do anything in this body!?!?" Ed yelled as he was trying to get up. "It's useless!"
"Just deal with it! How do you think I feel? I feel like an ant in your body!" Ikkaku yelled back.
"Who are you calling so short he–" Ed began
Yoshimori turned around and you could see the frustration and worry on his, or rather Fai's, face.
"Would you two quite worrying about your selves for a minute?!?!" Yoshimori interrupted "Tokine's in trouble!"
When they finally reached the place where they heard her voice, they found Tokine fainted on the ground surrounded by a hundred Ayakashi.
"No way…" Vic muttered.
Yoshimori agreed. All he could do was stare. Never in the history of Kekkaishi, or in Yoshimori's case, the history of his life, had Vic or Yoshimori even seen so many Ayakashi in one place.
Yoshimori soon recovered from his shock and realized that he had to get Tokine somewhere safe no matter what.
"Tokine!" Yoshimori yelled as he ran to save her.
Yoshimori never really thought of the consequences. He normally just did things and took the consequences later. Unfortunately, this was worse than any other of his spontaneous idea. Fai's body didn't really work the same as his own causing him to trip and fall on his face.
"You idiot!" Yukito yelled, "Do you really think that was the smartest move?"
Just then an Ayakashi dove to attack Yoshimori. It flew towards him at the speed of light barring its fangs and preparing to kill.
"Imagine the Ayakashi frozen in ice!" Fai advised. He figured that if it was his body, then it should still be able to do magic.
In that moment Yoshimori let go of his own stubbornness and trusted purely in Fai. This caused him to become one with Fai's body. The magic then came easily, as if Fai's body was guiding him through it. Before he knew it, the Ayakashi lay dead before him in a block of ice.
"Amazing!" Spirit said in awe.
"How'd you do that?" Kougaji asked
"I just kind of let go…" Yoshimori said
"Let go of-" Kougaji started
Another Ayakashi was on them now. This one was bigger than the last. They scattered, each man going in a different direction.
Vic looked around. The whole group was running around in chaos barely avoiding the attacks. The only one doing okay was Yoshmori who had learned to use magic as well as Fai.
He thought about the clue. 'If you want to return to normal, work together as one another and defeat the Ayakashi' That seemed pretty straight forward. He also thought about what Yoshimori said 'I just kind of let go…'
Then it came to him, the way to be able to use each other's bodies. All you had to do was accept the person for who they are and trust them. Coming into a state of inner peace. Vic tried it. He let go of all his pre-established feelings toward Broly and let his soul become one with Broly's body. One moment he was completely helpless and he next moment he felt like a completely different person, which wasn't a complete lie. It was like Broly's body was telling him what to do.
He saw an Ayakashi fly at Obito's body and with super saiyan force he blasted the Ayakashi into smithereens.
"Listen up everyone!" Vic shouted as he knocked an Ayakashi out "We need to work together! The only way to properly use the body you're in is to accept the person whose body your in for who they are and trust them completely!"
"You mean I'm supposed to trust the pipsqueak?" Ikkaku questioned
"Well look who's talking…" Ed said with sarcasm
"Will you two just give it up for one minute and at least try what he says?" Obito asked.
"No!" They both yelled
"Fine" Obito said "Then we'll fight without you."
With that statement Obito let go and trusted Yoshimori gaining the powers of a Kekkaishi. He felt Yoshimori guiding him through how to use the powers and was soon killing off Ayakashi even better than Yoshimori himself.
Soon everyone let go and trusted each other gaining respect and understanding for each other. Each of them had gained another man's powers. Ikkaku and Ed finally gave in and decided to trust.
Ikkaku found that Ed wasn't as bad as he had seemed and that Ed had gone through as much suffering, or maybe even more suffering, than he had. And he didn't mind the whole transmutation thing either.
Ed learned much about the teenage host while in his body. He realized that behind that loud, obnoxious, stupid teen there was love and courage. He came to respect Tamaki and understood his actions.
It seemed like the world was looking a little bit brighter for Vic and his gang.
Each person accepting one another for who they were and trusting them completely. Through this each person learned a lot about the person whose body they were in. They all began to understand each other.
"I've got a plan!" Vic said
"Let's hear it!" Ed said in an unusually cheerful mood that seemed to have rubbed off from Tamaki.
"Yoshimori, you take Tokine and hide somewhere safe!"
"Right!" Yoshimori said as he grabbed Tokine and hid behind a rock.
"Broly, Kougaji, Ed, Spirit, Yukito, Forbesii and Fai, take Michele and find somewhere safe as well!"
"Got it!" They all said in unison.
That left Zero who was in Ikkaku's body, Ikkaku who was in Ed's body, Tamaki who was in Dark's body, Dark who was in Gawl's body, Gawl who was in Spirit's body, Greece who was in Obito's body, Obito who was in Yoshimori's body, and Vic who was in Broly's body to fight.
"Gawl!" Zero yelled
"Yeah" Gawl replied
"Do you think you could turn into a Death Scythe?" Zero asked
"One Death Scythe coming right up!"
Gawl turned into a Death Scythe for Zero to use and they started slaying Ayakashi like nobody's business.
"Well we can't let them have all the fun!" Ikkaku said.
"Right!" They all agreed.
Looking at the group now, you would never have thought that they weren't in their bodies. The group fought with amazing teamwork. Ikkaku was transmuting like a natural, Tamaki was flying effortlessly, Dark was enjoying Gawl's powers, Greece was using ninjustsu and genjustsu like he was part of the Uchiha clan, Obito was a natural Kekkaishi, and Vic was loving the Super Saiyan mode.
Within a few minutes, they had defeated all the Ayakashi.
"We finally managed to work together." Vic said
Everyone agreed and began to congratulate each other.
Tokine began to wake up.
"Toki-" Yoshimori began
"Let me handle this" Obito said "She won't recognize you while you're in Fai's body."
"Alright" Yoshimori said slightly reluctantly
Tokine looked around and saw a bunch of strangers.
"What happened?" She asked. "Yoshimori? Where were you? Who are these people?"
"I know it's strange but I honestly have no time to explain it to you right now." Obito replied. It was scary how much he sounded like Yoshimori.
Suddenly the PMoF appeared.
"Good job everyone. You all have progressed a great deal. I will now return you to your original bodies" the PMoF said.
With that all of them returned to their original bodies. Each one was grateful and had come to a new understanding of what it felt like to be someone else.
"You are nearing the end of your journey and your time is running out. There is still much to do before you can return home. I don't have much time left so I'll just say one more thing: If you wish to succeed in this quest you mustn't ever let yourselves be rule-"
The PMoF never got to finish his sentence. A hole appeared in the world, sucking the PMoF in.
"Wait! Be ruled by what?" Vic said in a near panic. "But you haven't told us what we need to do yet!"
"I think it's gone for good this time…" Michele said solemnly.
"This is bad" Gawl concluded
"What should we do now?" Fai asked.
"We keep moving forward" Vic replied with newfound confidence. I mean what else were they supposed to do? If they sat around, the whole world could collapse.
A door appeared.
They walked through it and were transferred to the new world. When Yoshimori looked back to say goodbye to Tokine he saw that his world was falling apart.
"Tokine!" He yelled but it was too late. There was no way that she'd be able to hear him.
The worlds were crumbling and they were running out of time.
Chapter 39 of :iconthe-da-ranger-group:'s joint fan fiction: Vic and the Secret Door.
I didn't think I'd have time to write this... Yay for 3 hour car ride to New York!
I'm sorry if there are a lot of typos. If you see one, please tell me.
Feedback would be great! If your going to say that you hate it, at least tell me why so that I can improve :D I think that's fair enough to ask.
When I was writing this I noticed that two of my favorite characters that Vic voiced weren't in here >.< But it was a little too late to add them, but...
That's okay though ^_^ I guess there are enough characters to manage already :P
I know it's not as epic as the chapter before but please don't kill me.
And I also didn't choose the next world... I thought I'd let the next person choose so that they could choose something they were more familiar with.
With all that said, I hope you guys like it!

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ShimizuChiharu's avatar
I really liked this chapter! Good Work!!! :thumbsup:
Here's the typos i found. Considering you wrote this in a short period of time I'm astounded at how few of them there are!
Karasumo should be Karasumori
"Would you two quite worrying about your selves for a minute!" Yoshimori inturupted (inturrupted needs 2 r's)
Never in the history of Kekkshi (Kekkaishi)
The only way to properly use the body your (you're) in is to accept the person whose body your (you're) in
Ed said in an unusually cheerful mood that seemed to have rubbed off from amaki. (Tamaki)
Gawl turned into a Death Scythe for Zero to use and they started slaying Ayakshi (Ayakashi) like nobody's business.