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Summer Time



Done on August the 15th 2012
Time : About 5-6 hours
Tools : Photoshop CS3



Happy summer time~

This is featuring Marry, one of my OCs.
She's like you never ever seen her before, and will never see again! XD (in her world, there is no blue sky, no swimsuit, no sun glasses, no watermelon or anything here XD)

Each year I tell to myself I should make some "summer" artwork but I never do it. This time I did.
It was supposed to be a "fast" painting but it almost turned into a "normal" painting.
I wasn't satisfied with anatomy, but I've just re-worked on it and I hope it looks at least a little bit better with her back.

Well, it was for fun, and I hope you have a great summer time!! :dance:

[EDIT] I've took the time to re-work a little on it, and I think (at least I hope) it looks better for the anatomy!


ART © *Doria-Plume
Character from "La Reine Bleue" © *Doria-Plume


Other artworks about "La Reine Bleue" (more here) :
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650x922px 262.19 KB
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S3rb4n's avatar
Absolutely beautiful and charming!