PixelKitties on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pixelkitties/art/Nuka-Classy-Quantum-328426750PixelKitties

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Nuka Classy Quantum



I will have a new decorative soda bottle available at Canterlot Gardens next weekend, and this is one I've been looking forward to for a long time!

Nuka Classy Quantum is the newest and final (at least so far as this year) in the Gummy Classy Cola product line. Featuring the entire contents of a sugarcane field and thousands of delicious calories; Gummy Alligator is proud to present another Fallout-themed beverage to tempt your palate and burn away thirst with delicious and healthy radiation!

These bottles will be a bit more expensive than the others I'll have available at Canterlot as Nuka Classy Quantum is a bit more difficult to procure AND each bottle comes complete with a lighted coaster for that authentic warm, glowing, warming glow!
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700x1342px 391.22 KB
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Jokerz-1824's avatar
Gummy approves.