
Betrayal, War, Redemption, a pokemon fanfic Ch.28

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Ch. 28: Capture of the Fallen

We are in position, brother. the voice of Misty whispered in Ash's mind. He acknowledged her with a silent pulse of energy from his aura.

Six individuals were surrounding a building in the heart of the Thanatos-held Sable City, intent on completing a mission of vengeance and mercy.
For here was the location of one of Thanatos's major weapons projects. One that involved taking Pokemon and lobotomizing them in order to transform them into mindless killing machines, filled with naught but berserker rage.

The hateful, immoral Project FAMULUS. Aptly named after the Latin word for slave, since these Pokemon were now slaves. Slaves to Thanatos and to their own rage.

These six were here to liberate the poor Pokemon through a merciful, painless death, for the Pokemon here were gone, unable to be saved or healed. Though Misty now possessed healing abilities and Ash was capable of healing them physically and spiritually, the horrendous damage inflicted by Thanatos was so extensive that it would take too long to tend to these poor Pokemon. And time was the one thing they didn't have. Thus, there was only one way to take.
Death was the only option.

But they were also here for another reason: to pass judgment upon the scientists who had committed these crimes. They felt the souls of the five scientists within, gloating over their successes in enhancing the Pokemon to become stronger than they were before. They reveled in their sadistic undertakings, laughed deliriously as they gloated over the incredible things they never would've done under a moral government.

Guilty, all of them. said Misty to the others, transmitting her thoughts to the others. Everyone else agreed.

Let's go in there. she heard the belligerent voice of Max speak in her mind. Make them suffer for their crimes.
Control yourself, brother.
a calm voice with the strength of rock spoke. It was Brock; he was chastising the young boy for such a thought. Remember, no emotion. We are black voids to these damned souls.
Max acknowledged and apologized for his outburst. He returned to the task at hand.

Meanwhile, Ash spoke telepathically to another, the one who would pass the judgment to the scientists. Are you ready?
It wasn't long before she answered, and it was with certainty that she replied, I am, fallen brother. I stand ready to purify them with the flame.
Good. Move in, all of you. Find your own way in and we'll converge in the main laboratory. Kill any you encounter. None must know of our presence. Go.

The order was given. The six Angels of Vengeance went in.

A Thanatos soldier was on duty break, smoking a cigarette. It was his second one, already having disposed of the first by throwing it down to the ground.
A second later, he died without a sound as a small, black-gloved hand covered his mouth and pulled him backwards into the shadows, the other hand slashing a stiletto knife across his throat. The guard died quietly and the figure moved on, hair of deep blue flowing beneath the black hood.
Dawn moved on, entering through the south entrance using the guard's pass card. She moved on.

Two more Thanatos guards patrolled the outer perimeter of the building, a clear view out in front of them. Suddenly the ground beneath them shook and split, and the two fell into a large chasm barely enough for them to fit in. A black figure motioned with his hands and the chasm closed around them, trapping the two inside. Both soon died of asphyxiation.

Brock moved on, opening another path beneath the earth and traveling underground into the building.

       At the north entrance, a lone Thanatos guard died silently as his heart.......melted. Someone had grabbed him from behind and then thrust a hand into his chest; the hand somehow glowed red-hot, and then melted straight through his chest and destroyed his heart. It all took only five seconds, and the guard hadn't made a sound. Soon, he was on the ground with a large hole in his chest.
His killer, May, moved on silently, uncaring of his death. Like the others, he was guilty, May having read his thoughts prior to his death and seeing all the atrocities he had committed. Judgment was passed.

      The west entrance saw the death of two more Thanatos guards by a single sweep of a black scythe. Perfectly executed, the scythe slashed unseen, neatly slicing through their necks, the heads toppling to the ground, followed by the bodies. Max slung his scythe and moved in, intent on seeing justice served.

      The east entrance had a water main snaking from Sable City's water supply, providing water to the building. It was here that Misty entered, dissolving herself into water and traveling along the pipe to enter the building via the plumbing system. She hadn't killed anyone. Not yet, at least.

That left only Ash. He opted to enter the building from the roof. The Thanatos fools hadn't even bothered to post guards on the roof, so sure were they of their safety; Sable City was deep within Thanatos territory, safe from assault. What arrogant thinking! He made his way in unmolested, and he entered the building, electrocuting the lone guard watching the entrance to the roof silently.

The six moved on, infiltrating the building. They were in.

In a women's restroom on the lowermost level of the building, a sink suddenly turned on. Crystal-clear water pooled out from the faucet and spilled onto the floor with a mind of its own. When sufficient water was pooled on the ground, the conversion began. The water started to gather itself into one shape, a female shape. Blue turned to black, liquid became solid, and she was here.
I'm in. Misty said to the others. She had infiltrated the building via the plumbing, using her water morphing to slither in through the pipes.

No one was in the restroom. She made her way out and headed off in the direction of the stairs. The laboratory was four stories up.

Up on the third floor, she encountered a pair of Thanatos officers, sergeants leaving an inspection of the laboratory. Surprised to see her, they quickly went for their weapons, but she was the faster. Drawing her kilij blade, she expertly slashed through their hearts and then decapitated the two so that no cry of alarm could be heard.
It had to be done. she thought. The old saying "the ends do not justify the means" is right sometimes. In this case, it's not. Here, the ends do justify the means.

This was in reference to the killings she just committed. A way to calm herself and reassure her that what she was doing was necessary for the greater good.
Enough, Misty. The others are waiting for you. With that thought, she resumed her course towards the laboratory.

The five converged at the entrance to the laboratory. Misty arrived a few seconds later.
Good. said Ash. We're all here. Any of you encounter any problems?

Just some Thanatos we had to take out.
answered Brock, speaking for all of them. No one knows we've entered this place.

Ash nodded, pleased at the work his comrades had done. Excellent. Beyond these doors is the task we're set to do. You all ready?
They each nodded a yes. Ash nodded back. Then let's do it.
He unholstered a silenced pistol from his waist and cocked it, preparing it to fire. The others also pulled out silenced pistols and did the same. This was how they'd kill these suffering Pokemon: a single shot to the head. A mercy killing.

When they were loaded, Ash silently opened the doors, and they went into the laboratory.
The laboratory looked clean, like any other normal laboratory. But this one was used for evil purposes.

There were machines of all kinds hooked up to medical beds of all sizes. There even some transparent tanks within. Each had a Pokemon occupant.
They were all restrained to the beds and tanks by triple-strength braces.

The six silently moved through the sleeping Pokemon, each one of the Pokemon drugged into a semi-conscious state. None of them were aware of the six' stealthy entry, all the Angels masters of infiltration and stealth.

This was their first objective: kill all the Pokemon silently and mercifully. Seeing the pitiful state of the Pokemon, Ash, Misty, and the others became convinced that they were doing the right thing by putting these creatures out of their misery.

Each Pokemon had evidence of brain surgery on them, their frontal lobes patched and shriveled. Laser-like incision marks could be seen on their heads, and all the Pokemon looked slightly thin and emaciated. All of them were on life support, breathing through masks which also drugged them into a dreamlike state and thin IVs providing them with the minimum amount of nutrients and enhancement drugs.
They were tortured and lobotomized. These were the products of that hateful project.
Project FAMULUS.

      Misty walked up to one of the Pokemon held fast to a surgical table. It was a Machamp, though it looked slightly thinner than a normal Machamp. Its arms looked vaguely skeletal, though they were still muscled. But what caused her to feel sad was seeing the lump of flesh that was once the forehead of the creature; it was misshapen, the result of intense, invasive surgery.
Its arms and chest were injected with IV drops providing nutrients and drugs to enhance its strength. Machamp appeared to be serenely asleep, though Misty knew this was just a facade.

The emotions she sensed in Machamp were a roiling, violent mix of rage, hatred, anger. Nothing else emanated from the poor creature, just anger and hate. It was in a forced sleep, and she could sense the caged anger within trying to seek release, to burst out and kill. She felt pity for it.

I'm sorry. she spared a thought for the Machamp as she prepared to do her duty. Forgive me. You don't deserve this suffering, this pain. Rest, find peace.
Without hesitation, she aimed the pistol and fired at its forehead. The Machamp died without a sound, its suffering ended.
Its mind sputtered and died, like a candle blown out. No pain. Nothing.

Misty cleared her mind and proceeded to her next victim, an emaciated Chikorita. She too, killed the raged Pokemon in its drug-induced sleep.

All around her, the others were also performing the same solemn ministrations. Each approached a Pokemon silently and quickly ended its misery with a single shot to the head. She felt the emotions of her friends: May, Max, Brock, and Dawn all performed the same actions, and like her, they too apologized to the Pokemon for what they did.

I'm sorry.
Forgive me, but this is the only way to free you from your suffering.
Find happiness in the afterlife.
Go. Be at peace, little guy.

These and more were the apologetic thoughts that were going through the minds of her friends. Good. she thought. They see this only as a duty of mercy.
She then felt the emotions of Ash; he too was also asking for forgiveness. She could sense his revulsion at having to do this, but he did it anyway. She admired him for that.

They continued their silent duty, their stealthy moves and the silenced barrels of their pistols not even making the smallest sound. Finally, they were down to the last Pokemon: a tortured and cut Togekiss. It too, had undergone the same surgery and drug enhancement. It was a wasted thing, a dying version of its former self.

Ash raised his pistol in preparation to put Togekiss out of its misery, but Misty stopped him.
I want to do it. she told him mentally. Ash understood and stood back, allowing Misty this moment. Misty loved Togepi and all its evolutions, and to see a happy Togekiss tortured like this sickened her to the core. It was her duty to end its suffering.
She aimed the pistol.

I'm so sorry, little one. Find peace.

She began to squeeze the trigger. And then, "HEY! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?

The six turned around.

Their presence had been discovered.
One of the scientists had entered the laboratory, the other four staring behind the glass windows of the doors. All of them were in shock at what they were seeing.

All of their enhanced Pokemon dead, killed by point-blank pistol shots. Their last FAMULUS, a Togekiss, was now awake and screaming in rage.
And six black-hooded individuals standing there, one with a pistol aimed at the Togekiss.

"It's the wraiths!" yelled one of the scientists, and he fled in the opposite direction, the others following suit.
After them! yelled Max, but was stopped by Dawn. They still had to deal with the now-awake Togekiss, who was currently thrashing and ranting in rage.

End it. Ash said, and all six raised their pistols and fired once. Six bullets pierced the Togekiss's head and heart, killing it instantly and painlessly. Their mercy mission was complete.

Now we pass the judgment. said Ash. He ran off in the direction of where the scientists had fled. Dawn, Misty, go after them. Keep them busy until the rest of us arrive.
The two girls nodded and dissolved into their respective elements. Misty slid herself through the walls to travel along the water pipes while Dawn turned herself into air and sped off into the ventilation ducts. The two would find and trap the scientists.

The scientists ran down the stairs, intent on getting to the exit and fleeing to safety. They had heard of these wraiths and the so-called horrors they inflicted upon the unfortunate souls who came across them. They didn't want to share this fate. And so they fled.

They didn't get far.

A cold blast of wind blew out from the ventilation shaft before them, and the scientists cowered in fear. The wind grew into a powerful gale and blew the scientists back up to the fourth floor entrance. They tried going back down the stairs but a wall of water appeared before them, turning into ice and blocking off the stairs. They were trapped.

In fear, the scientists turned, and they saw four wraiths approach them, another two appearing out of nowhere behind them.

One of the scientists, though, was angry, and in his folly, launched a tirade against the wraiths.
"You stupid goddamn fools!" he crowed in anger. "Do you realize what you've done!? Eight months of work wasted! Eight months of turning Pokemon into the perfect killer! Do you understand the great work you've ruined!? Fools!"

The wraiths stopped. They remained motionless, but inside they were fuming.
He dared call these abominations icons of perfection? He dared call the torturing and lobotomizing of innocent Pokemon a "great work"?
What an arrogant idiot! In his hubris, he damned himself and the others.

The wraiths read the scientists' thoughts, and they felt the passion and sadistic pleasure the scientists felt as they performed these horrific surgeries and enhancements on the Pokemon. The scientists enjoyed every moment of it. They were truly......."Guilty." said Misty. The others agreed.

"Cleanse them with flame." said Ash to May, and May smiled, relishing this moment.

The scientists cringed back towards the wall, cowering in fear. They watched as the wraith approached them, slowly, silently. It stopped a foot before them and removed its black gloves to reveal pale white hands.
Two of the scientists lost it.

"Wait! Please, don't hurt us! We didn't mean to hurt all those Pokemon! All those nice, cute Pokemon! Thanatos made us do it! We're innocent! WE'RE INNOCENT!"

The wraith stood before them, those pale hands now burning with fire. A single word uttered from its mouth. "Lies."

And the room was bathed in flame. Whooshing jets of fire streamed from the wraith's hands, May's fire abilities brought to the fore. Soon the whole room was enveloped in purifying fire.
No one flinched as they heard the scientists scream in agony as they were burned alive. Their suffering mattered not to the Angels of Vengeance.

Justice had been served. Vengeance done. Corrupted souls sent to the hell where they belonged.

"Let us go. We've done our job." said Ash, not even bothering to watch the final dying moments of the corrupt scientists. The others followed him.
They left through the emergency exit, and were down to the first floor when an alarm sounded off.
That's not the fire alarm. Brock immediately ascertained. The sound was almost like a klaxon.
No, it's not. Misty agreed. Sounds like...... intruder alarm.
Ash concluded. Those scientists must've set off the intruder alarms before we caught them. We have to get out of here now! Come on!

They bolted to the bottom floor and got out via an adjacent exit. Haste was in their every step. Thanatos was well-known for rapidly responding to any intruders in their territories or facilities. They could be here any minute.
And they already were.

Look out! cried Misty, seeing movement out past them to the right. Thanatos soldiers, and they fired!
Ash and the others separated, dispersing away like frightened crows.
Rendevous at the edge of the forest. There, I'll call Mewtwo and he'll teleport us back to the fortress. Ash ordered. The others complied and made their own way to the destination point.

Everyone split up, finding their own way through the forest just off the edge of Sable City. Their mission was accomplished, the suffering Pokemon mercifully killed and the evil scientists given judgment and cleansing. But their mission was hampered by one of the scientists triggering an alarm, prompting Thanatos soldiers to rapidly respond. Now the Angels were on the run, avoiding scout teams and reconnaissance troops from detecting them. Any Thanatos soldier they encountered they killed quickly before moving on. Eventually, all six made it to the rendezvous point.

Save one.

Ash was nearly at the rendezvous point, catching sight of his comrades. All of them were assembled and waiting for him; he was the last one to arrive at the rendezvous point.
Almost there. he thought. Almost there.

And then, he was caught.

A trio of bolas came out of nowhere, small round weights flying in the air. They all ensared Ash's legs, his arms and waist, causing him to collapse to the ground.
He grunted in pain. He was caught! And soon, he was surrounded by Thanatos soldiers, who aimed their weapons at him.

Ash! Misty's voice resounded in his head. She and the others made towards him, but he held them back. No! Leave me! I won't risk all of you getting captured.

Are you insane, Ash?
Max shouted. We're not gonna leave you!
You will.
Ash replied. There are too many Thanatos for you to handle. You'll all be captured along with me.
But, we swore an never leave you again.
May said, trying to convince him otherwise. He wouldn't be swayed, though.
You're gonna have to this time. I won't risk your safety for my own. Leave me. I'll find my way back.

The others wouldn't have it, but the stern voice of Misty caught their attention. He's right, guys. There are too many enemies to fight. We'll be overwhelmed and taken prisoner. For now, we do as he says.

Though they were reluctant to obey, Misty and Ash relaxed as the others relented.
Don't worry, Ash. We'll come back for you. Misty told him. We swore to never abandon you again, and we won't break it. We will come back for you.
I know.
said Ash. I'll be waiting. Now go! Mewtwo, he called the cat-like Pokemon, who appeared before the others, get them back to the fortress!

But what about you?
asked Mewtwo, worried for Ash.
Ash comforted him. Don't worry about me. I'm tough, I'll survive. And I'll be back. Have faith. Now GO!
Though he was reticent to leave behind Ash, Mewtwo obeyed, teleporting Misty and the others back to the fortress. Ash, for now, was captured.
He heard a boot step next to him and looked up. The next thing he knew was unconsciousness. The Thanatos grunt had whacked him out cold with the butt of his rifle. Another grunt tore off his hood.

They all stood in shock. They had just unmasked a wraith, and it surprised them who it was.
"Contact Lord Thanatos!" one of them yelled to a subordinate. "Tell him who we've caught! Quickly!"

For now, Ash Ketchum was captured.

"Damnit! Damnit to hell!" shouted May, furious at herself. She and the other betrayers had made it back safely to the fortress. The Angels of Vengeance were safe, but they were without their leader. Ash was taken captive by Thanatos.
Max was fuming, enraged that Ash was captured.
Dawn was hysterical with emotion. "Guys, we have to go back! We have to get him out of wherever they're taking him!"
Brock was in agreement. "Yeah. Also, they'll interrogate him for answers. We can't risk him revealing the Order in clearer detail. Right, Misty?"

Misty nodded; she also believed that rescuing Ash was top priority. He was the Dark Master of the Order. He contained many secrets that couldn't be revealed.

"But we don't know where they'll take him." she said. "We have no leads, no idea of where he'll be held."

Any further conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a robed member of the Order.
"Brothers, sisters," he said in Latin, "the Grand Master requests your presence in his private sanctum. All of you."
The five stared at each other. Lance wanted them? "We'll be there right away." Misty told him.

A few minutes later, they had arrived at the doors to Lance's private sanctum. Misty knocked twice on the doors to inform their arrival.
"Enter." Lance's clear, commanding voice sounded from within.

They went in, bowing reverently before the presence of the Grand Master. Lance acknowledged them with a nod. "My lord," Misty spoke in Latin, "you summoned us?"

"I did." Lance responded in kind. "Well done. Good job in destroying that laboratory in Sable City. You and Ash have done well." That surprised them. Lance knew of the Angels of Vengeance' existence?

"How did-?" Max asked, before Lance pre-empted him. "I knew of the Angels' existence two weeks after its formation. I know Ash meant to keep this secret, but I had my suspicions."

"Like what?" asked Brock. Lance turned to stare at him. "The fact that you all lost your families and homes to Thanatos is an obvious suspicion. Would you not begin to harbor feelings of hatred and a desire for revenge? You would."

"Furthermore, I knew that you might lose yourselves and abandon the Order to pursue a quest of revenge. So I know Ash formed the Angels to help you satisfy your desire for vengeance without leaving the Order. Believe me, had you left the Order for a personal vendetta, you would've been dishonored and declared lost to our brothers and sisters, with no hope of returning."

That stunned them a little. They apparently had come close to being declared lost brothers and sisters, fallen ones with no hope of redemption. Ash had basically saved them from their own hatred. Well, May and Max, mostly, the other three having conquered their desires of revenge and quenching them.

"What was your reaction when you first discovered this?" asked Misty. Lance smiled at her. "I was furious, sister. I was mad that Ash had kept this secret from me. I came very close to losing my temper."

That scared them a little bit; Lance was known across the region for having a very fiery temper. "But Ash calmed me down and explained to me his reasons for keeping this secret, saying that it was personal for all of you.....and for him."

"In the end, I saw the reasoning and wisdom behind his actions, and so I relented, allowing him to retain his secret group. So I know of all the missions you've undertaken. Though they've given you closure in the form of vengeance, they've also proven highly advantageous to the Order, since you denied our enemy many key assets and resources as well as derailing their plans for some time. In your quest for vengeance, you've given the world a little breathing room. Well done."

The five beamed, glad to see their bid for vengeance was also benefitting the Order and the world, in a way. But their pride was brought down as Lance spoke again, this time with words of dread.

"And I know the Dark Master has been captured."

That brought them out of their reverie. "Forgive me, Grand Master," Brock sputtered out, "but Ash was adamant......" 

"I know he was." answered Lance. "And he was right: there were too many of them for you to handle. You'd have all been overpowered and captured as well."

"So...what do we do now?" asked Dawn. Lance looked at her sternly. "Find Ash and rescue him." he firmly said.

"But we don't know where they've taken him!" Max said, a little loudly. "For all we know, he could be halfway across the world by now!"

"Maybe." Lance said. He circled the group, looking deeply into them. "But did you not remember you can maintain telepathic contact with him? See where he is?" That was true; Ash had told them earlier, when they'd first gotten their telepathic abilities, that you could communicate and maintain a psychic link with any other telepath, no matter how far you were.

"And assuming that Ash has been unmasked," Misty mused, a closed hand on her chin, "we have to assume he'll be taken to Giovanni himself. Giovanni really hates Ash for what he did to him."

"Quite correct, sister." Lance applauded her reasoning. "Giovanni won't let something like this slip by his fingers. He'll be there in person to interrogate Ash. And where would be the safest place?"

It was then they all realized where Ash would be held captive. "The Thanatos headquarters!" they all said at the same time. "Of which we've finally uncovered its exact location. Smack dab in the middle of Viridian City, built on an old construction site and using some form of cloaking technology to keep it invisible from prying eyes." Lance said.

The five were ready. They had a location, they had a sure possibility of where Ash would be, they had the determination to go and rescue him.

"What are your orders, my lord?" Misty asked Lance formally. "Shall we go now and rescue Ash, or do you have another plan?" "I do." Lance answered. "I want you to select another ten individuals to go with you. You can choose anyone of the Order to join you in this rescue. And furthermore," he added, removing a small symbol from a pouch in his belt, "I will place this rescue team under your command, sister."

He put the symbol on Misty's left shoulder and she gasped; she was now wearing the Dragon Master's personal emblem, a red flaming dragon. "Why?" she asked. "Why give me this mark?"

"Because it will denote you as my subordinate. I want you to lead this rescue, Misty." Lance explained, this time in English. "You alone of everyone here present has the calm and clarity needed for leadership. Therefore, you must bear this burden. You must take this team, infiltrate the Thanatos headquarters, and rescue Ash before it's too late. Do you understand me?"

The fact that he was entrusting her with this duty and giving her his confidence gave Misty the best reassurance she'd ever felt. Yes, she could do it. She wouldn't falter now.

Staring straight into his eyes, Misty told him firmly, "Consider it done, Lance. We won't fail." She gestured to her friends. "We swore an oath to never abandon Ash again, and we won't. We'll bring him back. You have my word."

Lance nodded, sensing her confidence and surety of her words. "Very well. Assemble your team and go."

No more needed to be said. The five turned and left, intent on their new mission. But this time, they wouldn't go as the Angels of Vengeance. They'd go as full members of the Order......and as Ash's friends. 


"Gary." a voice called out to him. Gary turned around and saw Misty approach him. He could sense the urgency in her mind. "Misty," he asked, "what's wrong?"

"I need your help." she answered. "I need you to come with me to Viridian City. To rescue Ash." That caught his attention. "Ash?" he asked. "What happened?" he demanded.

"He got captured by Thanatos." Misty explained. "I've been ordered by Lance to go and rescue him. I first have to choose ten others to join me, and so, I'm asking you first."

                     Gary understood, but a part of him still didn't trust her. She had, after all, betrayed Ash, had she not? "Yes, I did, Gary," Misty answered, having read his thoughts, "and I'm not proud of what I've done. But the past needs to be past. Ash is in danger and only I know where he is. So I'm asking you, as a brother and as Ash's friend," she took his hands into her own, "will you help me rescue him?" 

She's right. Put your doubts to rest. She's done more penance than any other I've seen. She deserves my trust again.

"All right." he said to her. "I'll help you. Ash is my brother, and right now, he needs me to bail him out."

Misty smiled, glad to have him on the team. "Thank you. Come with me, we need to gather another nine." The two departed his quarters, moving to find nine more individuals to recruit for this mission.


Dark. A void of blackness. He started to rise above it. A light started to shine, glowing brighter and brighter, until it burst open, and........
"Well, Ketchum," he heard a voice speak, a voice he thought he'd never hear again, "we meet again."

Ash snapped his eyes open. His memory came back to him in portions, being brought together piece by piece.
The mission he and the others had done. The judgment that was passed, and the alarm that came soon after. His capture by Thanatos, then nothing but black.

And now this, waking up and staring into the eyes of the one he thought he had killed.
"Giovanni." he growled, unaware of his unmasking. He then realized his identity was revealed. "Where am I?"
"In my fortress." Giovanni answered. "It's been a long time since last we met." he added after a long moment of silence.

Ash said nothing.
Giovanni just smirked. "Will you not deign to acknowledge me, Ketchum? No? Well, look at this." He gestured to the large scar on his face, the mark of a blade which was meant for his neck but which struck his face; Ash had been sent to kill Giovanni a few years ago, but had failed.

"This is what you left me with." Giovanni now spat in frothing anger, his calm veneer gone. "A mark that blemishes my handsome beauty."
Now Ash laughed, a cold laugh. "Handsome?" he spat back. "No, I only enhanced the ugliness of your face. You were never handsome, you just wore a mask."

That irritated Giovanni, but he would not be goaded. He had a trick up his sleeve.
"Well, as much as I wish to listen to you rant about my monstrosity," he said, "I have more important matters to attend to, such as the fact that you still continue to be a thorn in my side."
He brought his face to within one inch of Ash's.

"Ever since we first met, you have been nothing but a nuisance, troublesome at first, but then a threat to all my plans. And even after I took away all you held dear, you still remain a thorn in my side. What am I to do with you?"

Ash listened to his hated enemy. Giovanni was playing the wounded veteran, believing his cause to be righteous. It only showed his obvious lack of reality and burgeoning insanity.

"You're going to stay here, Ketchum," Giovanni abruptly said, after a seemingly long moment of contemplation, "because I've discovered something about you." He motioned for a Thanatos guard to approach, the guard carrying Ash's black cloak. Giovanni snatched it from the guard and removed something from the interior of the cloak: a multi-rayed silver star mark. Ash didn't betray any emotion outwardly, but inside he was now worried.
"I recognize this symbol because I've seen it many times when my men have encountered your comrades." said Giovanni.

"What are you talking about?" Ash demanded, feigning ignorance. Giovanni saw right through it.
He smiled. "Do not play the ignorant fool, Ketchum. I know something about you at last. I know you are a member of this Order."
"That is not true!" Ash denied it.
"Of course it is." Giovanni replied back. "And it's the only reason why you're still alive. I know nothing of this Order, and to finally have captured a member, especially one who I know personally, is a great boon. And there's no point in trying to kill yourself, we removed your cyanide pills from your mouth."

It was true; Ash couldn't feel the smooth edges of the pills in his molars. Giovanni smiled in triumph.

"So now we are going to get the information we need." He procured a knife from his pocket and pointed it at Ash. "You will tell us everything you know about this Order, and I mean everything. I will know all there is to know about the Order, and I will employ any means necessary to obtain the information from you. You will tell me all your secrets."
"I would rather die than betray my brothers and sisters!" Ash growled defiantly. "I'll resist you, and you will fail, monster. You won't get even a scrap of information from me."

Giovanni now insulted Ash's resilience by laughing in his face. Literally. "Oh, how heroic. A martyr for his people. What nonsense."
"I will have what I want, and then I'll destroy your Order and remove this obstacle. Your Order shall not survive the coming destruction." He then left, ordering the guard to send Ash to interrogation in an hour.

"Fool." Ash said quietly. "You don't know how powerful we are."

Back at the Order's fortress, Misty had gathered all the ten individuals she needed. They had all acknowledged her right of leadership, accepting her as their overall leader. Even Mewtwo accepted her command. They were ready.

While the others were in preparation for departure to Viridian City, Misty and Gary were speaking about how to infiltrate the headquarters when they heard a voice speak to them in their minds.
You have room for another? Delia's spirit approached them. Both could see the raging fire in her eyes.
Misty understood why she had come. You want to save your son.
A nod confirmed it. I do. said Delia.
You do this out of motherly love? asked Gary.

Part of me does, yes. But also because the Order is compromised if Ash reveals our secrets. And believe me, Thanatos will torture him greatly to get what they want. answered Delia.

So why do you want to come? Misty asked.
There was a hint of pride in Delia's voice as the spirit spoke her reasons for coming. Because I can find Ash much better than you can.
A mother and her child maintain a link from the moment the child is born.
explained Delia. Should a mother possess psychic abilities, they're able to amplify that link to the point that they can sense their child's emotions and feelings from long distances.

You have a psychic link with Ash, don't you?
Misty asked Delia, to which the spirit nodded proudly.
I do. It's how I knew Ash was doing fine back during his journeys, and I was always glad to feel his enjoyment and happiness. I used it also to soothe and comfort him during his years of hiding. Believe me, the link between me and Ash is so strong I can find him anywhere in the world. In that case, you need me.

No more convincing was needed. Gary and Misty both knew they now had a surefire way of tracking down and finding Ash.

We'd be glad to have you join us, Delia, Misty said, but keep yourself visible to only me and Gary. You know why.
Delia nodded, perfectly understanding the reason. And I will only speak telepathically with you two. No one else.
Both young adults nodded.

"Guys," called out Brock, "we're set!"
The two joined up with the rescue team they had gathered: Misty's four other friends, followed by Trinity, Suzy, Drew, Paul, Lily, Ritchie, Molly, Sakura, and Koga, Gary being the tenth individual to join.

"Let's go." said Misty, her voice now with authority. "Mewtwo, take us to Viridian City."
The cat-like Pokemon nodded and its eyes glowed blue, readying itself to teleport the whole team to Viridian. Misty sent out one thought before she was teleported.

Ash, if you can hear me, then know that we're coming. We're not leaving you. Stay strong, we're coming.
Misty sent the thought, and almost immediately, she received an answer. A faint yet strong thought.

Hurry. I can't last much longer.
Hang on. We're on our way.

The team finally teleported, Misty having a private thought in her mind. I will save you, my love.

END Ch. 28


Oh, no! Ash Ketchum has been captured! He and the others were on a secret mission of vengeance when he was caught! What will happen? Enjoy.

Link to the second half of the twenty-seventh chapter is here: [link]
Link to the first part of the twenty-seventh chapter is here: [link]
Link to the twenty-sixth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the twenty-fifth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the twenty-fourth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the twenty-third chapter is here: [link]
Link to the twenty-second chapter is here: [link]
Link to the twenty-first chapter is here: [link]
Link to the twentieth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the nineteenth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the eighteenth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the seventeenth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the sixteenth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the fifteenth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the fourteenth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the thirteenth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the twelfth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the eleventh chapter is here: [link]
Link to the tenth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the ninth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the eighth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the seventh chapter is here: [link]
Link to the sixth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the fifth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the fourth chapter is here: [link]
Link to the third chapter is here: [link]
Link to the second chapter is here: [link]
Link to the first chapter is here: [link]
Link to the prologue is here: [link]

I do not own Pokemon at all.
© Pokemon 2012
© Satoshi Tajiri
But the story is mine.
© 2012 - 2024 terraluna5
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