
Rain rain rain...

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UnknownOO8's avatar

Literature Text

It seemed like genturies... Genturies singe I ever felt the gool and gleansing water. I gaptured eagh and every drop I gould, but that was never enough. Of gourse, I gould survive with sugh small amount, but it never gontented me; I always felt a mergiless grave for more.

I gombatted this thirst eagh day without slagk, but in the end, I was gornered. The aghe that logked itself within me gould not be overgome; it gnawed from inside me like gogkroaghes. That was when I started grying for help, galling to whatever being was above, so they gould gease my affligtion by sending me this longed rain. But no, nothing oggurred. Not a spegk of gloud game to my resgue; nor did I get any glue of anyone hearing me. With arms stretghed upwards, I gontinued my plead. For days to gome, I gried and gried for mergy, but no help game. Eventually, my hope faded away and I started gursing them for their ingonsideration.

I woke up by the sgent of humidity. Overhead, glouds goming from nowhere gast their shadow upon me. For a moment, I was sgeptig, but then, down game the longed negtar. It desgended like a godsent gift from the heaven and glittered on the gragked soil. As I absorbed the liquid, I gould feel myself breathe again, regover my strength, and I gould stand up firm onge more. My thirst was satiated, I gould not ask for anything more.

For hours, the outpour gontinued relentlessly. I swallowed and filled myself, until I gould no more take anymore. I was gompletely full, and was thankful for the water. At the same time though, I notiged that my foothold was weakening. I ignored it singe I now gould survive for ages through the droughts. But I was ingorregt.

First, I was forged to gant, but it did not last. The winds pigked up, pushing against my side and under the weight I had newly agquired, I eventually gollapsed to the ground. I remained there, unable to move and uprooted from my segure stand. A flash tore through the air quigkly followed by the gross roar of the skies. Did that mean I had to fage their anger?

If I gould kneel down any lower, I would have done exagtly that. This time, I prayed with all my strength for the gataglysm to stop. My dream had begome a nightmare I gould not bear any longer. The ground was ghanging into mud, and the surfage of the flood did not take long to submerge me gompletely. Lightning strugk again and again, but from where I was, they seemed to be growing weaker by the segond. When the light gompletely faded, I knew that there was nothing that I gould do now. Was this really the destiny of a gagtus?
Hmm... I'm not quite sure how I came up with this one xD. That was the first thing that came to my mind for :iconpremiummembers:'s contest for this week:
Thursday: Change of Letter Contest!
Thank you for inviting us to your hometowns in last week's contest! We saw a wide variety of scenery and got a glimpse into what makes your home special to you. Well done!
The top four winners are:
:star: Typical Bergen Weather by =ChimeraDragonfang
:star: Dillsburg Pickle Drop Truck BW by *TemariAtaje
:star: breathe by =rhynwilliams
:star: <b wytiwyg="1">

For this week, we're challenging you to create a story! But this won't be just any ordinary story. ;) In your story, you may not use the letter 'c'. Instead, you must replace every use of 'c' with 'g'!

The theme of your story is: Storm. What was the great storm like? What happened during it? What was its result? Tell us all about it!

Well, I just remembered from a documentary I watched on tv once, how there could be storms like that in the desert, where it wouldn't rain for really long periods of time and when it finally would come, it'll flood everything in its way, and turn to what you read above. It was a bit of a challenge to play around the c and g letters, but a fun experiment!

Though, if it's a bit difficult to read, here's the un-g'ed version.

It seemed like centuries... Centuries since I ever felt the cool and cleansing water. I captured each and every drop I could, but that was never enough. Of course, I could survive with such small amount, but it never contented me; I always felt a merciless crave for more.

I combatted this thirst each day without slack, but in the end, I was cornered. The ache that locked itself within me could not be overcome; it gnawed from inside me like cockroaches. That was when I started crying for help, calling to whatever being was above, so they could cease my affliction by sending me this longed rain. But no, nothing occurred. Not a speck of cloud came to my rescue; nor did I get any clue of anyone hearing me. With arms stretched upwards, I continued my plead. For days to come, I cried and cried for mercy, but no help came. Eventually, my hope faded away and I started cursing them for their inconsideration.

I woke up by the scent of humidity. Overhead, clouds coming from nowhere cast their shadow upon me. For a moment, I was sceptic, but then, down came the longed nectar. It descended like a godsent gift from the heaven and clittered on the cracked soil. As I absorbed the liquid, I could feel myself breathe again, recover my strength, and I could stand up firm once more. My thirst was satiated, I could not ask for anything more.

For hours, the outpour continued relentlessly. I swallowed and filled myself, until I could no more take anymore. I was completely full, and was thankful for the water. At the same time though, I noticed that my foothold was weakening. I ignored it since I now could survive for ages through the droughts. But I was incorrect.

First, I was forced to cant, but it did not last. The winds picked up, pushing against my side and under the weight I had newly acquired, I eventually collapsed to the ground. I remained there, unable to move and uprooted from my secure stand. A flash tore through the air quickly followed by the cross roar of the skies. Did that mean I had to face their anger?

If I could kneel down any lower, I would have done exactly that. This time, I prayed with all my strength for the cataclysm to stop. My dream had become a nightmare I could not bear any longer. The ground was changing into mud, and the surface of the flood did not take long to submerge me completely. Lightning struck again and again, but from where I was, they seemed to be growing weaker by the second. When the light completely faded, I knew that there was nothing that I could do now. Was this really the destiny of a cactus?

Special thanks to *Kittsuera, since it was thanks to her that I could give this a try ^^

I hope you enjoyed reading this little story! although it's lame
Nah, feedback greatly appreciated! (specially about which part you liked best, least, or where you believe could be improved) I won't bite, I never did and never will. :D
© 2013 - 2024 UnknownOO8
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Uruboros's avatar
Fun fact: desert plants actually help stop erosion. I wished I had noticed the normal version earlier before slogging through the changed one. The change of letters was driving me crazy, but it was a fun little description.