InuHoshi-to-DarkPen on DeviantArt

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InuHoshi-to-DarkPen's avatar

Rainbow in the Family



Even thought there are still drawings waiting to be done, I needed to do this first. This is just how I work.^^'''''

Well it seems like we know how Rainbow's father look like. Or her brother? Well, probably it was really her dad.

(Side note: It was always my head canon that Rainbow get her rainbow mane from her father.XD)

Characters and MLP:FiM (c) Lauren Faust, Hasbro
CM vector (c) :iconblackgryph0n:
Artwork (c) me
No stealing. Thank you.
Image size
1500x1503px 2.09 MB
© 2013 - 2024 InuHoshi-to-DarkPen
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Articunos-Bitch's avatar
I can see rainbow hair being a recessive trait, so maybe her mother has rainbow hair too, at least in her genes. Now that I think on it, the only other character with rainbow hair in the series after six years has been Princess Celestia. Could that mean...