Feature: Best from Favourites

4 min read

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BeautyClub's avatar

:meditation: Here are some best photos from FAVOURITES. :meditation:

GIVE SOME :heart: to the Artists

Please :+fav: and comment if you enjoyed the article


Suggest Favourites AND GET A FEATURE !

We have rules for Favourites, so please, read them below FEATURED photo/INFO POINT.

:star: Rules:
. Favourites are only for non-nature photos (portraits, non-nature macro photos, still life photos, poems, drawings, food art, etc.)
. All your suggested photos go through a voting process, 1 vote is required
. No limits for suggesting favourites
. How to suggest it ? Go to the group Favourites and Click suggest a Fave OR perhaps in open deviation above Details of the photo - find Submit to a Group, then Select a Group to Suggest to: BeautyClub and Suggesting to: Feaured.

Why to suggest photos to Favourites? Because you can be Featured in the journal ! Not just now, but from time to time, i will feature not only your best submitted photos to the gallery, but also photos from favourites. This is quite good :clap: right ?



Affiliates Contests

1. Birds-Club is holding three new contests with one theme - "Bird Interactions". You can read more at their main page: birds-club.deviantart.com/ or Journal: birds-club.deviantart.com/jour… Voting process

2. TheFlowerGroup is holding their first contest with the theme - "Frosty Flowers". You can read more in their Journal: theflowergroup.deviantart.com/….  {Last Day !} Voting process
We offered them feature for the winners, so can't wait for the results.

MauricioKanno is holding his second contest for Animal Rights. The deadline for submissions is March 31st. You can read more about the contest in his Journal


Suggestions for our Contest?

Please share ideas about the topic for our new contest. Nature related. Winter contest perhaps? Landscape? Waterscape? Macro flowers? Or frozen drops? ... anything? Ideas are very welcome.


If you have some spare points you can share, please go to my profile page and make a donation. All donated points will be used for club contests, and perhaps one day (depends of points) for super group. Your help is really appreciated ! :heart:

Thank you,
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ChudnayaMamba's avatar
Great collection!
Thank you for adding my pictures! :)