
Theme 66 Traps (Part 1) Reader x Germany

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AnimeFreak141's avatar

Literature Text

Sorry in advanced for my bad German accent.  I tried, but I was a little afraid of it sounding French, so I held back. :/

Other than that, this is part 1 (I had to break it up it into two, or maybe even three parts, otherwise I would start babbling, and it wouldn't have been any good) I hope you like it :3

Theme 66 Traps – Part 1

The guns went off in the distance, the ground shook from grenades and the thumping sound of battalions marching ran deeply through the ground. Mist covered most of the battlefield and obscured your sight.  ‘Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all…’  Three months ago your older brother was forced to enlist in the army, he became sick shortly after and could barely lift a finger, let alone fulfil his, unwanted, commitment.  So you foolishly took his place, without his or your parents’ permission of course.  Getting away from your parents was the easy part, sneaking out when the physical examination came around, and the constant presence of piggish men was beginning to exhaust you.  Though, even having gone through all of that, you knew it was for a good cause, your brother’s health, right?  But now you were beginning to regret the decision to leave home, the threat of capture, or even worse, death, loomed over your head like a persistent rain cloud. 

Cautiously you walked forward, gun facing forward, and eyes as sharp as needles.  You looked side to side, troops from your squad were moving forward at the same pace as you.  From a distance you probably looked like any other soldier, the small pack of supplies helped to broaden your shoulders and make your entire frame seem bulkier, and you made sure to cut your (h/c) hair enough so there was no need to hide it.  Though up close, your more feminine features were visible, big (e/c) eyes, slender arching eyebrows, and a softer face than anyone around you.  These were all reasons you chose to stay away from the other soldiers, even if it meant they would never fully trust you; it was all a part of the risk you were taking. More gun fire rattled the cold morning air, and caused you to jump slightly, but then it all went silent. 

Suddenly troops appeared out of the thick mist, they weren’t wearing the same uniform as you. They were- ‘Oh god,’ you thought,
“It’s an ambush!” you screamed before diving behind a bundle of sand filled bags, the rattling sound of gun fire once again filled the air.  Several of your comrades had done the same as you, though many weren’t so lucky.  Blood splattered over the dusty ground, and bodies fell limp, one after another until there was barely anyone left standing. 

A man yelled something in a language you didn’t understand, his deep, commanding voice echoed throughout the once again silent field.  Soldiers quickly ran past the dead and further on as you collected your thoughts and shifted around to aim the loaded rifle in your arms at the enemy troops.  A clicking sound registered at your ears, you turned slightly,
“I vouldn’t do that if I vere you,” It was the same voice that had just ordered the troops to advance.  You turned more to look at the man who was about to kill you.  His hair was the brightest shade of blonde you had ever seen, which was tightly pulled away from his face, and his eyes were a vivid cerulean blue that contrasted the bloody scenes around the two of you almost perfectly.
“I-,” you automatically lowered your rifle, and breathed in sharply and expected him to pull the trigger.  Only he didn’t.
“Bruder! Vhat do you think you’re doing, ve have to move on” another man called. “Ludvig! Answer me damn it!” the voice grumbled, “I svear, if you got yourself shot,” he appeared out of the dust as the first soldier, Ludwig, had.  You quickly scanned your memory, bruder. You knew what it meant, what was it…?
“Brother?” you said to yourself, almost completely forgetting the other two men were there.  You looked back up; the two were looking at you as if you had lost your mind, something that could have been completely possible.  But how could they be brothers, it may be true that they had the same build, though, many German soldiers did, other than that they were completely different. Ludwig was well maintained and blonde, his ‘brother’ had scruffy silver hair, and murder filled blood red eyes that sent a cold chill down your spine.
“Mien god Ludvig, either that’s the most pitiful excuse for a soldier, ever, or it’s a voman,” he mocked.  Your eyes widened. ‘Shit – how could he’.  Your breathing quickened and you could feel your hands trembling ever so slightly.  A grin tugged at the edges of the albino’s mouth, “Little lost Fraulein,” he chuckled, “To think a voman on the battlefield,” he roughly seized the collar of your jacket, “Don’t vorry, I don’t think the blödes* from your side vould know the difference,”
“You guessed as vell bruder, don’t get cocky just because of dumb luck,” Ludwig stated harshly while putting the gun back in its holster.
“Vhat are you doing? She may be a voman, but she’s still the enemy,” he argued.  Ludwig cursed under his breath,
“Bring her vith us then, the enemy are all dead anyvay so ve have to head back to camp,” The albino literally growled at this,
“And vhat if this is a trick and she kills us all vhen ve get back to base?!” his voice rose bitterly,
“Look at her,” the blonde replied while gesturing to you, “she’s shaking and can barely move she’s so scared, do you really think she’ll be able to put up any real fight?” the other soldier looked you over, studying you carefully for what seemed like hours.
“Try anything,” he threatened and shook you abruptly, “and I vill kill you myself, got it?” you were in shock, but found the strength to nod your head. He muttered something in German and tossed you back to the ground, a sharp pain shot up your arm and hip.  You cringed slightly, but fought through the pain as Ludwig yanked you back into a standing position.  He then placed a well-used rope around your wrists and bound them together tightly, ‘I’m definitely going to get rope burn,’ you thought, trying to make light of the situation, as you attempted to find a comfortable position to hold your hands in.  Unfortunately, the blonde German grabbed them before you had a chance to, and dragged you along as he walked.


Their base was large, far larger, and better stocked than the one you had trained at.  It was in a clearing surrounded by large trees that covered the smoke from fires, and smothered the sounds of the soldiers training. Several rows of large tents were set up around the outside of a large, strongly reinforced above ground bunker.  Just looking at the hundreds of men at this one camp site, you knew that your comrades stood no real chance.  A knot formed in your chest.  Though you hadn’t been close to, well, anyone, being saved for the simple fact of being a woman sickened you.  Even if death frightened you to your very core, dying out there would have been an honourable way to die, not tied up and helpless. ‘Like a lamb to the slaughter’ the words ran through your head, over and over again.
“Gilbert, tell the general that ve have returned, and that ve have a prisoner,” Ludwig stopped which caused you to run into his back.  You stumbled back, but he stayed almost completely still.
“Ja,” the albino nodded and walked off towards the large bunker.  The blonde led you away in the opposite direction,
“It vould be easier for all of us if you just tell us vhat you know,” he said, eyes focused forward.  You didn’t know how to reply.  Why was he being so… so… nice? You had heard more than one story about the brutality of their troops.  Was that it, were they all just be stories made-up to scare new recruits? You looked around the base.  Even towards each other they were cold and somewhat violent. They definitely weren’t just stories… then why?  A sharp left turn made you stagger, but you managed to stay on your feet.  He leading you straight passed the troops tents, some gawked and stared, others though, couldn’t have cared less, the knot in your chest tightened once more and anger took over your mind,
“Why didn’t you just kill me?!” your voice was hoarse, and cracked towards the end. More people stared, and hushed whispers filled the air.  Ludwig slowed his pace for a moment, but ignored your question and continued forward.  More anger bubbled under your skin and you began to pull and tug at the bonds around your wrists. “Tell me, tell me why!” more silence followed as the blonde led you into one of the tents 

The tent was larger than most of the others you had passed. Tables covered in maps and notes and shelves filled with thick books were sorted meticulously occupied most of the space and hiding behind one of the shelves was a single cot and duffle bags.  Ludwig threw you down, surprisingly gently, onto the ground and cuffed you to the large table in the centre of the room.
“Answer me already!” you shouted again, no longer bothering to mask the feminine pitch of your voice.  Once again he ignored you.  Your jaw clenched, and muscles tightened.  You shook again at the binds around your wrists, trying to break free, but with no avail.
“Stop thrashing, othervise the general may be less entitled to keep you alive.” Ludwig said while bending down to check the cuffs.  Your (e/c) eyes met directly with his blue ones,
“Then tell me why you kept me alive in the first place,” you tried to keep your voice was calm, but it wavered ever so slightly.  The German sighed softly and rubbed his temple,
“You just remind me of someone… that’s all,” his eyes softened as he spoke, but quickly returned to being cold and distant.  You eased back after that, realising there was no way out of this predicament.


The adrenaline rush slowed, and you could feel the pain that sitting in an unnatural position caused.  A daze like state shrouded your mind, and there was numbness in the arm and hip you had been thrown on earlier.  ‘Did I land on something?’ you looked down.  Even if the sun was blazing outside, the shade provided by the tent made it nearly impossible to see.  You shifted around and again looked down to your hip.  The usual olive green uniform was stained a deep brown, which could have almost been mistaken for black.
“H-hey,” you called, head spinning. “Hey!”  Ludwig looked up from the tactics book he had buried himself in shortly after you had arrived. “I’m injured, I must have fallen on something…” your words were beginning to slur.  The German stood and made his way over to you.  He carefully examined your hip and arm,
“You probably fell on barbed vire,” he stood straight and walked to the entrance of the tent and called to someone. “The general vill be here soon, and then the medic vill clean the vounds,” he stated.  Time passed slowly after that, to you it felt like hours, but in reality it was only minutes before your eyes slowly began to close, until you were asleep.

You were partially awoken from your slumber by a number of stern voices.  Your eyes cracked open, one large, professional looking soldier stood, conversing with Ludwig.  His brother, Gilbert, had also returned and was poking around the well-ordered tent.  Your eyes were still fuzzy, and head spinning,
“Lieutenant Beilschmidt, your brother has informed me you have captured one of the enemy’s soldiers,” his eyes were almost immediately drawn to you.  “A voman… So you veren’t joking after all,” he spoke, mostly to himself. “Vhat possible use could a voman be to us?” he stated bluntly.  Ludwig thought for a moment,
“Male soldiers vould be more likely to put up a fight.  I’m sure she’ll tell you vhat you vant to know, vith a little coaxing.” The tone in Ludwig’s voice was cold.
“Very vell then, you have 4 days to get everything out of her,” the general said.
“Vhat happens after that, Sir?” Gilbert interjected. The Generals green eyes looked over your body again,
“Ve vill see… it all depends on vhat she tells us,” he said simply before turning and exiting the tent.  Ludwig turned to his brother and began to speak, but once again your eyes began to close and the darkness took hold.


A tingling sensation ran through your body, and your stomach ached.  You were lying down, your hands still bound, but not nearly as tightly as before.  You attempted to sit up, but a pain shot through you, and caused you to flop back onto the soft bed.
“Don’t move Fraulein, the doctor fixed your arm and hip, but had to give you some pretty strong drugs to stop any infections,” your eyes looked around for the source of the voice.  The albino, Gilbert, wad reclining in a chair next to your bed.
“Where am I?” you asked,
“Ludvig’s tent still, he’ll be back soon, but asked me to vatch you vhile he vas out…” he sighed, “Honestly, I’m far too awesome to be some girls babysitter…” he muttered under his breath.
“Why didn’t he kill me?” you said, “he told me it was because I reminded him of someone… but,”
“Don’t vorry about it,” he cut you off, “I highly doubt you’ll be alive this time next veek, so there’s no point in telling you,” his tone was filled with boredom, but the way he could so easily promise death terrified you.  Eventually Ludwig returned, and you were moved back onto the ground.
“Tomorrow the interrogation begins, be sure to ready yourself, Fraulein.” Gilbert whispered into your ear before leaving.


Ludwig’s POV

She had the same look in her eyes as he did.
“Damn that Italian bastard…” Ludwig grumbled and took another large gulp of his beer.  He had taken an Italian soldier under his wing, but even after all the time spent training and readying himself, he was scared – too scared to move, too scared to fight.  Ludwig cursed softly while watching the female soldier sleep.  Her face was calm and relaxed, and showed no sign of pain or discomfort. ‘It von’t be like that tomorrow…’ he thought, imaging the torturous things the general would allow them to do.
“You’ve got to stop blaming yourself for it,” Gilbert called from the entrance. “Besides it’s not like you can save this one,” Ludwig sighed, and looked to Gilbert, his silver hair shone in the bright moonlight.
“Vhy are you back here Bruder?” The albino smiled widely,
“She’s the only decent voman vith in 100 miles.  You really think that you’re the only one interested?” a chuckle erupted from Gilbert’s throat.
“I don’t know vhat you mean. Now, please leave. I need rest, and so do you,” Ludwig stood and pushed the chair under the table. Gilbert sighed,
“You’re such a vet blanket sometimes…” he said, before skulking away.   Ludwig looked over his shoulder one last time,
“You can’t save this one…” he whispered to himself, over and over again, until it finally registered, though, he still didn’t want to believe it.


***Blödes (I think, correct me if I'm wrong) is German for idiot (again, it probably isn't right, so just let me know!)

Part 1: 
Part 2: 
Part 3: 
Part 4 (Lemon): 
Part 5:
Part 6 FINAL (Lemon):

I planned the story to be based around a war, more WWII than WWI, and sorry for all the inaccuracies, I've done history for however many years, but I couldn't really stick 100% to what happened in the actual war ^^"
This is my first story with germany as the main character, I hope it isn't to OOC.
I'll upload the next chapter soon~!

Germany belongs to :iconhimaruyaplz:

You beong to :icondoitsuplz:

Check out my other stories here~~
© 2013 - 2024 AnimeFreak141
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TaNa-Jo's avatar
Really awesome :3

But I want to help you with the German ^^
- Fräulein now you can paste it if you want xD 
- Mein Gott - I'm not sure bit I guess you wrote it somewhere hihi 
- blödes? Hm you transformed the adjective "blödes" and now it refers to a a neuter noun in plural xD okay this must be confusing now but it's German anyways haha cool.
No it's Idiot, Blödmann sh or Blödmänner pl..... :D just remember :

Every noun is written capitalized xD so no idiot -> Idiot xD oh and the plural is Idioten :3

I hope it helps you understand German a bit better :3

I love how you write it's so cute :heart: