
The Cave Explorers

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One day, Sonic was taking Jr, Sarah, and Roman on a cave explore.

Jr: This will be quite interesting.

Sarah: It sure will be. Going though a dark cave. Seeing what there is to see and all the souvenirs we can find.

Roman was nervous. He had never been in a cave before and didn't know what to expect. He was suspecting there were monsters in caves.

Roman: I sure hope we don't come across any monsters.

Jr: If we do, we can take them down. Me and dad have done it many times in our heroship.

Sarah: In fact, we mind even see something great in this cave.

Jr and Roman: What?

Sarah: Little Chao like Cheese.

Jr: Chao? Why would we find Chao in a cave?

Sarah: My dad told me that when they were on the planet earth, Cheese got lost. He my mother, and Chris and his friends went to look for her. They found a cave of which only children could fit into and found lots of chao and Cheese was there.

Roman: But how was your mother able to tell Cheese apart from the others?

Sarah: She couldn't. But Cheese recognized her. Mr. Tanaka also said that when he was a boy, he found the chao too. I wonder why he never told anyone.

Sonic: I think it was to protect the chao. Here on Mobius, we're always trying to be protective of them.

Jr: I see.

Sonic: Well, everyone set?

Jr and Sarah: We're all set.

Roman: I guess so.

Soon Sonic, Jr, Sarah and Roman arrived at the cave.

Sonic: Ah yes, I remember this cave. When me, Uncle Manic and Aunt Sonia were about your ages, we went into this cave. At that time, none of us have seen any chao, but we wanted to see them. And that's why we searched from them. We looked in all sorts of places in this cave. But we couldn't find any. But people exploring this cave found them before, we just could never do it ourselves.

Sarah: Maybe we will do it. I've never seen a chao fountain in real life. I've only heard of them from my parents.

Sonic: OK everyone, put on your light helmets.

Sonic gave each of them a light helmet. Roman was still scared he would find a monster in the cave. Jr noticed how nervous his cousin was.

Jr: Just think about the chao we might find. It'll be an amazing sight.

Roman: Uh..OK.

They then went into the cave. The cave was full of all sorts of things. It had lakes and fossils and other stuff. Roman was the first one to find a fossil.

Roman: Guys, what is this?

Everyone looked.

Sonic: That's a fossil.

Jr: What's a fossil?

Sarah: Never heard of them before.

Sonic: Fossils are the remains of animals that lived a long time ago. Their bodies turn to stone. It may seem impossible to believe, but it's true. Your father really liked that particular on, Roman.

Roman: He did?

Sonic: He did.

They continued along the path. The children were all hoping to find a cave full of chao. But Roman was thinking more about the monsters. Then everyone heard a strange noise. It sounded like a giant water drop.

Roman: Whu-What's that?

Jr: Look.

The noise was a regular-sized water drop. The reason it sounded louder was because of the echo there.

Roman: How is that little water drop making such a loud noise?

Sonic: Listen.

Sonic then called to the cave wall.

Sonic: Hello.

Echoes: Hello. Hello.. hello.. hello...

Roman: What was that?

Sonic: It's an echo. When you make a call to the echo, it bounces back. Try it.

Roman: Um. OK. Raindrops going into lakes.

And it echoed back. Jr and Sarah tried it too.

Sarah: I hope we find chao.

Jr: I love cave exploring.

The echo bounced back at them. It was amazing.

Roman: That's amazing.

They continued on the path. Then Roman noticed something that looked like monster teeth.

Roman: Ahhh! Monster!

Sonic: What? Monster?

Roman pointed at what he thought were monster teeth.

Sonic: Oh, these. Me, your father and Aunt Sonia thought they were monster teeth too. I even remembered the little laugh we had after we found out what these things are really.

Jr: What are they really, Dad?

Sonic: They're called Stalactites and Stalagmites.

Sarah: What's the difference between the two?

Sonic: Stalactites are on the ceiling while stalagmites are on the bottom. That's about all the differences.

Sarah: Isn't there a word that describes either of them?

Sonic: I don't think so.

Then they heard a wheezing noise.

Roman: Whu-what's that?

Sarah: Let's follow it.

The group followed the noise, they then came to the entrance to a little cavern.

Jr: It's coming from in there.

Sonic: Hmmm. I don't remember finding this place.

Sarah: This must be where the chao are. Let's go in.

Sonic: OK.

So they entered the cave and sure enough, there was a fountain full of chao. Everyone was amazing.

Sonic: So it was here the whole time. I wish I could have found it before.

The chao were very friendly.

Sarah: Hi there.

Jr: Hello.

Even Roman found this extraordinary. Apart from Cheese, he had never seen chao before.

Roman: Wow. I bet Dad will like to hear this.

Sonic: Why don't I take a picture?

Jr: OK.

Sarah: That sounds great.

So Jr, Sarah and Roman all gathered in a group with the chao to pose for the picture.

Sonic: OK, everyone ready? Say cheese.

Jr, Sarah and Roman: Cheese!

Sonic took the picture. The picture looked great.

Sonic: Well, I'd say it's time to go.

Jr: Bye bye.

Sarah: Bye little chao.

Roman: So long.

The chao all called back as they left the cave. Later, Roman showed Manic the picture of the chao.

Manic: Wow. Your Uncle Sonic, Aunt Sonia and I always wanted to find them.

Roman: I know, he told me.

And Sonic, Jr and Sarah showed Sonia. She was amazed.

Sonia: I wish we could have found them.

Sonic: I know. They were amazing.

Jr: But another thing that surprises me is that ones exist on earth. I thought they only existed on Mobius.

Sarah: So did my parents. But what we think might be impossible somethings is very possible.

The End
Here's my latest fanfic. A cave exploring was what came to my mind this time.

Jr and Sarah are from :iconwhitelionwarrior:
Roman is owned by me but was originally created by someone else
© 2013 - 2024 Eli-J-Brony
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