Code Lyoko Evolution: Episode 16

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Episode 16: Confusion

Airdate: 13th of April

English subs

While brushing his teeth in the morning, Ulrich witnesses a strange phenomenon. A spectre begins to appear in front of him…then suddenly disappears! While talking with his friends over breakfast, he learns that Yumi experienced something similar. As usual, the heroes decide that the answer to this riddle lies in the factory.

A second problem arises. In the secret tunnel in the park, Laura approaches them and invites herself along, despite Aelita’s bitter remarks. Arriving at the factory, the heroes witness something strange. Towers are activating and deactivating not long after.
Odd and Ulrich are virtualised to different Sectors to check things out in person. They scout the Sectors while the geniuses of the group check on the Superscan. Laura and Aelita take a few jabs at each other. But the report doesn’t change: towers are being activated for a few seconds before going out again. Yumi and William, who had stayed at Kadic for an exam, are brought in as reinforcements.

During a conversation between Jeremy and Odd, Laura hears mention of Franz Hopper. She asks a few questions about the subject but is denied answers. She then leaves the lab, claiming she has a presentation to work on.
Jeremy detects movement on the Cortex and decides to send his friends there. Odd, Ulrich, Yumi and William set off in the Skid and cross the Digital Sea.

Aelita goes back to Kadic to keep an eye on Laura. She catches her doing research on Franz Hopper, prompting another aggressive exchange between the two girls.

In the Cortex, the virtual fighters make a surprising discovery. A Krab and a Ninja are fighting in front of the Dome. Clearly, XANA is the one attacking Tyron. The Krab finishes the Ninja off and enters the Dome. Our heroes discreetly follow it.
In the Core Zone, a whole army of XANA monsters is attacking the Ninjas, who are viciously defending the interface. A Krab spots the heroes and devirtualises Yumi right away. A battle is fought on three fronts. William is devirtualised in the ensuing melee. Odd eliminates XANA’s last monster before he and a Ninja devirtualise each other at the same time. Ulrich takes down the last Ninja using Supersprint. Ulrich can then insert his DMA card in the Cortex interface.

Jeremy analyses the data. XANA was attacking Tyron because Tyron made an update to his Supercomputer. It was interfering with XANA’s attacks. Jeremy makes a realisation… Maybe Tyron has no idea XANA is there on his machine… The heroes decide to warn the man of the danger posed by the AI. They send a message so they can arrange a meeting.

Tyron responds a few hours later. Aelita and Yumi go to the Cortex. Tyron appears over videoconference. He claims to have no knowledge of XANA. When the heroines warn him of the danger and the fact that XANA is hiding in Tyron’s Supercomputer, he grows angry. He sends two Ninjas to try and virtualise Aelita and Yumi forever using encoders. Jeremy is forced to devirtualise them.

Mixed results. Tyron clearly doesn’t want to hear any of it… But still, Jeremy found some lines of code in the update that could be useful in the virus for destroying XANA.

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I-am-Evil-Tree's avatar
Man that was one epic firefight in the cortex chamber. I like how you truly didn't know who to root for, XANA or the Ninjas
Laura investigating Franz looks interesting but I wish someone would just fill her in on the backstory before her curiosity gets them discovered
Tyron is a bit crazier then I expected, though the mad scientist vide could work it's just a bit jarring from the intelligent co-conspirer for XANA I thought he was. I look forward to seeing him investigate XANA be it for his own agenda or a mutual partnership.