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FaLLEN Chapter 2 -Front Cover-



Now on Pixiv --> www.pixiv.net/member_illust.ph…

The cover art for the 2nd chapter of my webcomic FaLLEN, "Wake Up". The song I used for this chapter's title was by the band Korn.

The cover art features a certain someone dressed as a sexy nurse, even though she is not a nurse in the series. With the covers and title page art I like to play up some things from the individual chapters and kind of play around, and since this is a chapter where there wasn't a lot of action or anything, I went for something a little fun and sexy.

This is probably one of the only times I will ever have a colored picture of this character with her hair completely down. As new readers will see, she tends to wear her hair up in some manner. I wanted to add other personal touches I think she would have added, but since the series is still new I didn't want readers to not be able to recognize her.

I did the last half of this on a giant Cintiq my boss let me use. It's... wow. I wish I'd done the whole thing on it, it would have saved me a lot of time.

FaLLEN Ch. 1 Page 1 by OgawaBurukku <---- read?



FaLLEN Volume 1 Dust Jacket Cover Artwork by OgawaBurukku

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Other Covers for FaLLEN Chapters :

Mature Content

FaLLEN Chapter 1 -Front Cover- by OgawaBurukku

Mature Content

FaLLEN Chapter 3 -Front Cover- by OgawaBurukku
FaLLEN Chapter 4 -Front Cover- by OgawaBurukkuFaLLEN Chapter 5 -Front Cover- by OgawaBurukkuFaLLEN Chapter 6 -Front Cover- by OgawaBurukkuFaLLEN Chapter 7 -Front Cover- by OgawaBurukkuFaLLEN Ch. 8 -Front Cover- by OgawaBurukkuFaLLEN Chapter 9 -Front Cover- by OgawaBurukku

Characters are © me

Resources Use:
Lace Pack I. by rayedwards

I also used a really cool hospital pattern I found on my hard drive but don't know where it came from...

Weekly webcomic series FaLLEN! Check out the website every Friday for two new pages (I post the pages on DA too :3).

Website: fallen-comic.com
Image size
600x849px 690.21 KB
© 2013 - 2024 OgawaBurukku
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