
(Book 5 Spoilers Fanfic) Failsafes

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Hello. Don’t be afraid.

I probably won’t kill you.

They think they won. They think they stopped the war. They think she’s dead. They think I’m dead. They think this is over.

The first three are correct. The fourth might be soon. The fifth will never be.

Somehow, I never expected her to die. Statistically, it was more likely than not—three rivals, two would die—but I just couldn’t wrap my mind around it. She never seemed like the type to die, if that makes any sense. It probably doesn’t.

Maybe I should just kill you. That would be cleaner. After all, they can’t know I survived. It’s too big a risk, and you’ll probably tell someone.

On the other hand, maybe I shouldn’t. If I do die, then I would be forgotten. That would be a truly terrible fate, especially after all I’ve done.

What’s in it for you? Why shouldn’t you flee?

Because if I die, you’ll have information that will make you greatly loved by my tribe. And if I don’t, then you may have gained a very powerful ally.

The risk? Great. I may decide to kill you, because if I don’t, then they will know I live. If I do, then they will know nothing of me. Either could lead to a good outcome, or a bad one. Which? You tell me. Do you have enough trust in their “goodness” and “kindness” and “honor?”

You do? You are quite naïve, or just brainwashed.

I suppose I should show you what I see.

I see a tyrant lauded for her “mercy.” I see a traitor called a “redeemer.” I see a weakling commended for her “bravery.” I see a fool termed “brilliant.”

You think I am judging them too harshly? Perhaps I am. Perhaps they have convinced you of their own opinions so completely you take them as fact.

You haven’t lived through what I have; you can’t imagine what I’ve seen. What I’ve done. What I’ve prevented others from doing. What I haven’t done.

If there had been a better way, I would have taken it. I didn’t find one.

In retrospect, there were…

I wish I’d seen them before, but the past is over.

Except when it’s not.

There are always some failsafes built in. And when there weren’t, I built them.

Oh, there were unforeseen circumstances—there always are—but I built a plan so powerful and so self-repairing that it could survive any catastrophe.

And it did.

My people survived and thrived. Even if the method to achieve it was… less than ideal, and there were… complications, I still saved my tribe.

But they never realized that they were fulfilling one of my backups the whole time. I had, decades ago, calculated that there was a good chance that I would die because of my own plan, and this didn’t bother me. I would happily sacrifice myself for my tribe.

However, a few things did bother me. My queen died, my people were forced to be second-class citizens, and a dragon I had become rather infatuated with was killed. I never learned whether or not she shared my feelings.

What’s that? You want to know her name? I’m afraid I can’t give you that. She gave it to me, and I’m not relinquishing it for any price.

Well, that’s not true. There are prices I would be willing to sell it for, but they’re far higher than what you can afford.

Oh, so you’re a royal and very rich? That’s interesting. Do you happen to have one of these?

You think you could commission one? That’s even more interesting. Perhaps you could purchase her name after all. I’ll have to do something else in order to complete the transaction, but I think we can work this out.

A deal is a deal, so…

Her name was…



Ah, so you recognize that name. I wonder who you sided with. Your tribe? Or were you a traitor? That’s the question which may tell me if you supported or fought her.

Ah, I had suspected as much. You know, I don’t think I will kill you. You’re much more helpful than I had thought, and I do want to complete this deal.

You want my name?

I could give it to you, or I could not—so I will do both.

My name is not a freely shared pleasure.

It’s a very highly valued treasure.

It once was told by many drakes.

But now at it no one awakes.

It was a legend, loved and feared.

Now it’s completely disappeared.

Still, I’m feeling somewhat generous.

I suppose we could keep it just between us.

It once caused great joy and sorrow.

I suppose you’d say I see the morrow.
Book 5 is going to make me so sad...
I don't even have it yet, and I'm already writing a fanfic to get that sadness out of me. Also, first one-sided lecture fanfic. Yay.

Oh, and am I hinting that Morrowseer's going to bring Blister back to life?

That's a good question.
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icemarked's avatar
I see a tyrant lauded for her “mercy. = Tsunami or Glory?

 I see a traitor called a “redeemer.” I have no idea.

 I see a weakling commended for her “bravery.  Sunny?

 I see a fool termed “brilliant.” Starflight?