ayarane on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ayarane/art/Snowscheme-I-12695583ayarane

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ayarane's avatar

Snowscheme I



Drew this with the intention of editing into wallpaper for my main system. :O It's one of two pieces that I'm going to do to decorate my systems for Xmas.

Hikaru, Numair and Golgi in themed corruptions of their Lord Knight/Sniper/High Priest outfits. Poor Numair gets stuck as the reindeer. XD Yes, drawing him as a bard and clown isn't enough... anywho, I got the idea from a Saber Marionette J image in which Lime was Santa and Tiger was a reindeer and thought it would be hilarious to do an RO version of it.

Numair (c) NeoPhoenix
Golgi (c) Nate
Ragnarok Online (c) Gravity
Image size
1200x840px 700.67 KB
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artisticTaurean's avatar
XD Numair looks awesome, I love that expression. Nice detail in their outfits!