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Blue-Light Lusa



:icontgb-lighttribe: :iconthe-golden-butterfly: :icontgb-lighttribe:

»Happiness can’t be made for you! You have to be able to find something to smile about; if you have nothing that makes you smile, you have nothing to make you happy, either. «


:bulletpink: { Defining the character’s attributes that summarizes who or what a person or thing is} :bulletpurple:

:bulletpurple: { N A M E }

True Name|| Lusa

Kit Name|| Starlet

Nicknames|| Star, Lusy

:bulletpurple: { A G E }

Current Age|| 21 moons

Age at Joining|| Born into the Tribes

Season of Birth|| Early summer

:bulletpurple: { G E N D E R }

Sex || Female

Gender Identity || Female

Pronouns || She, her


:bulletpink: { Defining the character’s physical attributes which aid fellow characters in recognition } :bulletpurple:

:bulletpurple: { B U I L D }

Body Build ||

Even after reaching full height, Lusa still has legs that don't quite fit her elegant torso, though with her thick coating of feathery fur many take her to be bigger and taller than she actually is. Her entire pelt is soft as a cloud and fills out her figure slightly, though as she's gotten older it has taken a silky texture and drapes over her frame. She clearly has the elegant facial structure of her mother- albeit with a bit more of her father's fringe. Her tail is surprisingly short- something she has retained from her kittenhood.

Height || 11”

Weight || 9.4 lbs.

:bulletpurple: { C O L O R A T I O N }

Fur ||

Lusa is primarily snowy-white, though her back is patched over with patches of her mother’s color and her father’s tabby stripes. Her rounded face is heavily freckled with the same hue as these broken patches, which continue from her sleek forehead down to her tail. Lusa’s paws are all this pale-ginger as well, which fades just above her ankles and is tipped by her white toes.

Eyes ||

Lusa has her mother’s pale, sky-blue gaze, though they generally have a more misty look to them.

Skin ||

Lusa has vividly pink skin, unlike her parent’s pale grayish tones.

:bulletpurple: { A D D I T I O N A L }

Items ||

{ Crow Feather | A sleek, near-black feather from a crow's wing gifted to her by her cousin to remind her of Reuss. | Received at age: 6 moons from: Tsulasada | Worn }

{ Pheasant Feather | A bit more worn than her newer addition, this was given to her by Reuss after he and the former Silver-Fire caught a pheasant. He wears one from the same bird. | Received at age: 3 moons from: Roran | Worn }

{ Tail Bracelet | Taken directly from her mother's previously double-stranded necklace, Lusa's tail is adorned with a beautiful blue-gem bracelet with an intricate silver clasp to hold it together where Palette broke it. It carries four different blessings; three were given by the outcast Spirit, and the fourth is a powerful healing skill bestowed by Damek. | Received at age: 6 moons from: Palette and Damek | Worn }

{ Golden Bracelet | Gifted to her by her mate, Seven, when they were adolescents to honor their future matrimony. She treasures the golden piece, which was fitted with a blue gem upon the formal blessing of their Silver to become mates. | Received at age: 16 moons from: Seven | Worn }

{ Assorted Flowers | Lusa loves to collect blue or purple flowers and weave them into her fur, usually around her neck and ears. They vary by the week. | Received at age: 12 moons from: nature and friends | Worn }


{ Shoulder Gashes | Lusa's left shoulder is marred by several jagged scars that crisscross each other haphazardly. She used to hide them by sticking sap-drenched rabbit fur over the bare skin, but soon accepted them for what they were and now lets them appear as they are. | Received at age: 8 moons from: Ryoji }

{ Hyphema Aftermath | After a practice fight with Tabitha went too far in their adolescence, Lusa suffered a hyphema in her left eye; her sight has almost completely recovered and only remains slightly blurred at one edge. The iris has stained a russet color because of the bleeding. | Received at age: 13 moons from: Tabitha }

Notable Features ||

The only unique part about her is her tail. It is very short for one who does not have short tail in their heritage. However, Lusa has been told to have very beautiful and interesting eyes, once both a violet-blue, but now an alternating russet thanks to her accident moons ago; she compliments the original blue tone with violet-blue flowers throughout her pelt.


:bulletpink: { Defining the character’s attributes that describe their place within their group-specific environment and society } :bulletpurple:

:bulletpurple: { T R I B E }

Tribe || Light

Profession || Traditional healer

Mentor ||

{ Farox | Orange-Air | Acerbiic }
{ Phineus | Green-Void | Baerrito }
Learned from her father, Orange-Light Damek

Apprentice ||


:bulletpurple: { S K I L L S }

Rank || Healer

Power / Ability || Poison

Skill Tree || Secondary

{ Up to Secondary SKILL 4 }

:bulletpurple: { B E L I E F S Y S T E M }

Faith in the Spirits (general) || 70 %

Loyal towards all of the Spirits.

Personal Thoughts ||

Lusa's faith in the Spirits never wavered during the time of war, as she did not understand what exactly was happening- now that she is older, though, she is beginning to realize what everything meant. She is still a bit downcast over losing her "wings" and her brother, but she is overjoyed to have been given a chance to be with her father, Seven, and Yaeger. She believes wholeheartedly that the Spirits made this possible for her, and thanks them every day for it and the other gifts in her life.


:bulletpink: { Defining the character’s emotional and mental attributes which characterize their personality, general attitude and chosen courses of action } :bulletpurple:

:bulletpurple: { P E R S O N A L I T Y }

Summary ||

Lusa is one of the sweetest, most innocent cats to be found. She appears to find it difficult to take many things seriously and goes through life with a blissful naivety, gravitating towards just about anyone and believing that every cat can be a good friend. She has no relative understanding of what life is really about and as such has a sweet and innocent demeanor, trusting everybody and never withholding her kindness. She struggles to be polite as her mother has told her to be and generally can be found quite odd, as Lusa doesn’t exactly think before she speaks. However, she is one of the kindest and most thoughtful individuals to walk Nandryx, and actually finds helping others a delightful pastime instead of a chore. She is beginning to mature and think for herself as she grows older, and actually notices the looks that others give her when she's being "thick-headed."

Innocent/Naïve ||

Lusa just wants to be your friend! She doesn’t care what you’ve done or how weird you act or look- anyone, to Lusa, is their own beautiful kind of character, and she wants to get to know them too. However, she has absolutely no concept of the fact that not every cat is quite as nice as she likes to believe they are. Because she is so naïve, Lusa will blatantly ignore many “warning” signs that would turn a wiser cat away. It would not be difficult at all, especially given her belief that all cats are respectful of healers, to use Lusa’s innocence to your advantage. She simply wants to trust.

Pure/Sweet ||

For all her childish shortcomings, Lusa is a sweetheart. She wants to be friends with everyone, and as such is kind to everyone. Not a single cat can get away without a sweet smile and gentle word from Lusa if she can help it. Nothing turns her away from helping another cat in need, and even though she is young and has yet to grasp at the downfalls of life, Lusa will always attempt to help out when another is hurting. She is such a sincerely good cat that, despite her other traits, it’s hard to not want to be around her.

Obedient ||

Now, this is not to say that Lusa’s a rule stickler- this is to say that she follows orders, plain and simple. Where those orders come from doesn’t really matter so much. She tends to follow the authority of the cat she respects most, which may mean she will listen to a cherished family member over her deputy or the like, but she always does what she feels is right. She has never been known to break a rule knowingly and is mortified if she does on accident.

Odd ||

Lusa is admittedly a very odd sort of cat. It is one thing for someone to be youthful- many young adults are- but Lusa goes beyond the usual childlike bursts of fun. She is sometimes random, and in the midst of a conversation may point out how lovely the grass looks today when she is being told about the history of the Spirits. It takes patience to deal with her random outbursts and queer fancies. She may go from doing one thing to abruptly doing another, and offer up a tidbit of what is meant to be advice but comes out, quite simply, strange. She struggles to understand others' frustrations sometimes because of her own easygoing nature, but she does at least try her best!

Faithful ||

Once she’s made a friend, Lusa is never going to let them down. She dutifully follows and takes care of those she’s close to; once she attaches herself to another cat, she would follow them to the end of the earth and back, even if she was repeatedly pushed away. It’s hard to not reciprocate at least some sort of affection when faced with that much adoration. Lusa truly and honestly loves those she says so to- if she tells a cat she loves them, she really means it. Through thick and through thin she’s going to be there for those who have earned her endearment.

Childlike ||

Lusa just wants to play and make friends, and even after so many seasons of life she has retained her childlike nature when in a good mood. She is bubbly and playful, always tumbling around and giggling and simply trying to have a good time; she tends to be quite popular with kittens! She adores her family and is overjoyed to be back around them, and tends to still listen to her father and behave like a young apprentice around him at times.

:bulletpurple: { Q U I R K S }

Habits ||

{ Bug-Catching | A habit that she and Roran came up with together, Lusa has become so used to marveling over bugs with her brother that she catches and admires them even on her own. She will often bring her latest find up to the nearest cat around, not understanding that many other felines dislike creepy crawlers. }

{ Jittery | Lusa is always seeming to be moving in some way. She constantly fidgets in some shape or form- whether this is shuffling her paws, wagging her tail, or twitching her whiskers, she is always in motion. She usually moves her tail, though if this is stepped on to stop from twitching, she will absentmindedly begin to move something else. Most of the time she doesn’t even realize she’s doing so. }

Fears ||

{ Disappointment | The only thing Lusa is afraid of is becoming a disappointment to her family and friends. She constantly is trying to prove that she’s worth their time and love. }

{ Rejection | After her past troubles with Tabitha and Seven, Lusa has grown to fear being rejected by her friends and family. }

{ Losing Seven | So many cats have walked out of Lusa's life- or died, in a few cases- that she is beyond terrified of losing her mate. It is her worst nightmare. }

Ambitions ||

{ Making Others Proud | Lusa absolutely adores her family and wants to make them proud of her. She especially takes pride in knowing her father was once a deputy and, though she doesn’t really want to be one herself, hopes she can be just as good an asset to her Tribe as he was. }

:bulletpurple: { T R I V I A L }

Favorites ||

Place || Her shared nest with Seven

Activity || Catching bugs

Scent || Marigold

Food || Snow hare

Sound || Cicadas

Weather || Cool and damp

Season || Summer

Time of Day || Dusk

Animal || Blue Morpho butterfly

Fun Facts ||

| Lusa loves gems. She is especially captivated by the tail gems that- unknown to her- are tokens of Philo’s blood relatives.

| Fireflies are her second favorite animal. She likes to catch them and name them, and keep them near her at night so it isn’t so dark.

| Flowers make her sneeze. (She wears them anyway.)

| She used to be completely unable to pronounce anything over two syllables. After a lot of private practice, however, she has gotten a lot better with speaking; it only reappears when Lusa becomes flustered.

:bulletpurple: { S E X U A L I T Y }

Orientation || Heterosexual

Status || Taken

Current Interests || Seven

:bulletpurple: { R E L A T I O N S H I P S }

Coming soon!


:bulletpink: { Defining the character’s past and the characters involved in it which have shaped their current opinions, characteristics and/or behavior } :bulletpurple:

:bulletpurple: { K I N }

Mother ||

{ Biological | Orange-Fire | Palette | Female | Alive | Bayflight }

Father ||

{ Biological | Orange-Light | Damek | Male | Alive | elixodus }

Siblings ||

{ Biological | Littermate | Blue-Water | Roran | Male | Alive | rainwolfeh }

{ Biological | First Litter | Black-Shadow | Drake | Male | Unknown | eliza1star }

{ Biological | First Litter | Green-Water | Ryoji | Male | Deceased | elixodus }

{ Biological | First Litter | Pink-Orange-Fire | Bernadette | Female | Deceased | Elesette }

{ Biological | Third Litter | Black-Void | Adanado | Male | Alive | ShadowclawFC }

{ Biological | Third Litter | Black-Shadow | Moroi | Male | Alive | Fluffonmypants }

{ Biological | Third Litter | Black-Water | Octavia | Female | Alive | petit--loup }

{ Biological | Third Litter | Black-Earth | Sohvi | Female | Alive | :develizodus: }

{ Biological | Third Litter | Black-Earth | T'ioli | Male | Alive | Bayflight }

{ Biological | Third Litter | Black-Light | Yaeger | Male | Alive | sshoes }

Aunts ||

{ Father’s Brother’s Mate | Pink-Water | Sooka | Female | Alive | Liv-vee }

Uncles ||

{ Father’s Brother | Silver-Air | Seraphiel | Male | Alive | AngelShadowRena }

{ Mother’s Brother | Gray-Air | Dusk | Male | Unknown | NPC }

{ Mother’s Brother | Gray-Air | Spider | Male | Unknown | NPC }

{ Mother’s Brother | Gray-Earth | Tumble | Male | Unknown | NPC }

{ Father's Brother | Gray-Air | Star | Male | Unknown | NPC }

Cousins ||

{ Father’s Brother’s Daughter | Orange-Air | Chione | Female | Alive | sshoes }

{ Father’s Brother’s Daughter | Blue-Water |Larka | Female | Alive | AngelShadowRena }

{ Father’s Brother’s Daughter | Orange-Water | Quesnel | Female | Alive | quaill }

{ Father’s Brother’s Daughter | Black-Air | Ellie | Female | Alive | SunnPie }

{ Father’s Brother’s Daughter | Pink-Shadow | Aniu | Female | Alive | : devDarkNDonuts: }

{ Father's Brother's Son | Gray-Earth | Anix | Male | Deceased | quaill }

{ Father's Brother's Son | Gold-Air | Linken | Male| Alive | Liv-vee }

{ Father’s Brother’s Son | Blue-Shadow | Uriel | Male | Alive | hiyoriko }

{ Father’s Brother’s Son | Orange-Earth | Dexter | Male | Alive | elixodus }

Nieces ||

{ None }

Nephews ||

{ None }

Offspring ||

{ None }

:bulletpurple: { E X T E N D E D }

Close Friends ||

{ Blue-Water | Roran | Male | Alive | rainwolfeh }

{ Blue-Void | Tabitha | Female | Deceased | Biirdi }

{ Green-Light | Seven | Male | Alive | YollerZ }

Soulbond || { None }

Romantic Partner || { Green-Light | Seven | Male | Alive | YollerZ }

:bulletpurple: { B A C K S T O R Y }

Summary | Breath of Life | Lifelong ||

Star never knew of her parent’s break in their relationship, or even that Damek was not there for her older siblings as they grew up. She was born into a tight-knit and loving family alongside her only other sibling and immediate best friend, Reuss. Starlet was named by her father for his twin brother and mate, Palette, and her brother Reuss was named for her mother’s soulbond Cyrus and friend Rey.

She is still extremely young and has yet to learn much of what life is really about. Throughout her early kithood, she happily resided in Light Tribe with her mother, father, and Reuss, learning how to properly catch beetles and say “please” and “thank you” when she wanted something. For a long time, life was simple like that...until a Spirit calling himself Alriyel began to threaten the Tribes, and her father was sent to Fire Tribe to help. Palette rounded up her children and promptly followed him home- at least, that was how Starlet came to think of it. She came to love its warmth and sooty smell and the weird bugs that they found.

She was well-protected from the chaos and heartbreak happening just outside of her knowledge, mostly due to Palette's interference. Even when cats she loved died, Starlet was told that they had simply been called away to join Eden. Her own sister and cousin of Fire Tribe died before Star was even three moons old. Yet Starlet wasn't ever upset until the day the kit she'd talked to since she was a newborn went to Eden too- Winter, or "Snow," as Starlet called him. Ever since that day she decided she would go to Eden somehow and bring everyone home. When someone told her that Eden was high up in the sky, she decided the best way to get there was to get wings.

And Starlet got her wish...but she didn't get to stay with Reuss. Roran, as he was now, was a Blue-Water- and even as the sky broke apart above them and gleamed an ugly red, Starlet- Lusa- only cried for her brother, her littermate, who was leaving her. She clung to the first cat she found- Seraphiel, her unknown uncle and Silver-Air. She stayed by his side like his own shadow, and if she couldn't be found there, she was undoubtedly with Farox or Evaline.

The celestial war ended in the Spirits' deaths, but Lusa did not understand why the Tribes' tattoos and powers disappeared. She thought that perhaps things were malfunctioning. Therefore the hostilities of the anarchists were lost on her, and when the raid came Lusa found herself caught in the middle of a violence she could not share. While trying to find help to stop the fighting, she stumbled across her estranged older brother- Ryoji- and was tricked into following him away from the noise. He attacked her and would have killed her if Palette had not shown up, and as it was Lusa's mother nearly lost. She only saved them both by accidentally dealing a killing blow to her son's throat.

Lusa recovered from the deep gashes in her shoulder slowly, due to the lack of Light Tribe powers, and once she could she hid the healing scars under rabbit fluff. Only a few Air Tribers even know she was injured badly. She spent her days carefully healing and hanging around Dillion, or "Cloud," as she called him. Life for Lusa was still simple and still satisfying, but her visits to Water Tribe became painfully few.

Around this timewas when the Spirits returned, and Lusa was able to join Roran permanently in Void Tribe. She wore her new tattoo happily, feeling as if it were a dream come true to finally be with her twin and several close friends from her kithood. Her only regret is that Dillion could not come with.

She tried to adjust to being a scholar apprentice, as Void Tribe had yet to choose a special profession, but Lusa was admittedly not the best student- and it wasn't as if her mentor was dying to take her out training anyway. She tended to do more of her own thing and started to wander off most days, thinking to herself and practicing her pronunciation of words. Lusa and Roran began to get to know their other young Tribemates, and soon enough Lusa was happily surrounded by a group of close friends, including Orpheus, Seven, Evaline, Elliott, and Tabitha. Life passed without much incident, though she continued to wait for the special profession to be announced. Being a scholar wasn't exactly Lusa's thing.

Lusa was delighted when, on the same day, hers and her friend's white tattoos flooded through with beautiful colors. Her own tattoo was finally visible, a delicate blue arrow extending over her forehead and matching her favorite flower accessories. She began to actually lose a bit of her childlike innocence, though of course she never abandoned her infatuation with the world and its wonders. However, it seemed nobody else expected Lusa to grow up; even her own brother never realized that she had begun to think for herself and analyze the things that made no sense to her. She grew closer to Tabitha and shared almost everything with the other secondary Void Triber. One day, while Lusa was watching the skies at Watchpoint, she nearly ran over Seven, whom fascinated her with his nearly-hairless fur and kind nature. They spent the evening together and left as friends. Lusa felt as if someone actually understand the more mature part of her now.

The most fateful part of her life thus far occurred not that long ago, shortly after her tattoo flushed half-blue. Her closest friend, Tabitha, had begun to grow quiet and somber, and though Lusa inquired about her sadness, Tabitha continually pushed her away. Lusa began to have suspicions that Tabitha didn't think Lusa understood much of life's hardships, as Ryoji's attempt on her and Palette's life was still a secret. She eventually gave up one day when Tabitha became angry and sullen once Roran took the newest Void Tribe apprentice, Stevie, under his wing, demanding that she tell her what was wrong. When Tabitha stormed off, Lusa gave up and chased after her, tackling her to the ground.

However Tabitha still did not want to talk, and Altair caught up, pressuring her into letting Tabitha up. In a moment of confusion and hurt at being treated like nothing more than a nuisance by her own best friend, Lusa was kicked in the stomach so that Tabitha could scramble away and flee with Altair. Unbeknowst to Lusa, Seven had seen the entire exchange, and when she got the feeling to move suddenly to a fox set to stay away from Tabitha, Seven intercepted her. The other adolescent comforted her and made sure she was alright, and Lusa ended up falling asleep with a heavy heart at his side.

When she went to go talk to Tabitha again, Seven tagged along, which made Tabitha angry- especially when Seven's temper flared and the two engaged in a verbal scrap, despite Lusa's pleading. Eventually Seven left, and Lusa tried her best to get through to her friend; yet it seemed that Tabitha truly did not want to tell her anything. She still refused to give away any of her secrets, and even let Lusa know that she had told Altair, the cat that Lusa didn't even know, everything.

When Lusa finally admitted defeat and padded off, Seven came to her again, and in a moment of pure misery Lusa broke down and cried. The tom tried to convince her that Tabitha wasn't worth it, but Lusa wasn't the kind to ever give up on her friends, even if Tabitha had made her angry by refusing to trust her or hear her out. In an effort to cheer her up (or at least, so Lusa assumed) Seven asked if she would share his nest with him outside of Void Tribe camp. Lusa agreed and actually found a smile.

The two shared Seven's nest that night, and Lusa did not even notice the tom departing for his training that day. She was woken up by Tabitha around noontime, at which point she realized that Seven had reconciled with her and gotten Tabitha to go to Lusa next. The two made up at last, after Lusa spilled the truth about her shoulder scars and Tabitha admitted to fighting with Sheena and having a crush on Roran. Lusa, however, had never learned about crushes or dating- Palette had always kept any mention of love as "adults only" and "courting"- and Tabitha told her everything. Including the delicate fact that Seven had a huge crush on her, and had for weeks now. Lusa hadn't even realized.

She felt awful, but Tabitha assured her that she would know if she liked Seven more than a friend if she kissed him and sparks flew. Lusa was terrified, but when Seven returned to the nest that night, she still managed to go through with it- though Seven locked up and panicked at her advance. Lusa was afraid that she'd given him some sort of a heart attack before Seven suddenly came back to himself and kissed her back, at which point stars danced behind her eyes and she felt butterfly wings in her belly. She realized exactly what Tabitha meant.

And so Lusa actually began a relationship with the young tom, even though it is still her secret (well, besides Tabitha, of course). She enjoyed a couple weeks of happiness with her friends and new boyfriend before their Silver announced, to Lusa's sheer delight, the Void Tribe special profession. Lusa, of course, switched immediately, becoming the first ever chronicler apprentice. She was ready to make her mark on Void Tribe's walls and tell history.

That is, until a training exercise with Tabitha went all wrong. Her friend lost herself in the fight and ended up beating Lusa almost to death, as most of the damage done was to Lusa's face- Seven managed to break them apart and rush Lusa to Light Tribe, where she was treated for a major concussion, broken nose, and hyphema in her left eye. Lusa pulled through because of the help of Rookson and Ryuu, the two tom cats Seven treasured most in the world, and currently is still recovering alongside Seven in Light Tribe camp.

Longer Version | Not Written | Lifelong


:bulletpink: { Defining the roleplayer's preferences and statuses in roleplaying, as well as uploaded memes for the character } :bulletpurple:

:bulletpurple: { A V A I L A B I L I T Y }

RP Methods ||

dA Notes || Open

dA Chats || Limited

dA Comments || Closed

Personal Forums || Closed

Google Docs || Open

E-Mail || Closed

Skype || Open

Literacy Levels ||

Script || Open, but preferably on Skype

100 - 300 Words || Limited (200+, please)

300 - 800 Words || Open (preferred range)

800 - 1.000+ Words || Limited

Time Zone || Eastern Time (UTC-5)

:bulletpurple: { R O L E P L A Y S A M P L E }

Palette | The-Golden-Butterfly ||

At least, the pale-furred she-cat mused as she picked her way carefully across the camp and towards the entrance, today's weather was nice enough. And indeed it had been. The sun was not so blaring hot against her hunched shoulders as it had been just yesterday, and therefore the cracked ground pained her less. Her paw pads were finally recovered after the last sandstorm, and she shivered slightly to remember the craggy rocks tearing them apart. At least the skies have held. Her pale eyes flickered up towards the overstretch of blue; though it had not rained, it had not stormed, either, and Palette would rather it be dry and clear than sandy and windy.

Love blossomed in her chest as she glanced back in the direction of the small den that Csilla lived in alongside her kittens. Palette remembered distinctly the first time she had entered, her head bowed shyly as her eyes adjusted to the darker lighting. Immediately her mouth had softly fallen open in astonishment at the sight of five curled bodies nestled against the Orange-Shadow's belly fur. Though Cyrus had explained to her that two had been discovered, starving and alone after the second sandstorm, Palette saw no difference. Blood did not matter; they were as much Cyrus and Csilla's children as the three she had given birth to, and that meant she loved them just as dearly. Nothing was more precious to her than family and kittens, and Palette almost felt as if the Spirits were being too kind. It made her afraid; her luck never held. Yet she could not help but watch her terror vanish into thin air when she watched Cassie and Karui play, or when one of the tiny newborns' paws touched her own. There was simply something about them that made Palette feel better.

The Orange-Fire gently brushed past a Light Triber carrying a load of herbs between his teeth to exit the camp in quiet peace, her eyes sparkling slightly. Time kept rushing by; Primus was gone, but she could not find any trace of sadness in her. Wistfulness, of course, but that was for any kit- she was achingly glad that he was back with his parents. She could only imagine Shadow's joy. Soon these five tiny kits would have their own tattoos, but Palette couldn't even pull fear from the idea anymore. They would be happy. And their happiness was all that mattered.

Of course, it didn't mean she didn't silently hope Cassie and Karui would stay with her and their father...or that she might get the great delight in watching one of Cyrus' kits grow up in Fire Tribe. But didn't any family member? Palette sighed softly through her nose and paused to check her paws just outside of the entrance, feeling a sharp jabbing sensation interrupt her thoughts. With a quick glance she spotted a jagged black pebble protruding rudely from the scarred tissue, and she flicked it away carelessly without a second thought. There was so much more to consider that aching feet hardly even captured her attention anymore.

{ C R E D I T S }

The-Golden-Butterfly © Toadfoal

Drawn Application Template © Zaabu + cake-dog

Written Application Template © Hollyseven

Application Art © Bayflight

Lusa © Bayflight

Design © Bayflight

Image size
2605x1586px 12.24 MB
© 2014 - 2024 Bayflight
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