speedracker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/speedracker/art/Smooth-Red-Rings-Conky-config-Conky-Manager-490551500speedracker

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Smooth Red Rings Conky config. Conky Manager



Updated Red Smooth Conky Config

Added Text  Open Source - Open Mind
Enjoy guys

Conky Manager Link , Just drop into gui

Weather Icons By 

Kelly Kretchek

Must have this installed below so weather could load work properly.

. First install "conky" if you don't have it, also ensure that you have "curl" installed.
sudo apt-get install conky-all curl python-feedparser -y

To change the weather first load up Yahoo! Weather in your browser, search for your city and copy the 6 digit code in the URL. Back in the text editor, scoot down to the line containing the text weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?w=12707719&u=c’ and replace the stock weather code with the one for your location. To change the temperature unit to Fahrenheit replace the ‘c’ at the end of this link with ‘f’.

Wallpaper by 

Ankit Anand

© 2014 - 2024 speedracker
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Hello again. I noticed that 03.png in the red folder is missing. By any chance, can you give me it? I have no clue how to get the icons to work and whether it even will match accuweathers but I managed to get the temperature and weather condition to work though:

#replace 'zipcode' 
${texeci 1300 curl -s "rss.accuweather.com/rss/livewe…" -o ~/.cache/weather.xml}

${font ITC Avant Garde Gothic Pro:bold:size=20}${voffset -70}${offset 75}${execi 1300 grep -P -o "(?<=: )([0-9]+)(?=C)" ~/.cache/weather.xml}${font ITC Avant Garde Gothic Pro:bold:size=8}${voffset -16}o${voffset 14}${font}${color1}

#weather icon
#03.png missing from red folder
#also probably need to manually change the png numbering to match accuweather's gifs
${execi 1300 cp -f ~/.conky/Red_Smooth_Rings/red/(grep -P -o "(?<=icons\/)([0-9]+?)(?=_31x31.gif)").png ~/.cache/weather.png}${image ~/.cache/weather.png -p 75,95 -s 80x80}

# Conditions in textual form("partly cloudy" etc.) #
${font ITC Avant Garde Gothic Pro:bold:size=15}${offset 122}${voffset -55}${execi 300 grep -P -o "(?<=<title>Currently: ).*(?=:)" ~/.cache/weather.xml}${font ITC Avant Garde Gothic Pro:bold:size=12}
    #${offset 45}${voffset 10}    Open ${color3}Source - ${color1}Open ${color3}Mind

Note: the smiley face is actually colon and end parantheses (I have no idea how to stop deviant from automatically making it into an emoji lol)