
DotW Short Story: Unpleasant News

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Halkuonn's avatar

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    Adrian’s pawsteps were uneven and hurried as he made his way in the narrow rocky path, aiming for the highest spot on the mountain. Adamant Peak was his haven when everything looked too messy for him. And being the only Vicar so far granted him the pleasure of knowing that he would be alone.
    But he wasn’t in peace. He was feeling like the shadows were chasing him. Suffocating his senses and clouding his mind. He was praying silently since the very beginning of his pilgrimage, but the sensation was haunting him.

    “Well well, look who we have here.” The voice came suddenly from above, quiet and heavy with malice.

    Adrian’s heart skipped a beat, and Hekate had the pleasure of watching the young male turn to stare at her in shock, dark blue eyes wide, even if it lasted only a second - like he had just seen a ghost but quickly recognized said creature. She was spread in the rocks above him, front legs crossed like a feline and tail hanging out from the edge.

He greeted as he gathered himself, sitting and curling his tail on his paws to stare at the red she-wolf. At least now he knew what was bothering him. It was her and her twisted Gods. What was she doing here? He wished he would not see her that soon. Actually, hoped he would never need to see her ever again. “What a pleasant surprise.” He put on a faux smile, his best tool against someone like her. Hekate was not easy to be fooled, but he managed to pass her sharp wit with his acting.

    “I must say the same. It’s always a pleasure to find an old friend, especially when it comes with wonderful news… I suppose you finally found your place, Adrian, now that you’ve met your family.” She responded after mimicking his smile, eyes gleaming in an insane way, her voice soft as silk - which was even more disturbing.

    Adrian’s mind started to work desperately. It would be foolish of him to be surprised she already knew. In this game of knowledge she was a matched player for him. And what she was doing was making sure he knew she had assets against him if she needed. “You know me, Red. Not entirely happy, but comfortable.” He answered merely, without thinking twice.

    Hekate’s smile got bigger. She knew he would tiptoe like that. You will watch were you step even more from now on, cutie. “I see.” The red she-wolf moved her tail graciously, movement that quickly got Adrian’s attention, like a prey observing a predator. He was trying to find a reason for her appearance, she noticed. Poor boy was a good player, but she was older and battered on this way of life. “Even with this war?”

    No wonder she knows about the war as well. “Of course. Aryn is well protected, and as much my Aunt fails into knowing where to put her battles, most Arynians are capable of protecting themselves and the territory.” Adrian assured, and judging by the curious tilt of her head, she understood the subliminal message of "Then don't mess with them, too"
. What did she wanted? He just despised being near her. She always managed to get off him more than he should let on, mainly by just staring at his soul with those beautiful piercing amber eyes of hers.

    “Oh but you’re so wrong about your Aunt. Athena, isn’t it?” He nodded in response, still staring at her trying to look as unphased as possible, but she could hear his heart beating fast in his chest. She then proceeded. “This girl Bloom trespassed into your territory, and that’s something no pack should allow – her behavior being an innocent mistake or not. If Winema failed to watch and restrain Blutwald’s resources, Aryn has nothing to do with it, don’t you agree?”

    Not entirely wrong. But where do you want to get with this? Adrian could just not comprehend, but well, when he ever managed to understand Hekate? She was everything but sane. He would remember that every time he thought about the assassin. They had worked together before, yes, but only because he didn’t knew her… ill mind. She was the one that caused his nightmares, and for a good reason. “I do, but I fail to find your purpose on this conversation. C’mon, you can skip the pleasantries and get down to business, Hekate, you're talking with me, not with one of your targets.” He finally answered, hoping that the last sentence was true. He could outmatch her in strength, but not in expertise of battle. But if that was the case, she would just have ambushed him from the shadows.

    “Wow, in a hurry are we?” She asked, faking offense. Her red pelt was shining in the moonlight, like a bloodstain in the rocks. Adrian would be attracted if he didn’t knew her kind already. She stretched like a cougar, her long fox-like tail swinging slowly in the air. “I’m here because your position about and inside this war cross paths with my own interests. What else would it be? And mostly, because I know you’re against it and I intend… I will change your mind about it, dear.”

    “Are you?” The stone-colored male asked with contempt, staring at her with half-lidded eyes. Adrian would be happier if he never knew her. And now, she was gracefully drawing closer, a mischievous grin on her muzzle, her slender body moving quietly. His stomach was rolling with a strange sensation from her proximity, something like anxiety and curiosity mixed. He wasn’t scared – he never was, even about Hekate. But still, she managed to get the worst of him.

    “Well, yes. Let me tell you a secret…”

    And when she finally approached to whisper on his ear, Adrian knew he was not going to sleep so soon.

Adrian was feeling very haunted lately, and has no clue about why.
He decides to spend some time meditating on Adamant Peak only to find the source of this nuisance: an old 'friend' with very distinct morals.

Hekate knows something that may change Adrian's views about the Cold War between Blutwald and Aryn, and Hekate is more aware of the late ongoing news than any loner should. You will discover how in a few days. :eyes:

What does she know that you all don't? It was enough to give Adrian some serious chills. :shrug:
DotW REF - Adrian by HalkuonnDotW REF - Hekate by Halkuonn
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LittleRed06's avatar
I just took the time to catch up. Perhaps veron should've been more scared! Hekate is a sly wolf.