Art Trade Anyone?

4 min read

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daegfire's avatar
I've taken a little time off from my (part time) day job to have a little renovation of my illustrative style. I'm at them point where I am looking for some small fun briefs to practice on so have decided to open up for a few art trades. 

I will be opening three slots:

1. LaChasseur
2. (Open)
3. (Open)

Anyone is free to pitch an idea to me, so this is the opportunity for all my watchers who have shown an interest in owning some of my work (or asked me for it for free).

However be aware, this art trade is not for the lace like, single layer, pattern heavy cuts. I am specifically looking to do scenes and landscapes more along the lines of:……

kind if a hybrid form between my old illustration style and my popular patterns. 

 A few ground rules:
~ No NSFW 
~ No Fanart 
~ OCs and people are more then welcome, but as part of the scene (I'm not after doing portraits at this time. But there may be art exchanges in the future that cover that)
~Make it interesting and imaginative no matter what the topic. It's can be your OCs treehouse home on the edge of the jungle with him looking out across the treetops, or your mothers favourite beach with her and her children playing in the sand while the sunsets.  
~This will be advertised on DA and Tumblr. Contact me on either. 
~The art will be posted online after completion 
~All art will be A4 in size

i am not picky about what you work in. However I am keen to make this a physical exchange of artwork, not just digital. 
I will be posting you the completed work, regardless of where you live in the world and I expect the same back. If you are not happy to exchange details then please to not enter. If you work digitally this means I expect an A4 printed copy of the work and if you work traditionally I would like the original art as that is what you will be receiving from me. 
I am biased towards paper cut art, and I would love to have some of my friends art on my wall, but please do not think that because you use photoshop or paints or pencils that you have no chance.

so yeah ... Anyone interested? 

© 2015 - 2024 daegfire
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NeverworldDreamer's avatar
Sorry just saw my name on the list! Duh, its been a very long day! I'll let you know when I get my comp back :)