
5 min read

Deviation Actions

ikazon's avatar
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Skin by GinkgoWerkstatt

One month out.
Weird things about not working here anymore, so far:
  • Not seeing ads on every page
  • Not having to check notifications hourly to keep them under 100
  • Not browsing the site at large on a daily basis
  • Not seeing art on a daily basis
It's weird to think that so much can change in a month, as far as daily routines go. But I guess when it's a daily routine you've had for 8 years, it feels even more so that way? Who knows, haha.

Either way, I didn't really intend to more or less disappear in the past two weeks, but a friend of mine was staying over for a week, and then I flew to the east coast to help a different friend who had surgery, so that's my explanation for the prolonged absence!

Share some art you've liked recently with me, I've got some catching up to do.

Interesting conversation:
DeviantArt and Angry MobsDue to the nature of DeviantArt it is quite easy to perceive that there's "a lot of people" who are upset with any given thing, enough so that you could even believe that "everyone" believes the same thing.
I felt that perhaps the community would like me to explain how DeviantArt views these types of things.
First of all, DeviantArt, Inc. is extremely deliberate. We don't do anything accidentally. Everything that hits the community is the result of a team collaboration that usually take weeks or months to complete. And so when we make mistakes they are felt by a group here or by our whole team. 
Things you should know:
First of all you must believe that our team is 100% motivated to ensure that DA is healthy, and that decisions we make turn out to be better than how things were before. Each decision is likely to affect different pockets of people, and so you will always see the group that's unhappy pool together. The happy group is happy, so they don't tend to band toget

Fun music:

© 2015 - 2024 ikazon
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ninebark's avatar
I wanted to give you a unicorn, but couldn't find a good emoticon. So you get this one. :heart:

Unicorn Emote Left 

What's the new name mean? Are you besties with google and coordinated your rebrands?