
[Expanded Fumi Guide] Lifestyle

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It is a widely known fact that fumis are highly intelligent creatures capable of complex emotions and thoughts. However, the possibility of self-awareness is claimed to be a highly debated topic. One side would claim that lack of communication between our species proves that they aren't likely self-aware, while the other side claims that perhaps the reason our communications are strained stems from the fact that we treat them like they aren't self-aware. Indeed, any self-aware individual would be uncomfortable if we treated them the way we treat fumis. Flashy commercials broadcasting across the globe; advertisements showcasing the latest designer bloodlines to entice the upper class collectors; even subtle displays like children's shows and cereal box mascots in an attempt to weasel the species into the consumer's consciousness, insisting that a fumi would improve your quality of life. We treat them more like products than living creatures...

That being said, it's really hard to describe what life for a fumi is like as a whole, since each individual has different personalities, experiences, and lifestyles. The chubby creatures are so ingrained into our society nowadays that you won't often find a middle or upper class family who doesn't own at least one. The following are the three most distinct lifestyles but are in no way the only ones available.


Most people are unable to afford to keep their fumi at home and it would be unwise to do so anyways, as fumis are naturally social animals who crave the company of their kin. Loneliness can be very hard on their mental state and can easily cause them to develop personality, social, or other various mental issues. For this reason, owners who can't afford to raise multiple fumis at home prefer to house them in a facility known as a Foghouse instead. While a Foghouse's main purpose is much like a horse stable, it also doubles as a harvesting facility for fumi vapor, the profits of which generate all the income the facility needs to keep itself funded. For this reason, Foghouses tend to be an extremely cheap if not a free alternative to keeping a fumi at home. These massive facilities are usually owned by companies, but very rich individuals may own their own private foghouses, which allows them to selectively breed their fumis for show!

Although Foghouses can vary greatly in structure and general appearances, they all will generally consist of 1 large building to provide shelter, which is covered in special chimneys that harvest the vapor fumi tenants release naturally; and a very large area of land for the fumis to roam and hunt in. The most 
beneficial ones for a fumi's health simulate an environment they're most suited to be in, which would include large areas of sand or loose soil and a sizable lake for them to swim and hunt in.

Foghouse life tend can also very between individual facilities, some being rather strict with behavior and duties to keep their tenants in line; some being more laid back and letting the fumis do what they like naturally. Either way, life here is typically a pleasant lifestyle for most fumis, although some of the more adventurous individuals seem to dislike it and may attempt to escape. 

Feral Fogs

Fumis are very cunning creatures and it's not uncommon for them to escape into the wild and form feral fogs. Feral fogs often operate differently then the typical brute, thug, and nurse roles observed in captivity, which suggests that these roles may not be as natural as the public has been lead to believe. Although most thug and brute fumis can fend for themselves well in Earth's wilderness, feral life can be extremely chaotic. These are large creatures that consume quite a lot of food, and large feral populations can devastate local wildlife via over-consumption. The self-inflicted lack of vital resources often causes them to become desperate enough to scavenge through human waste and hunt pets and livestock, and in severe cases may even incite the fog to become man eaters. Once a fumi has become used to the taste of human flesh, they oftentimes switch to it as a main source of food, as unhealthy as it is for them. This is most likely because of the sheer abundance of humans there are to feed on, but one must also ask themselves this: if fumis are indeed self-aware, could consuming humans serve as a form of sweet revenge? A chilling thought.

This obviously doesn't give feral fumis a very pleasant image to the eyes of humans. Although cases as extreme as man eating are very rare, the possibility alone is enough for many to forsake the taboo that people usually have against hunting a companion creature. Feral fumis are popular targets for trophy-hunting, the largest and most scarred brutes making for the most prized trophies... which again if we consider that fumis may be self-aware, this probably worsens our image in their eyes as well. An endless cycle of conflict which might never be broken. 

Pit Fumis

Pit fighting is a form of abuse and is highly illegal in most countries, but like most crime it's illegal nature doesn't stop it completely stop it from happening. Fumis in particular are extremely powerful creatures so there are a few necessary precautions, such as secure fighting arenas and large supplies of tranquilizers, but it still happens more often then you might imagine such a costly operation would. Brute class fumis are favored for pit fights, but the natural process of becoming a brute is too slow and rare to satisfy the demand for pit fighting. Handlers solve this by forcing the transformation via hormonal injections. This is extremely painful since a transformation that would have taken years to achieve occurs in the span of weeks and can leave the fumi disfigured as a result bone and muscle growing too rapidly for the fumi's body to properly heal itself. Along with the physical damages, a pit fumi also suffers greatly from being isolated from others of it's kin aside from lethal interactions, although such damages to mental health and behavior tend to be favored in the pit. An escaped pit fumi is one of the most dangerous creatures you could ever come across, especially one who has managed to maintain it's cunning nature. 

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TheDorkyShipperQueen's avatar
2 hours ago, I told myself "I don't have time to read ALL THAT." I proved myself very, very wrong.

GAH this is such an AMAZING species!!!