39 min read

Deviation Actions

Plottie-Greenhouse's avatar
Census Supervisor: Kaeilia

This is a census of the existing Plottie population, their location and roles within the Plottie community.


umbovar province | current population: 91


Cat Opalus - DavidRiki | Mangrove Lake | No Roommate | Artist
Cecelia - Lalee0Saur & ibbuu | Mangrove Lake | No Roommate | Scientist
Ciara - ARTisCHUU | Mangrove Lake | Looking for Roommate | Student; seeking employment
Dea - The-Spectral-Force | Mangrove Lake | No Roommate | Artist
Dita - CrimsonCommande | Mangrove Lake | No Roommate | Model
Fahra - FidgetDraws | Mangrove Lake Lilypad | No Roommate | Pondie Teacher of History & Literature; Swimming Instructor
Geeo - CynlcaISpace | Mangrove Lake | No Roommate | Witch Doctor
Jimin - agustdiehoe | Mangrove Lake | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Leon - smiiru | Mangrove Lake | No Rommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Lucius - Inkcess | Mangrove Lake | No Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Marciline - beanie-boio | Mangrove Lake | No Roommate | Unemployed
Nector - beanie-boio | Mangrove Lake | No Roommate | Unemployed
Nerida - aquamarinesans | Mangrove Lake | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Nora - TeKawaiiNinjaCat | Mangrove Lake Shorebed| No Roommate | Scientist
Selli - CynlcaISpace | Mangrove Lake | One Roommate | Musician
Shui - lardidarts
 | Mangrove Lake | Many Roommates | Student
Viper - PaisleyPerson | Mangrove Lake | No Roommate | Mafia Informant and Petty Thief
Vitoria - mentamoth | Mangrove Lake | No Roommate | Unemployed
Xokko - CynlcaISpace | Mangrove Lake | Looking for Roommate | Stylist
Yip - PaisleyPerson | Mangrove Lake River Entrance | No Roommate | Unemployed/Musician


Alon - Anniekitty14 | Xenia Bay | No Roommate | Unemployed Teacher
Calem - CynlcaISpace | Xenia Bay | One Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Ekko - raganiazumi | Xenia Bay | No Roommate | Librarian
Elora - TiredSpider | Xenia Bay | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Juhi - jaekro | Xenia Bay | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Kaan - PrinceMahou | Xenia Bay | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Kaia - LemonBagel | Xenia Bay | No Roommate | Bartender: Tipsy Poppy Tavern
Laine - MysteriousArtist-910 | Xenia Bay | No Roommate | Unemployed but Formerly a Knight
Lluvia - PeanutButterandJen | Xenia Bay | No Roommate | Bartender: Tipsy Poppy Tavern
Petit - CynlcaISpace | Xenia Bay | No Roommate | Crazy Killer Bully
Pisti - aalleeyyee | Xenia Bay | One Roommate | Unemployed; Casual Musician
Renell - CynlcaISpace | Xenia Bay | One Roommate | Life Coach
Senka - PromtoKing | Xenia Bay | One Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment


-  Amy - CynlcaISpace | Rachis Island | One Roommate | Clerk at Convenience/Grocery Store
Aziz - Pasta-Expert | Rachis Island | One Roommate | Unemployed
Dau - CynlcaISpace | Rachis Island | One Roommate | Carrot Farmer
Issac - CronaIs | Rachis Island | No Roommate | Head of Royal Guard
Jack - PancakeSlugs | Rachis Island | Looking for Roommate | Prospector and Rock Hound
Jael - CynlcaISpace | Rachis Island | No Roommate | Happily Unemployed
Konmunna - Paxiolite | Rachis Island | No Roommate | Unemployed
Miscan - CynlcaISpace | Rachis Island | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Nigel Queenie - CronaIs | Rachis Island | No Roommate | Butler
Quikar - Paxiolite | Rachis Island | One Roommate | Unemployed/Student
Vera - Pasta-Expert | Rachis Island | One Roommate | Unemployed
Zayura - Paxiolite | Rachis Island | One Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment


Arin Bunnelly-Ouji | Vitis Garden Bed | Two Roommates | Barista
Arken - Bunnelly-Ouji | Vitis Garden Bed | One Roommate | Unemployed Troublemaker
Atolla - CynlcaISpace | Vitis Garden Bed | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed
Bakula MeKlee | Vitis Garden Bed | Two Roommate| Freelance Clothing Designer
Farah - spooky-loki | Vitis Garden Bed | No Roommate | Freelance Writer/Journalist
Fee - Bunnelly-Ouji | Vitis Garden Bed | One Roommate | Clothes Designer/Tailor
Hazen Kaeilia | Vitis Garden Bed | No Roommate | Hopeless Layabout
Heinz - HANIICU | Vitis Garden Bed | No Roommate | Bum and Surfer Dude
Lilium - CynlcaISpace | Vitis Garden Bed | One Roommate | DJ
Nila - Kaeilia | Vitis Garden Bed | One Roommate | Unemployed Ghost
Oz - CynlcaISpace | Vitis Garden Bed | One Roommate | Unemployed
Paya - Pasta-Expert
 | Vitis Garden Bed | No Roommate | Unemployed
Ryce Oswell - CronaIs | Vitis Garden Bed | Looking for Roommate | Drip Tip Market Shopkeeper
Ryker - SalveteImRachel | Vitis Garden Bed | Two Roommates | Geologist/Yoga Instructor
Sabrina - Kaeilia| Vitis Garden Bed | One Roommate | Aspiring Witch/Herbalist
- Xinik  - HANIICU | Vitis Garden Bed | Looking for Roommate | Real estate agent. 


Amelia - Arch-Guardian-Angel | Zonate Garden Bed | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed; Seeking Employment
Amorette - Psy-Yuki | Zonate Garden Bed | No Roommate | Unemployed
Alois - Psy-Yuki
 | Zonate Garden Bed | One Roommate | University Dean of Arts & Communications
April - Psy-Yuki
 | Zonate Garden Bed | No Roommate | Waitress
Aria - Pasta-Expert
 | Zonate Garden Bed | No Roommate | Unemployed
Blue - Psy-Yuki
 | Zonate Garden bed | No Roommate | Body Piercer/Tattoo Artist/Bloom Dyer
Breaker - Psy-Yuki | Zonate Garden Bed | One Roommate | Street Dancer
Churippu - gothAesthetic | Zonate Garden Bed | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed; Seeking Employment
Cyn - Bunnelly-Ouji | Zonate Garden Bed | No Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Drake - Psy-Yuki | Zonate Garden Bed | One Roommate | Freelance Artist
Eloi - Psy-Yuki
 | Zonate Garden Bed | No Roommate | Waitress
Ezion - Bunnelly-Ouji | Zonate Garden Bed | No Roommate | Border Patrol Officer
Kelby - Psy-Yuki | Zonate Garden Bed | No Roommate | Newspaper Deliverer
Khalida - CrimsonCommande | Zonate Garden Bed | No Roommate | Unemployed
Leder Mauser - Deskleaves | Zonate Garden Bed | One Roommate | Unemployed
Liam - CynlcaISpace | Zonate Garden Bed | No Roommate | Library Worker
Lovell - Bunnelly-Ouji | Zonate Garden Bed | One Roommate | Musician
Naveen - Psy-Yuki
 | Zonate Garden Bed | No Roommate | Boxer
Obetsu - MyressKan | Zonate Garden Bed | No Roommate | Scientist/Hacker
Pita-Ya - AmaNamisora | Zonate Garden Bed | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Quin - Sealestial | Spica Shelf | One Roommate | Unemployed
Rudolph - Psy-Yuki | Zonate Garden Bed | No Roommate | Unemployed
Saxi - Bunnelly-Ouji
 | Zonate Garden Bed | Many Roommates | Chef of De Fleur Family
Shalamin - CherishedGatherer | Zonate Garden Bed | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Shitai - gothAesthetic | Zonate Garden Bed | One Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Stevie - Psy-Yuki
 | Zonate Garden Bed | No Roommate | Cafe Owner
Talula - Kaeilia | Zonate Garden Bed | No Roommate | Student: Greenhouse University
Ullex - Psy-Yuki | Zonate Garden Bed | No Roommate | Unemployed
Uta - CharaHoneyChan | Zonate Garden Bed | Looking for Roommate | Student: Greenhouse University
Utakae - CynlcaISpace | Zonate Garden Bed | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed
Vicc - PrinceMahou | Zonate Garden Bed | No Roommate | Bartender:;Tipsy Poppy Tavern
Yuri - CynlcaISpace | Zonate Garden Bed | One Roommate | Craft Maker


Emilia - yumiiya | Nectar Basin | No Roommate | Unemployed but Caretaker of Nectar Basin

COROLLA PALACE | ⛔ restricted area ⛔ | 🛑 CURRENTLY CLOSED

keeldarim province | current population: 75


GREENHOUSE CITY | 🛑 currently closed

Jinya - sssaeko | Aerial Haven | No Roommate | Student: Hibiscus Plottie School
Lillavey - Kaeilia | Aerial Haven | No Roommate | Personal Trainer
Marilyn - LemonBagel | Aerial Haven | No Roommate | Seedling/Sprout Doctor
Ryu - krikaya | Aerial Haven | No Roommate | Pet Store Manager
Beth - Astralliez | Amaryllis Heights | No Roommate | Artist
Tottie - Kaeilia | Amaryllis Heights | No Roommate | Teacher: Hibiscus Plottie Elementary School
Elysia - Rayvenoir | Lavender Falls | No Roommate | Student: Greenhouse University, Part Time Clerk at Happy Bloom Store
Serina - rollingpoly | Lily Bank | No Roommate | Student: Greenhouse University
Kiiro Tsubomi - CharaHoneyChan | Magnolia Drive | No Roommate | Student: Hibiscus Plottie School
Emmi - aalleeyyee | Magnolia Drive | One Roommate | Hair Dresser
Lina - zarkadi-e | Magnolia Drive | No Roommate | Happy Bloom Shop Clerk
Falena - Kaeilia  | Nightshade Loop  | No Roommate  | Therapist and Life Coach
Len - Pasta-Expert | Nightshade Loop | One Roommate | Unemployed
Lorelei - wiccanchick726 | Nightshade Loop | No Roommate | Bartender
Nyx - PrinceMahou | Nightshade Loop | No Roommate | Unemployed
Oka - Ichimatsu-kun  | Nightshade Loop | One Ghost Roommate | Street Vending Apothecary
Venus - Pasta-Expert | Nightshade Loop | One Roommate | Pest Control: Aster Inc.
Inoa - Bronze-Haifisch | Orchid Heights | No Roommate | Cosmetician: Lovely Lily Beauty
- Iola - Etrenelle | Orchid Heights | No Roommate, seeking | Sculpture Artist
Pandora - PrinceMahou | Orchid Heights | No Roommate | Waitress at The Tipsy Topsy Tavern
Areum - HANIICU | Passiflora Point | Student: Hibiscus Plottie School 
Ayane - justlovearts | Peony Nook | No Roommate | Clerk at Clothing Shop
Quince | shiiokaraii | Peony Nook | One Roomate: Dante | Shopkeeper: Hojita Bonita Pet Store
Addie - panstarry | Rose Hills | No Roommate | Standkeeper of Koo's Supplement
Ariuru - krikaya | Rose Hills | One Roommate | Unemployed Sprout
Amare - Balletsu | Rose Hills | No Roommate | Aromachologist/Perfumer
Cheng Lei - sssaeko | Rose Hills | No Roommate | Teacher: Hibiscus Plottie School
Cory - Kaeilia | Rose Hills | One Roommate | Shopkeeper: Hojita Bonita Pet Store 
Melys - krikaya | Rose Hills | One Roommate | Seeking Employment
Peyota - Kaeilia  | Rose Hills  |  One Roommate  |  Party Planner
Ai - Pasta-Expert | Serene Flats | 2 Roommates | Student: Greenhouse University
- Aryll - Pasta-Expert | Serene Flats | 2 Roommates | Singer
- Bel - Pasta-Expert | Serene Flats | 2 Roommates | Student: Greenhouse University
Aria - rollingpoly | Sunflower Heights | No Roommates | Nurse: Birthing Grounds
Choon - HANIICU | Sunflower Heights |  No Roommate | Student: Hibiscus Plottie School
Irribel - Kaeilia | Tulip Bayou | No Roommate | Student: Greenhouse University
April - ginia100 | West Violet Meadows | One Roommate | Emergency Response Doctor
Bella - adeidas | East Violet Meadows | One Roommate | Happy Bloom Store Merchandise Designer
- Devi - b3achy | Violet Meadows | No Roommate | Waste Management: Carnation & Co.
Hanna - Rose--Prince | Violet Meadows | No Roommate | Comedian
Imelda - MightyMaknae | Violet Meadows | No Roommate | Student: Unspecified
Nicole - skullziene | East Violet Meadows | One Roommate | Teacher: Hibiscus Plottie School
Maggie - ginia100 | West Violet Meadows | One Roommate | Bartender at the Tipsy Poppy Tavern.
- Rose - LemonsOnABush | Greenhouse City: Unspecified | No Roommate | English Teacher: Greenhouse University
Yuuka - LaterNeverComes | Greenhouse City: Unspecified | No Roommate | Nurse


Absalom - CronaIs | Greenhouse University Dorms | No Roommate | Student: Greenhouse University (Cosmetology), Part Time Hairdresser
Cana - Pasta-Expert | Greenhouse University Dorms | No Roommate | Student: Greenhouse University
July - shiiokaraii | Greenhouse University Dorms | No Roommate | Student: Greenhouse University (Military Nursing)
Maëlys - AnotherPie | Greenhouse University Dorms | No Roommate | Student: Greenhouse University
Olivia - ll-Sassie-ll | Greenhouse University Dorms | No Roommate | Student: Greenhouse University, Part Time Clerk
Soren - zarkadi-e | Greenhouse University Dorms | No Roommate | Student: Greenhouse University


Aoishiro - Pasta-Expert | Raceme Shelf | No Roommate | News Reporter
Benni - aalleeyyee | Raceme Shelf | One Roommate | Unemployed; Seeking
Theo - aalleeyyee | Raceme Shelf/Magnolia Drive | One Roommate | Unemployed Sprout
Dante - shiiokaraii | Raceme Shelf | Unspecified Roommates | Devil's Claw Gang Member
Dahlia - shiiokaraii | Raceme Shelf | No Roommate; Seeking | Unemployed; Seeking
Elvis - PrinceMahou | Raceme Shelf | One Roommate | Body Piercer
Etowa - FloDoodling | Raceme Shelf | No Roommate | Student: Unspecified
Hiroyuki - Pasta-Expert | Raceme Shelf | No Roommate | Tower Guard
Kwon - PrinceMahou | Raceme Shelf | One Roommate | Idol
Lavinia - BeadGCF17 | Raceme Shelf | No Roommate | City Hall Enumerator
Marlowe - CronaIs | Raceme Shelf | No Roomate | Merchant at Drip Trip Market and Explorer
Reggie - CronaIs | Raceme Shelf | One Roommate | Mafia; Distraction Tactics and Trafficking 
Rinnie - milimigu | Racene Shelf | No Roommate | Pond Clean-Up Crew


Abigail - Kaeilia | Sepal Shelf | One Roommate | Seedling Sitter
Hana - Pbarron | Sepal Shelf | One Roommate | Market Vendor for her Sisters Goods
Hibi - YooSnow | Sepal Shelf | One Roommate | Unemployed
Iliana - 96-Designs | Formerly Sepal Shelf, now outside of Plantae Kingdom | One Roommate | Scientist
Keiko - Pasta-Expert | Sepal Shelf | One Roommate | Unemployed
Lana - Pbarron | Sepal Shelf | One Roommate | Farmer
Rina - aalleeyyee | No Fixed Address | Two Roommates | Unemployed Sprout
Rose - Galaxxy-Bois | Sepal Shelf | No Roommate | History Teacher: Greenhouse University
Ryuuryn - Kaeilia | Sepal Shelf | One Roommate | Mangrove Lake Maintenance Crew
Sunny - aalleeyyee | Sepal Shelf | Two Roommates | Unemployed
Tassulux - aalleeyyee | No Fixed Address | Two Roommates | Student

basalbur province | current population: 86


Addius - Pasta-Expert | Bract Shelf | One Roommate | Unemployed
Beli - Bunnelly-Ouji | Bract Shelf | No Roommate | Cabaret Dancer
Ciela - Pasta-Expert | Bract Shelf | One Roommate | Unemployed
Coco - NekoSarus | Bract Shelf | Looking for Roommate | Student
Delayney - Galaxxy-Bois | Bract Shelf | No Roommate | Retail Shop Clerk
Dessie - Pasta-Expert | Bract Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed
Felipe - Teddybears-hearts | Bract Shelf | No Roommate | Bartender at Pansy Pansy Pub
Hanau Kante - aalleeyyee | Bract Shelf | One Roommate | Unemployed Sprout
- Ilia - Pasta-Expert | Bract Shelf | One Roommate | Mayor of Bract
Kadydai - CrimsonCommande | Bract Shelf | No Roommate | Newspaper Reporter
Lisa - skullziene | Bract Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Melon - Pasta-Expert | Bract Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed
Maka - defigure | Bract Shelf | No Roommate | Bartender at the Tipsy Poppy Tavern
Matt - Pasta-Expert | Bract Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed
May - SalveteImRachel | Bract Shelf | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Melmi - AtalaSirion | Bract Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed
Missy - BeadGCF17 | Bract Shelf | No Roommate | Mafia Member
- Neri - Pasta-Expert | Bract Shelf | One Roommate | Clerk: Happy Bloom Store
Rei - JadeFox793 | Bract Shelf | Looking for Roommate | Professor at Greenhouse University
Riju - Pasta-Expert | Bract Shelf | No Roommate | Swimming Instructor
Sennia - tsukiboshi | Bract Shelf | No Roommate | Food Critic
Shiloh - Sealestial | Bract Shelf | Looking for Roommate | Baby Sitter
Shuri - tsukiboshi | Bract Shelf | No Roommate | Clerk at Lovely Lily Beauty Shop
Silvie - JeyNick4 | Bract Shelf | Looking for Roommate | Waitress at Maid Cafe
Taco - CynlcaISpace | Bract Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed
Usui - Pasta-Expert | Bract Shelf | One Roommate | Military

CARYOP SHELF | currently closed


Aspen - ghostboi-bambi | Apex Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed
Chika - lardidarts | Apex Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed
Ciphon - PaisleyPerson | Apex Shelf | One Roommate | Self Employed: Craft Show Vendor 
Emi Tsubomi - CharaHoneyChan | Apex Shelf | No Roommate | Student: Greenhouse University
Gwyneth - kreavat | Apex Shelf | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Kallie - Kaeilia | Apex Shelf | Two Roommates (husband and child) | Homemaker & Jewelry Designer
Kase - CynlcaISpace | Apex Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed
Kuukua - Crystalomic | Apex Shelf | Looking for Roommate | Clothing Maker
Lori - PaisleyPerson | Apex Shelf | One Roommate | Unemployed; Seeking Employment
Lynn - CynlcaISpace | Apex Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed
Merloe - oreorc | Apex Shelf | No Roommate | Freelance Writer
Oliver - mokachip | Apex Shelf | No Roommate | Librarian
Pan - Kaeilia | Apex Shelf| Two Roommates (mother and father)| Unemployed, Sprout
Sid - Kaeilia | Apex Shelf | Two Roommates (wife and child) | Contractor with Sunnyview Energy & Volunteer Firefighter
Spri - BeanioBunn | Apex Shelf | Looking for Roommate | Band Teachera


Aloe - Pasta-Expert | Spica Shelf | No Roommate | Student
Bobbie - SEEntropy | Spica Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed
Brayden - CynlcaISpace | Spica Shelf | No Roommate | Playboi
Catcus - Pasta-Expert | Spica Shelf | No Roommate | Insect Farmer
Chauncey - CronaIs | Spica Shelf | No Roommate | Loan Shark
Chuma - PrinceMahou | Spica Shelf | One Roommate | Toymaker
Cukkii - lardidarts | Spica Shelf | Many Roommates | Student
- Elise - Pasta-Expert | Spica Shelf | No Roommate | Student: Hibiscus Plottie School
Galais - Phoeshock | Spica Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed Adventurer
Gladys Irving - greenstar2001 | Spica Shelf | No Roommate (living with uncreated parents) | Unemployed
Jika - NekoSarus | Spica Shelf | No Roommate | Student
Kameko - CynlcaISpace | Spica Shelf | No Roommate | Student
Lacey - mentamoth | Spica Shelf | No Roommate | Student: Hibiscus Plottie School
Mouse - Pasta-Expert | Spica Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed
Panda - PaisleyPerson | Spica Shelf | One Roommate | Journalist & Conspiracy Theorist/Cryptid Hunter
Ra - PaisleyPerson | Spica Shelf | One Roommate | Tutor
Roman - tsukiboshi | Spica Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed


Adan - SEEntropy |  Var Shelf |  No Roommate |  Unemployed
- Calla - Astralliez | Var Shelf | No Roommate |  Undecided
Cass - CynlcaISpace | Var Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed; Seeking Employment
Eve - CynlcaISpace | Var Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed
Juro - CynlcaISpace | Var Shelf | Looking for Roommate | Band Member
Kit Tahno - NomadicSnail | Var Shelf | Two Roommates | Unemployed; Seeking Employment
Knushi - BlackOutBullets | Var Shelf | Two Roommates | Unemployed; Seeking Employment
Maka - BlackOutBullets | Var Shelf | Two Roommates | Unemployed; Seeking Employment
Ralmus - shiiokaraii | Var Shelf | One Roommate | Unemployed Sprout
Tilis - shiiokaraii | Var Shelf | One Roommate | Unemployed


Aldis - CynlcaISpace | Bio-Dome | No Roommate | Unemployed
- Aster - HANIICU | Bio-Dome | No Roommate | Lifeguard and Swimming Instructor
Avita - PrinceMahou | Bio-Dome | One Roommate | Sprout Sitter
Barbie - PrinceMahou | Bio-Dome | One Roommate | Unemployed
Belinda - SparkleBloomSwirl | Bio-Dome | No Roommate | Self-Defense Instructor
Cassy - Kaeilia | Bio-Dome | Two Roommates | Massage Therapist & Acupuncturist
Dahlia Winnie - UrataScribbles | Bio-Dome | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed; Seeking Employment
Delane - CynlcaISpace | Bio-Dome | No Roommate | Painter
Ibiku - CynlcaISpace | Bio-Dome | One Roommate | Book Keeper
Ibuko - CynlcaISpace
 | Bio-Dome | One Roommate | Unemployed
Klip - lardidarts | Bio-Dome | No Roommate | Nurse
Leaf - Pasta-Expert | Bio-Dome | No Roommate | Unemployed
Lianne - ScarletCerebrum | Bio-Dome | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed; Seeking Employment
Makenzi - Comhett | Bio-Dome | Looking for Roommate | Student; Greenhouse University & Part-Time Travel Writer
Pancake - CynlcaISpace | Bio-Dome | Many Roommates | Thug
Ri - BeadGCF17 | Bio-Dome | No Roommate |  Martial Arts Instructor
Rynn - Kaeilia | Bio-Dome | Two Roommates | Yoga Instructor and Nutritionist
Steevie - krikaya | Bio-Dome | Two Roommates | Unemployed

kalyxum province | current population: 56


Apollo - PrinceMahou | Pepo Shelf | No Roommate | Butterfly Trainer
Asome - CynlcaISpace | Pepo Shelf | Looking for Roommate | Full-Time Occult Family Member
Axade - FidgetDraws | Pepo Shelf | Many Roommates | Pylori OPS Officer
Dosoli - CynlcaISpace | Pepo Shelf | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed
Dot - CrimsonCommande | Pepo Shelf | No Roommate | Student
Elli - CronaIs | Pepo Shelf | No Roommate | Banker
Fae - lardidarts | Pepo Shelf | No Roommate | Podcaster
Hania - aalleeyyee | Pepo Shelf | One Roommate | Unemployed Jogger
Heia - CynlcaISpace | Pepo Shelf | No Roommate | Lawyer
Luna - Kaeilia | Pepo Shelf | One Roommate | Real Estate Agent
Lunlun - domimu | Pepo Shelf | No Roommate | Librarian and Book Stocker
Malin - Bunnelly-Ouji | Pepo Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed
Momo - Dorydraws | Pepo Shelf | No Roommate | Student: Hibiscus Plottie School
Myosotis - Elyssie | Pepo Shelf | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed
Persephone - Kaeilia | Pepo Shelf | One Roommate | Designer Clothing and Jewelry Model
Rai - Bunnelly-Ouji | Pepo shelf | One Roommate | Student
Sandellia - TeKawaiiNinjaCat | Pepo Shelf | No Roommate | Waitress: Maid Cafe
Talia - R0zee | Pepo Shelf | Looking for Roommate | Fashion Designer


Denis - CynlcaISpace | Bole Shelf | Looking for Roommate | Unemployed
Diana - PrinceMahou | Bole Shelf | One Roommate | Mafia Informant
Kendrick - Kaeilia | Bole Shelf | No Roommate | Entrepeneur
Kura - shiiokaraii | Bole Shelf | No Roommate | Unemployed; Seeking
Lotuum - CynlcaISpace | Bole Shelf | No Roommate| Craft Shop
Sunmi PrinceMahou | Bole Shelf | One Roommate | Tour Guide
Thraia del Pallouier - leolith: | Bole Shelf/Wandering | No Roommate | Unemployed Roamer


Bethany - Kaeilia | Lamina Garden Bed | No Roommate | Novelist
Birch - CynlcaISpace | Lamina Garden Bed | One Roommate | First Aid Treater/Paramedic
Blossom - maryd39 | Lamina Garden Bed | No Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Hatti - spacesea | Lamina Garden Bed | Looking for Roommate | Clothing Shop Clerk
Lyla - SugarSpike | Lamina Garden Bed | No Roommate | Artist
Mint/Min-Woo - shiiokaraii | Lamina Garden Bed | No Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Miyuri - tsukiboshi | Lamina Garden Bed | One Roommate | Shelter Volunteer
Mocha - suukiishie | Lamina Garden Bed | One Roommate | Barista
Quincy - CynlcaISpace | Lamina Garden Bed | No Roommate | Unemployed
Rein - suukiishie | Lamina Garden Bed | One Roommate | Illustrator for Children's Books
Reina - Pasta-Expert | Lamina Garden Bed | One Roommate | Doctor
Sango - CynlcaISpace | Lamina Garden Bed | No Roommate | Unemployed
Sunnaflora - Kaeilia | Lamina Garden Bed | No Roommate | Student: Greenhouse University
Yukiko - Pasta-Expert | Lamina Garden Bed | One Roommate | Enumerator

PALMATE COMPOUND | ⛔ restricted area ⛔ | 🛑 military personnel only

Airol - shiiokaraii | Palmate Compound | No Roommate; Seeking | Military Unspecified
- Kura - shiiokaraii | Palmate Compound | One Roommate | Lawyer
- Toranome - Pasta-Expert | Palmate Compound | One Roommate | Military General
Wisteria - BeadGCF17 | Palmate Compound | One Roommate | Military Strategist


Caim - :devcynicaispace: | Tuber Caverns | No Roommate | Unemployed
Cea - Beautiful-Doubt | Tuber Caverns | Looking for Roommate | Gatherer
Chihiro - PrinceMahou | Tuber Caverns | Two Roommates | Unemployed Sprout
Ferngully - CronaIs | Tuber Caverns | No Roommate | Looking Cute
- Fuwa - PrinceMahou | Tuber Caverns | Two Roommates | Unemployed
Lava - CronaIs | Tuber Caverns | No Roommate | Unemployed
- Lies - AnotherPie | Tuber Caverns | No Roommate | Cemetary Maintenance
Mori - x-liveelution-x | Tuber Caverns | One Roommate | Student
Nyx - Pasta-Expert | Tuber Caverns | No Roommate | Unemployed
Potes - Sealestial | Bract Shelf | One Roommate | Model & Designer
Tae - PrinceMahou | Tuber Caverns | Two Roommates | Masseur


sensu Woods



Chétanra - leolith | Anther Lake Cottage | No Roommate | Priestess


Travelers and drifters of any kind

Abby - Sealestial | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Calligrapher/Artist
Ava - MeKlee | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Pickpocket
Axai - Bunnelly-Ouji | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Ayame - Pasta-Expert | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Unemployed
Bahamut - Pasta-Expert | No Fixed Address | Multiple Roommates | Mafia Guard
Caha - BlackOutBullets | No Fixed Address | One Roommate | Unemployed
Cal - Pasta-Expert | No Fixed Address | Many Roommates | Mafia Doctor
Chrys - Inkcess | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Student; Greenhouse University
Eric - Pasta-Expert | No Fixed Address | Two Roommates | Mafia Boss
Eru - aalleeyyee | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Sprout/Seedling Sitter
Euray - PaisleyPerson | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Unemployed
Flitz - Dragon-Burn | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Flora - Pasta-Expert | No Fixed Address | One Roommate | Shrine Servant of Mani's Temple
Hemlock - CynlcaISpace | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Being Old
Hoozuki - :devluciversdance: | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Unemployed Traveller
Keqii - CynlcaISpace | No Fixed Address | No Roommate |  Being Majestic
Lao - Pasta-Expert | No Fixed Address | Two Roommates | Mafia Boss
Lavendula - Beautiful-Doubt | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Grooming Specialist
Luci - Dragon-Burn | No Fixed Address | One Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Mariana - CrimsonCommande | No Fixed Address | One Roommate | Entertainer/Artist
Mimosa - aalleeyyee | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Ringmaster of a Travelling Circus
Moira - Acid-Black-Cherry | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Unemployed
Nix - lardidarts | No Fixed Address | Two Roommates | Student
Oona - CrimsonCommande | No Fixed Address | One Roommate | Nurse
Oriel - Syramoon | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Unemployed; seeking employment
Pebble - TheHarlequinWitch | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Unemployed
Pyra - Pasta-Expert | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Tattoo Artist
Riza - Pasta-Expert | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Unemployed
Sayuri - Pasta-Expert | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Shrine Servant for Omumu's Temple
Sidon - Pasta-Expert | No Fixed Address | One Roommate | Shrine Servant for Juaraw's Temple
Seigram - smiiru | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Unemployed
Sundew - MelodyAiko | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Unemployed Sprout
Uka - Lime-JeIIo | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Unemployed; Aspiring Teacher
Vayle - CynlcaISpace | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Unemployed
Zakai - CynlcaISpace | No Fixed Address | No Roommate | Adventurer

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Galaxxy-Bois's avatar
//Hi!! Small update: my girl Rose is on there twice, once from my old account and once from my new one. The one living in the Sepal shelf is the old one, and the one living in Greenhouse city should be correct, although the owner name should be updated to me since I moved accounts!