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"No, shut it down," Druce commanded. The Time Bastards turned their weapons on Snart. "Shut it down!"

Leonard glared at the Time Bastards. "There are no strings on me," he growled.

Druce rushed towards the device, a murderous rage in the man's eyes.

Leonard waited until what he calculated to be the last possible second, when the failsafe must fail, before he dared budge. Useless to run, he knew; even Barry would have had a hard time outrunning the explosion from so near. Almost certainly impossible with the Time Bastards surrounding him. But if there was even a chance they could stop him… keeping Druce from the device was more crucial.

But there was a chance. He wasn't getting that feeling, that sixth sense. There had to be a chance.

He felt the machine click under his hands, and he released the failsafe to roll away… right into the path of one of the blasters.

No more chances. He could dodge the blaster or the explosion, but not both.

He ducked around the device, to shield himself under the walkway where the Time Bastards would have to come closer to reach him. The nova rippled strangely under his feet, like a pool of water. The device was already exploding.

Her face came, unbidden, to his mind. He tried to say her name. Tried, illogically, to pray that his death had bought her life, that he would not die for nothing.

The explosion denied him even this small comfort. It threw him over the walkway he'd hidden behind and into the Wellspring below. The unexpected icy shock against his burned skin robbed him of all sense, and he sank into oblivion even as the liquid began to roil and froth around him.
Based on the CW's Arrowverse, featuring Wentworth Miller as Leonard Snart/Captain Cold.
Takes place during Legends of Tomorrow season 1 episode (checks listing) 15.

As the title might suggest to anyone who's watched Legends of Tomorrow (sorry for the spoiler for everyone else ^^; ), this one-shot is a brief--very brief--exploration into the destruction of the Oculus Wellspring as told from Lenny's perspective.
It relates to a couple of different fics I'm working on which are effectively alternate realities of one another--in one it kicks off the events that make the entire story possible, and in the other it is the latest in a string of events that make the team's quest necessary--and I have every intention of recreating this scene exactly, or very near to it, in both fics. (I won't bother recreating it in the "Alternate Universe" fic, though I'll probably link to it once I'm done writing and uploading it; in that one this whole scene takes place well after the story.)

I do not at this particular time have the DVD of Legends of Tomorrow, and thanks to trying to clear off space for the new seasons my DVR'd copy is long gone, so I had to look up transcripts and other things to remind myself of exactly how it went down on the show.
Some canonical inaccuracies might occur in this one-shot as a result, and I know I modified at least one thing--somewhere (I forget where as I can no longer find it), the Wellspring was said to be powered by an actual nova, but now all I can find is a reference to the "green energy." I left the nova in as a mentioned-in-passing, but that green energy made me think very much of a pool of water--perhaps because it reminds me visually of such real-world bodies of water as the Emerald Springs in my (current) home-state of Michigan--while I didn't blatantly claim that there was a pool where none should exist, I tried to retain that watery impression.

The reference to Len praying is "illogical," not because it's a prayer (I haven't read the comics, only seen the shows, so I have no idea what his religious leanings or lack thereof are... nor do I particularly care--"pray" in this context can and often is used synonymously with "wish" or "hope" by all kinds of people so the term is accurate regardless of his beliefs).
No, it is illogical because of what he is praying for, because of whose safety he's hoping his death will buy.
And who might that be? Well, that rather depends on whose face "rose unbidden" to his mind. Which depends on which of my Legends fics you read next. ;) And which, by extension, depends somewhat on which one I begin uploading next. If you read Alternate Universe, the face he imagines is his sister Lisa. If you go on to Majummed or the sequel League of MacGuffins, then he imagines Sara. And if you read an as-yet-unnamed fic, then he is imagining a character of my own creation.

Leonard Snart and the "Time Bastards" :D copyright to DC, the CW, and any respective individual creators.
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