
ICS Galactic Empire Form

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Literature Text

Interstellar Covenanted States of Planet Keosteyon

DATE OF FOUNDING: 5800, December 3rd

MAJORITY SPECIES:  Human (Quoltlani (Bronze-skinned))

SIGNIFICANT RACES: Although the majority species is Human, the significant races in this empire are as follows:
  • 10% Saokan (Brown-skinned natives of the Migami Landmass.)
  • 30% Quoltlani (Think European of Mediterranean descent.)
  • 25% Segonite (Think European of Anglo descent.)
  • 20% Bezoti (Sub-Saokan, black-skinned natives to the same landmass as Saoka.)
  • 15% Hodhui (Sub-Saokan, mixed race natives to the same landmass as Saoka and Quoltlan.)

CULTURE: Covenanted culture is essentially a democratic, open society. They still have racial divisions from centuries past, and the animosity at times breaks between the Quoltlani and Segonite; and the Bezoti and Saokan peoples. The  twelve super powers within the Covenanted structure of government, unite every Saturday, on December 3rd, to elect the Executive General to office, who will set policies for the next seven years. Each country is then responsible for selecting (In what manner suits that country,) it's own representatives to to the centralized World Congress in Daemi-Mondaez, capital city of the Saokan peoples. Most Covenanted citizens in the four great powers - Izdoha (Segonite), Saoka (Saokan), Laquazibol (Bezoti), and Quoltlan (Quoltlani/Hodhui), enjoy the highest standard of living; most other societies on the home world, enjoy relatively low to medium standards of living. Though hunger is in check through out the republic, as per the policies of Dolsa Roz and Izok Miyau, most citizens in the Covenanted States do go about daily routines in a carefree, crime free environment. And while life isn't perfect by any measure, with four great wars under their belt, and the ongoing fight against Atlantis, the Covenanted States does know what it means to cherish peace and unity.

FLAG: No flag, but the ICS DOES have a symbol:

ute ucwnLOGO by The-Port-of-Riches

MOTTO:  "One World, One Peoples"

CAPITAL: Daemi Mondaez, Planet Keosteyon; Greater Bay Republic. As well as Fortae-Yibaer, Planet Hao-Daolsa, Ancerious Galaxy.

  •  Daemi Mondaez (Civil Capital), Greater Bay Republic, Planet Keosteyon
  •  Jioquo (Military Capital), Quoltlan, Planet Keosteyon
  • Fortae-Yibaer (Strong [and] Free), Planet Hao-Daolsa (New Hope) (Civil Capital)
  • Praetori-Fortaezi (Strong Protector), Planet Praetori (Military Capital)

LARGEST CITY: Jioquo, Quoltlan, Planet Keosteyon.

Jioquo is  the oldest, most fortified city on the planet. Built in BCE (Before Common Era) 3011, the city sits on a wide river, and is bordered on all sides by mountains. The only land route in and out of the city is through the Quoltlan Mountains, to which the country gets its name. The city is also a major tourist hub, with seven castles guarding it, the largest of which is Halim Castle. (Prounoucned "AH-LIM), and the original seat of government for the World Congress's security council. The city's population is roughly 90 million, out of the country's whopping 900 million souls.

OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: Migam-Jiolhua. (Soon to be documented.)

  • Quoljioqua (Stone tongue)
  • Segojioqua (White tongue)
  • Joquejioqua (Bezota tongue)

In total, there are 192 delegates who represent roughly 96 countries. The majority of which are too small to be counted as superpower. Each country gets two delegates, no matter what size, and they decide international issues - such as stopping wars, colonizing planets; and admitting planets into the federation that is the ICS.

So far, the ICS is too small to count its Ancerious holdings as members of the federation, but should such happen, the planet will be given a choice to either carve up as separate nations, or become one nation - and only have two delegates to decide international issues. Every seven years, on December 3rd, or on the first Saturday of that month,  every country must send its delegates to vote on the next Executive General, who will govern the entire planet for the next seven years. The most important function of an Executive General, and really his or her only function, is to settle international or colonial disputes, and prevent wars. Additionally, the host country, to which the Executive General is beholden to, gets an economic boost from their participation in the governing arm of the ICS. Such benefits include, for the more poor nations, disaster relief, hunger relief and poverty relief. for the wealthier countries, it may even go as far as economic promises and trade deals.

The ICS is a trade federation at best, when it comes the colonies. And while colonial administration is treated the same in the ICS as it is on the home world, the country's military is largely a volunteer army.  Colonists might be drafted to fight for the republic only when they are required to for federation purposes - such as an all out invasion, or colonial defense. (Though each colony is mandated to have a colonial militia for said colonial defense, ready at a moment's notice.) Below, is a breakdown of the ICS military space fleet.

Of the ICS population, 40% is elegible for 30 years of military service, and only 10% of that forty, have effectively joined the military.
Ship breakdown:
  • Yibaer Capital Ships, 3, two fielded in Ancerious, one at home on Keosteyon.
    • Anwa'am (Home based) (Space borne Carrier named for the Saokan aircraft carrier)
    • Jiolhua (Hao-Daolsa) (Space borne combat ship, aimed at resting control of systems.)
    • Jitioln (Praetori-Fortaezi) (Space borne escort combat ship, aimed at protecting incoming merchant ships.)
  • Jioquo Companion Carriers/Troop Transports, 40, 30 based in Ancerious.
  • Daemi-Ehuaezi class Destroyers, 400, 300 based in Ancerious. 150 of which are with the Jiolhua, and the remainder with the Jitioln.)
  • Oimo Class Light Battle Cruisers, 9, Three of which are based on Keosteyon, the remainder in Ancerious.
  • Military Research Stations (7 on Keosteyon, 3 on Praetori-Fortaezi, and 2 on Hao-Daolsa.)
  • Scientific Research Stations. (7 on Keosteyon, 1 on PRaetori Fortaezi, and 1 on Hao-Daolsa.)
  • Troop Numbers - Classified, but likely close to 300 million, with a total of 19,000 special operations units fielded in Ancerious, 2,000 on Keosteyon. Number of troops in Ancerious is unknown due to its colonial status, but is likely half this amount.)

RELIGIOUS BELEIFS: Freedom of religion is tantamount to ICS governance, and as such, the government doesn't authorize religions to be sponsored by any government or member state.

MONETARY SYSTEM: The ICS follows the Saokan Arot and the Quoltlani Doltzae.
Conversion rate:
SAO to US Dollar: 1 USD = 0.25 SAO ARROT
QUO to US Dollar: 1 USD = 0.67 QUO DOLTZAE

CLASS SYSTEM: On Keosteyon, each nation within the ICS can determine class structure. To the ICS, any and all persons are equal, but that only goes as far as peacekeeping status is concerned. In the colonies, it's t he same deal. On Hao-Daolsa, universal suffrage is the norm. But on Praetori-Fortaezi and Yibaer, lower class citizens don't mingle with the military caste or the upper class respectively.

SETTLEMENT OF CITIES: For the most part, planets are colonized after a lengthy survey and terraforming procedure that can take years. After that process is complete, any planet with more than 15 million people, can request to join the ICS, and from there, they can move on to becoming a part of the federation, or becoming a territory.

GOALS: The ICS takes on the role of peacekeepers on Keosteyon, but for the most part, the foundation of their mission is exploration. Once they settled their own solar system, their status as an exploratory arm of the World Congress was cemented.

TECHNOLOGY: The ICS uses thorium reactors, the tried and true fossil fuels (On colonial worlds still being terraformed) and clean energy as major energy sources.

Additionally, they have access to simple FTL drives, solar sails and other traveling methods - including an orbital tether in Daemi-Mondaez and on the moon Huino.

Origins of the ICS - A Summary by The-Port-of-Riches
Origins of the ICS through the eyes and history of the Saokan peoples.

ANTHEM:… - Lamp of Liberty, by Isaac Thomas Riley (the-port-of-riches.deviantart.…)

GENERAL AFFILIATIONS: They aspire to join any peacekeeping/exploratory organization out in the great expanse.



GREATEST ACOMPLISHMENT: The greatest accomplishment of the ICS is to end war on Planet Keosteyon, and the continued peace in their holdings.

Atlantis will come out this week as well, but not today. I've got limited time on my hands. ICS Force Declaration Sheet.
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