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SA | Aodh | Servile slave | Mickaiah




And there we go

[ Edits LOG]

01/12/2018 - Application update - Design, history & personality
20/09/2017 - Application finished

.:: Basic Information ::.

Name || Mickaiah
Nicknames ||
Micka, Kai, Kaito (Name used between 1689 & 1701)
Age || 16 (Born Mid fall; 1684)
Sign || The peryton
Sex || Male
Gender || Male

Herd || Aodh
Rank || Servile slave
Home || Living with Moonrise
Patron god(s) || Ignacio

Talent(s) || -
Blessing(s) || -

.:: Appearance ::.

Species || Hippocampus (Koi)
Breed(s) || Idk
Color || Chimera Black tobiano//Chestnut
Height || 130 cm (12.3 hh)
Weight || 350 kg (772 lbs)

Mickaiah is your elegantly built horse, soft in curves, light in body type and somewhat short in stature. His hair is generally kept loose. His right shoulder has been branded with both the Talorian brand for impurity and the Aodhian slave sigil.

Accessories ||
  • Slave bridle - Worn nearly always, unless Moonrise allows it off

.:: Personality ::.

Hardworking • Persevering • Helpless

Insecure • Meek • Low-profile • Loyal

Mickaiah has always been a hard-working individual, not quick to relay on others and not shying away from getting his hooves dirty. Once he sets his mind to something, it is hard to dissuade him his goal. His early years as rogue, though few, made him though and he perseveres through less than favourable circumstances. Despite these qualities, Micka isn't very ambitious, having adopted a stance of helplessness. He's always wondering why him, pitying himself, but not putting up a fight. He often feels like he deserves all negative things life throws at him and expects all good things to pass quickly, not meant for him at all. This insecurity runs deep, rooted in his misunderstanding of his mother leaving him to disappointing his adoptive parents and being hauled of to Aodh. He often second guesses what he knows, who he is and what he can do. His lack of confidence makes him meek in the face of others, not one to stand up for himself much and subservient towards those that push him around. He tends to avoid tense situations where possible. Though his flashy coat gained him favor as a slave, Micka prefers to not stand out at all, keeping a low profile. He speaks little if not talked to, often only offering polite hellos and goodbyes, as well as the occasional encouragement. About himself he rarely if ever speaks and he's overly humble, often denying any kind of praise. Something that stands out with Micka is his loyality. Once he forms an attachment to you, he is extremely loyal, to the point where one could consider it unhealthy. He is a bit too fanatic in taking care for them, as he would willingly sacrifice his health for them without a second thought. As it was however, Micka forms close relationships with very few horses. Over the course of his life only his mother, his adoptive parents and Elowyn have enjoyed that place in his heart, though recently a certain blacksmith has made it difficult to stay reserved.

.:: History ::.

[-| Bulletpoint version |-]

  • 1684: Born mid fall as a rogue in Talori herd (0)
  • 1689: Is sent to live in Talori by his mother in hopes of him getting a better life (5)
  • 1689: Befriends Porthos (5)
  • 1689-1696: Grows up as a somewhat troublesome but still sweet child; Adores his gaurdian but acts out at times (5-12)
  • 1696-1699: His friendly feelings for Porthos develop into something more; Time passes but it doesn't go away (12-15)
  • 1699: Continues his affair with Porthos; Is falsely accused and evicted from the herd (15)
  • 1699-1700: Gets retrained as Aodhian slave (15-16)
  • 1700: Is sold to an Artisan named Moonrise (16)
  • Mid spring 1701: Taken into labour slavery (16)
  • Late Spring 1701: Bought back by Moonrise by the city (16)

[-| Pre-group history |-]

As a Foal||

As far as Mickaiah remembers, his mother was a rogue, his father... well, who knows. He was raised by his mother for the first few years of his life, but as free as they might have been, it was hard. They lived in a measly hut as his mother scraped by, Mickaiah helping gathering fruits from about the moment he could walk. It was a simple life, but Micka was happy. For his mother however it was not enough. She wanted her child to have a better life, even if it meant leaving him for someone else to find. He was five, dropped onto the mainland and told to find the nearest horses by his mother. Already quite stubborn as child, Mickaiah tried searching fruits instead, deciding if he could sell them, he could take the shards back to his mother and make her happy. That plan terribly failed and, soon dubbed an orphan, Mickaiah was put into an orphanage. He waited and waited and waited, but his mother did not come. It was incredibly lonely.


Life would have been much sadder if it had not been for another orphan who insisted on cheering him up. Porthos had already been there longer than him and showed Mickaiah the ins and outs of his new home -or at least as much as a kid could-. It stands to say they became friends fast and stayed such even after both of them were adopted. The first few months were difficult for both Mickaiah and his adoptive family. He wanted to go back to the orphanage where he could just be without these new attachments. He was somewhat worried that if he let himself grow close, they’d also leave him behind and he acted out to prevent such thing. Patience, lots and lots of patience, had Micka giving in, eventually settling down and accepting them for who they were: his new family.

Teenager/Young adult ||

Life was pretty decent, again happy even, until around the age of twelve when Mickaiah hit puberty and it was time to start looking into apprenticing. Porthos, who to him had always been his best friend, was suddenly more than that and he noticed him in a different light. They were both young and it was okay when Porthos returned that new found interest, innocent touches, hugs, cuddles. It would shake out the impurity. Only it didn’t. Mickaiah didn’t generally get along with his mentor, usually doing his own thing because he didn’t want to do basic stuff, he wanted to do great stuff. His apprenticeship with a harbor smith was ended prematurely as his mentor got sick of his skittish nature in the face of hard work. Mickaiah was hurt and  ashamed, feeling like he let his family down. He worked for himself instead, gathering things, wild growing fruits, shells, ... What he loved was to sign and play music, but after a kid at the orphanage had teased him about it, he had believed his talents were rubbish and kept them for himself. Gathering stuff was not something he loved to do, but it was easier, nobody to annoy, nothing to screw up. As he would tell himself, it was only logical he messed up something else instead. He crossed the fifteen mark, now officially an adult, but his feelings for Porthos had not gone with the bead he shed from his neck. It was no longer acceptable, it was wrong, very wrong. But then why did it feel so right. He pushed the boundaries and he got burned.


Nothing happened. Porthos was only a couple of months younger, but it was enough for his boyfriend’s parents to put and end to it. They pointed fingers, cried rape and as an adult he would need to answer for the accusations. Micka was angry, angry with them, angry with himself. Why could he not have a little self-control. Angry because of he disappointed his family, not able to stand their worried faces. Did he really do such things? Porthos cried, didn’t say anything. In a rare moment of defiance he backtalked to the council, seeing red because they made Porthos cry. He wanted to yell that nothing happened, but apparently, he was already the bad guy and Porthos, he looked so scared. He couldn’t stand the look in his eyes. Maybe he could. He did. Confessed to a crime he never did, to spare his best friend from punishment. After all they already thought he was the bad guy. What was some time in jail? What would he get? A few years? Perhaps he could even get off early on good behavior. He could do that, right? He made a mistake.


Not a few years, but a life sentence. Fear and panic took hold of Mickaiah's heart. Maybe he could still show he was not that bad a guy and they'd let him go early, but... There was no time in jail. Or there was, but only shortly, skin itching from his new brand. What Mickaiah hadn’t realized was that his government wasn’t quite as honourable as they seemed. It wouldn’t be doing his time and returning to society as he believed. Instead he was ushered onto a boat and shipped off. His heart already broken, any further the resistance was quickly beaten out of him, quickly learning to keep his mout shut altogether. Once he set foot on land again, he was no longer his own man, but property. He was sold to a slave trader, his brand of impurity ironically merchandised as a mark of quality. He was quickly taught what could and could not be done, what boundaries could not be crossed. And then he was on the market again, purchased by an artisan named Moonrise, according to the slave trader, a fine home, a celebrity. Mickiaiah didn’t care. He was without home, without family and without freedom. He would deny that he cried.

[-| Group history|-]

Time with Moonrise was difficult. She was kind, too kind and Mickaiah had to remind himself she was not to be trusted. That this kindness was make believe and that he was still very much her property. But young and deprived of other positive relationships, it was hard to hate her. She treated him more like she was a mentor, ironically a much kinder one than the angry harbor smith that called himself his mentor in his home herd. She gave him a room, taught him some of her skills and let him attend her parties. Before he knew it, he was attached and found himself fighting to defend her from a thief. That had been a shock. He found himself opening up to her more after that, little by little, though he didn't want to. One evening and a quite talk she asked him about his parents and he told her something he had been keeping close to his heart for years, the name his mother had given to him, a name a younger him had not given to the horses on the mainland. From that evening forward Mickaiah started learning to be himself once again. Aodh herd was not an easy place to live in, definitely not as a slave. Between wyverns who scared the stallion near to death and unstable politics, Mickaiah suddenly found himself ripped away from Moonrise and found out what the even more cruel side of slavery existed of. Forced to work as labour slave, did a whole other number on him and he felt his heart ache as much as his body as he spent his nights in the dark district. It was there, for the first time in years, that Micka found himself singing, a small attempt to sooth the tears of young children who like him never had endured such work before and missed their owners. He believed he would have died there, but then by a miracle Moonrise came for him and he is still not sure why he deserved such thing.

.:: Relationships ::.

[-| Family |-]

Mother || Unknown
Father || Unknown
Siblings || Unknown

Significant other || -
Offspring || -

Aunt(s) & Uncle(s) || Unknown
Cousin(s) || Unknown

[-| General |-]

Mickaiah's relationships can be found on her relationships tracker [TBA].
If you are interested in having a particular (pre-RP) relationship with him, note me or drop a comment here.
Particular relationships I'm looking for can be found in this journal [TBA].

[-| Romantic |-]

Orientation || Pansexual
Relationship status || Single
Open to ||
( x ) Long term relationship
( x ) Short term relationship
( x ) Open relationship
( x ) Quick fling
( ✔ ) Unsure - He's a slave and very distrusting

Preferences ||
Be around his age, be his friend, have a ton of patience, don't be an ass

.:: Additional information ::.

  [-| Views & Beliefs |-]

The gods || Mickaiah prays to all gods, but expects none to answer him

Stigma || Does not approve of slavery obviously. Wants to say 'screw this' to Talorian values, but they're still part of him on a psychological level.

Other herds || -

  [-| Other|-]

Likes || Kitties, music, blankets, good food, gifts, ..
Dislikes || Being ordered around, horses being nice to him, losing, crying, ...

Drive || None
Goals in life ||
[ ] To serve

Facts ||
  • Someone hold him
  • Moonrise actually isn't that bad, but you didn't hear it from him.

.:: Roleplay Information ::.

[Time zone]  UTC/GMT +1/+2*
 * Please note that my country works with summer/winter time. For the exact time please check this website

[Role play availability]
Bullet; Green Notes: Preferred
Bullet; Green  Forum: Extra earnings, yay! - Poke me if I forget for a bit
Bullet; Yellow Comments: Depends*
Bullet; Orange Google docs: I tend to forget it exists, doesn't work to well with my phone and I have no idea how to make one myself
Bullet; Orange Skype: Idem as with docs. I'm willing to try if you poke me at times though!
Bullet; Red Chat: Can't work with that, sorry
*maybe if provided with an artwork/journal specifically for the RP or for group Rp's

[Maturity level ] I'd like to be able to submit things in the group. A heads-up before pulling anything would be appreciated.

[Roleplay Example]
Taken from Starborn-Alignment

Leonardo looked on in amazement as the young Aodhian monarch spoke, presenting their herd with the legendary creatures of which he had only heard in tales and books. He turned away from the food stand, trying to get a better look, thinking the stall keeper would surely hand over the food to Ciel. Their king spoke, accepting the gift and filling Leon with thrill. This. This was it, no doubt. The start of peace, a moment that would go down into history and he was privileged enough to attend it. But it all ended in a moment. Gone was the excitement, replaced by confusion and just the slightest bit of panic as an ear deafening boom resounded and a bright light blinded him. It took a couple of moments for both his sight and hearing to return and by the time it did, horses were already pushing and screaming, panic taking hold of the crowd in the explosion's aftermath. Leon tried to keep his place, but was inadvertently swept away by the crowd, separating him from Ciel. He vehemently prayed the stallion would be all right in his current state. He took note of the pygmy dragons, who had escaped in the commotion, and the crumbled building, trying to make sense of what had just happened. A sense of panic again clawed at his heart, seeing the damage done by the explosion and he asked Argus to make sure that please no horse got hurt. He willed himself to stay calm, knowing panic would only make the situation worse. Looking around to see if he could find his old men, his eye fell on something else. A shadow between the nearby buildings, moving about in an awfully suspicious matter. His skin prickled as his eyes locked onto it, feeling himself moving forward. Something was off and as he steeled himself to push into its direction, his curiosity whispered for him to find out what was up.


Character (c) me
Art & Design (c) tae-bun 
Reference sheet belongs to the group Starborn-Alignment
Image size
2300x1294px 1.93 MB
© 2016 - 2024 moonlightwalk
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waterdrup's avatar
I love that design so much >3<