
The Heterosexual Agenda: A Message to Christians

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Heterosexal Agenda copy by Rogue-Ranger

Somewhere in an alternate reality where Christians treat heterosexuals like we do homosexuals here, a preacher is speaking...

"We must stop the heterosexual agenda before it destroys the family and Christianity. Straights don't just want equal rights. They want special rights that should be reserved only for non-heterosexuals. They don't really want tolerance. They want us to celebrate sin. They wouldn't be satisfied until every song, every movie, every children's program has heterosexual romance in it and children of the opposite sex are forced to kiss onscreen for our amusement and all of us are pressured by society to find someone of the opposite sex to mate with.

We don't hate heterosexuals but the Bible is very clear that heterosexuality is a sin and that heterosexuals must expel the demon of heterosexuality that possesses them or they are damned to Hell. As Leviticus states repeatedly, if a man lies with a woman and either of them exchange fluid, they have become defiled and their uncleanness is an abomination to the Lord.

We all know the story of Gibeah in Judges 19, how men of the town surrounded the house and gang raped that woman to death. Gibeah was destroyed because God hates heterosexuality. The Bible is very clear about this.

We also see this in 1 Kings, which talks about Gibeahites, which is a word the King James inserted in the place of female prostitutes, because we all know female prostitutes are heterosexuals and Gibeah was destroyed because of heterosexuality, meaning those verses clearly condemn heterosexuality.

Likewise we see this in 1 Corinthians, where the NIV correctly translates fornicators as heterosexuals. These perverts will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. There's just no questioning the Bible's clear stance against heterosexuality.

And, most revealing of all, Paul writes in Romans 1 that the people in the temples of Rome worshiped idols, so they were given over to be filled with lust for one another. This shows how people are made straight because they turn away from God, usually around puberty.

Heterosexuals are incapable of loving each other. It's only ever vile lust. In fact, we can see this burning lust Paul talks about polluting our world today with women walking around in skimpy clothes, trying to seduce men into heterosexuality, and heterosexual men going around raping women to make them straight because, as we all know, someone becomes heterosexual because they were molested. That, and having an absent father, since most heterosexuals have an absent father. This is why there are more heterosexuals in poor neighborhoods, where there are more single moms.

Real world examples such as straight bars where heterosexuals go to meet other heterosexuals and "hook up" and straight Marti Gras where straights get drunk and make out are perfect examples of why the Bible condemns this lifestyle. Obviously some heterosexuals behaving this way clearly shows why all opposite sex couples should be condemned. It could not be more clear.

Now some people claiming to be 'Christian' have been tricked by Satan and say we should open our churches up to heterosexuals and even treat them like everyone else, as if normal people are sinners too. Some even say to allow them to serve in the church or have a voice, thus recruiting innocent children into their perversion.

All of this would only bring confusion to the church. It's not God's will that heterosexuals hear God's Word unless it's yelled at them that they're going to burn in Hell. They will only cause others to follow them in their wickedness, since anyone can suddenly want to have sex with someone of the opposite sex simply by spending time around heterosexuals.

Yes, Jesus loves all sinners, even the lowest degenerates like murderers, terrorists, rapists and heterosexuals. So, some of us may care for these poor unfortunate sinners, but remember that Satan uses love to trick us, so we must be on our guard and stand by what we know is true, which is that the Bible condemns heterosexuals and not normal people like us.

Some heterosexual activists blame Christians for driving these wicked abominations to suicide just because we preach the truth that they're filthy, vile, and a danger to society and would be better off not existing, but we don't hate anyone. We're just spreading the truth of the Bible. If they don't like it, blame God and curse Him for damning them to hell.

And, it's not just the Bible. Study after study shows how heterosexuals contract diseases and spread them. New diseases and cancers are constantly being discovered because of the heterosexual lifestyle. Just look at Africa, where rampant heterosexuality and even laws outlawing all other sexualities have led to an AIDS epidemic. We must stop the heterosexual agenda before it destroys the world."

If you found the preceding ridiculous or offensive, good. That's how too many Christians have treated homosexuals and it is ridiculous and offensive. Simply changing "heterosexual" back to "homosexual" shouldn't suddenly make it okay that these twisted sentiments are said by Christians about gay people.

In the United States, most people who identify as homosexual are raised Christian, yet only a minority of homosexuals are still Christian by adulthood. In a battle between the church and the world, the world won because the church helped them. If you are a Christian and this doesn't concern you, it's time to draw back to God, because it should concern you. Every soul counts, even "their kind."

Many Christians are quick to talk about loving everyone, but slow to show it because of a fear that love is a weakness that will result in celebrating pride the way the world does, but this fear is easily overcome by remembering that God's definition of love is not pride but sacrifice. So, let us draw closer to God's Word and discover the truths we've missed for so long.

While most of us know we aren't behaving well when we call homosexuals rude names, sometimes we overlook other ways we demean people. For example, when we compare homosexuals to murderers, this can be unintentionally condemning because of the seriousness of the crime of murder. This can make people defensive and argue they can't be that bad. You wouldn't expect a favorable response if you compared your neighbor who just divorced and remarried to a murderer.

A better approach would be to compare yourself to them. Humbling yourself before others creates a human connection you can both relate to and build off of. After all, we are all sinners equally in need of redemption and, apart from Christ, we are no more righteous than a murderer. Never assume someone is a worse sinner for not being like you. It can potentially lead to you looking down on others or holding yourself above others, both of which are of course sins.

Likewise, saying that an entire city was fire bombed from the sky because it was filled with homosexuals not only singles out people when really we are all guilty, but it also doesn't fit with what the Bible says are the reasons Sodom was destroyed (plenty of food while others starved, not helping the poor, etc). It's also unfair to compare the attempted gang rape of angels to homosexuals but not heterosexuals, especially considering rape was an ancient practice by heterosexuals to humiliate outsiders at the time and even happens elsewhere in scripture to prove this. You wouldn't compare your heterosexual neighbors to the other rapists in the Bible, would you?

The world often equates love and lust, but sadly many Christians do too when it comes to people with a same-sex attractions. This creates a sense for people who identify as homosexual that their existence is about sex and they can never truly love but only lust.

For example, whenever someone brings up the positive portrayals of same sex relationships in the Bible, the first response is to argue that there's no lust mentioned in those relationships. Or, when someone says they love someone of the same sex, to argue that lust is a sin.

Why is it the "Christian" response to assume lust and dismiss love in this one case? We must be the ones to define love as God does and show it to the world, but to do that we must never confuse love and lust as the world does.

To put it in more personal terms, let's say you fell in love with someone of the same sex. Would a Christian be the first to tell you that was wrong because love and lust are the same? Or would we be there to show that who you love doesn't matter, but how you love? Would we even know the verses to use?

Instead of this constant search so many of us Christians do to see who can find the most verses that could be interpreted to condemn homosexuals the fastest, why not share verses about God's unconditional love for us? It should be obvious by now that homosexuals got the message about sin loud and clear. However, given that so many turned from their faith and to the world, we obviously didn't get across the message of the transformative power of love and the ultimate redemption to be found in Christ. That should have been our loudest message. Instead, those with same-sex attractions actually are more likely to commit suicide if raised by Christians who condemn homosexuals as worse sinners. This is unacceptable. We are partially responsible for those deaths.

By creating a separate class of sinner for one group of people, we've forgotten that we are called to serve others. Salvation isn't a prize someone earns for being heterosexual or for rejecting a homosexual identity. No, salvation is a free gift that redefines our entire identity. We all need to repent of sin, every one of us. 

Over the centuries, there have been countless attempts to alter the meaning of various verses as the church entered the Dark Ages or split after the Reformation, but there was only one issue that scholars agreed the Bible needed to be changed for: to better condemn homosexuals. Salvation, the Trinity, and more were all heavily debated, but there was no debate for that minority. Everyone just knew the Bible got it wrong and needed to be fixed.

Some changes were minor, such as changing perceived condemnations toward men to include women, since apparently God kept forgetting lesbians. Some were more stark, such as changing words such as prostitute to sodomite because, despite what the Bible actually said, it was believed so strongly for millennia that the inhabitants of Sodom were all homosexual and making money off of homosexual sex was of course a condemnation of homosexuals in the same way gang rape is.

Changes continue to this day and, just as today, back then homosexuals weren't allowed in leadership roles in the church and even had to hide for fear of being found out and killed, so they had no say in changes that solely separated out them and not the heterosexual majority that imposed it. This was the creation of a separate class and identity.

Some people happen to be attracted to members of their own sex, not by choice anymore than an intersex person chooses to be born with male and female parts. But, by defining people with same-sex attractions as a sex act, we dehumanized them. Not only did this allow us to not see them as equals, but it allowed them to define their identity by their attractions just as we defined it by hypothetical actions. We are partially responsible for the popularity of these segragatory labels.

In prisons, when it is learned that a man identifies as homosexual, he is the first to be raped by men who identify as heterosexual. They don't feel that the act in any way affects their sexually. Likewise, in many group foster homes, when a boy identifies as homosexual, he can be raped by the heterosexual boys there and they tell others he wanted it because he's homosexual and they're heterosexual, so they feel they've done nothing wrong. We've defined human beings as a sex act and opened the door for them to be abused as less than human.

In ancient times, there was no concept of heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. This is reflected in the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts. However, this constant focus for centuries on those who would become known as homosexuals as a separate group of people gave birth to homosexual identity and eventually the gay rights movement. Because they were so rejected, they had to find their own sense of belonging as a community, which is something the church should have offered all along.

It could very easily be shown that homosexual lust is a sin. Any lust beyond your spouse, only ever mentioned as opposite sex, is sin as well. The scriptures are there to say certain actions are sins. But that wasn't good enough. Why not? Because it condemns homosexuals and heterosexuals equally and hypocrisy can't stand on equality. The thing is that we are all equal and we all need to change our identity to being in Christ.

As Christians, we should all know that what we need is to be born again, so we can repair our relationship with God, our Creator. And how we do that is not by being heterosexual. It's by repenting and turning to Christ.

Have you ever told a lie because you couldn't think of a better answer? Have you ever over-eaten on a holiday, repented but just did it again the next year? Have you ever not helped someone who needed help because you were too busy? Whether you have or haven't, you're a sinner and you are no better than someone who is homosexual because they've probably done the same things too since we're all human.

Imagine being treated like you are the exception to God's sacrifice of His Son. It's no wonder so many turn away from their faith. Even those who keep their faith do so only by the incredible grace of God, because we tend to treat them as faulty and broken or not even real Christians unless they lie to please us and claim to have changed their sexual orientation. Even those who choose to be celibate are looked down on, despite both Christ and Paul elevating that as a highly moral calling.

Most people who identify as homosexual, gay, lesbian or bisexual do so because of feelings. And the vast majority are condemned for "the homosexual lifestyle" without them so much as kissing someone. If you were treated as a rapist for an attraction, often first noticed before puberty when lust isn't even a factor, would you be inclined to repent? But, if we show them we are all equally in need of redemption in Christ, we change the focus from sin to salvation and draw out repentance through realization of a sinful nature and not simply for a different sinful nature.

While only a tiny fraction of the population is homosexual, many Christians have made it out to be the greatest sin. Worse than this, despite that tiny minority, nearly half of all homeless youth is homosexual. If you believe the "Christian" response to your child "coming out" is to disown them, you might want to check your Bible. In 1 Timothy 5:8, Paul expressly states that if you refuse to provide for your family, you have renounced your faith and are worse than an unbeliever.

When someone steps foot in a church or in your home, welcome them. Don't turn them away or ask them to "get right with God" first. You know you'd never treat someone who is like you that way. You'd be more understanding and willing to walk with them rather than tell them where to go and leave them. Never forget "come just as you are." Godly love is sacrificial and actually elevates others above us.

And avoid those Christian websites and media outlets that demonize one group of people, be they "homosexual" or "liberal" or anyone. Many of the largest and most famous Christian organizations were directly involved in Uganda's law to kill homosexuals and jail suspected sympathizers, their way of making up for ground lost in the US after Exodus International finally shut down and apologized for all the lives destroyed by trying to change people's sexuality rather than their relationship with God, a change which of course never came. We have too much blood on our hands and need God to cleanse us. This can't continue.

The reason people believe lies and embrace division and reject unity is because they have heard divisive lies repeated everywhere their entire lives. So long as you keep listening to the lies, you may still be influenced. Read God's Word instead. And, no, this doesn't mean the selected verses taken out of context and put on a website, but the Bible itself.

Even be skeptical of studies you hear, as many Christian organizations prominently display falsified research, almost exclusively provided by Dr. Paul Cameron, a man who has spent decades deceiving people and advocating parents force their kids to have heterosexual sex to prevent them from becoming homosexual and creating and manipulating studies to make homosexuals sound like demon-posessed people who solely live to spread disease and misery while heterosexuals can pretty much do anything without being held accountable.

If any group is more concerned with someone "getting the wrong idea and thinking that God doesn't condemn homosexuality" than they are with actually trying to discover the truth or with spreading God's Word to everyone without exceptions, then try to reason with them and walk in Christ together. None of us know everything, so we should all be willing to question conclusions we've come to and draw closer to God's truth together.

And, if someone is distrustful of Christians, be understanding. Put yourself in their shoes, in the shoes of someone who has centuries of double standards to fight against, someone who sees heterosexual relationships glorified in every song, movie and even kids forced against their will to kiss in children's programs for adult amusement, someone who sees such strong social pressures to form sexual bonds with someone of the opposite sex, someone who sees the heterosexual agenda everywhere. Be patient and treat them how you would want to be treated. Live your life Christ-like and be a light to a dark world. Not everyone is called to be with someone of the opposite sex or to reproduce, but both heterosexuals and homosexuals are equally called to give up our will.

These are human beings, our own brothers and sisters, our own children, not some monsters out to get us. Let us show love by humbling ourselves before others. Let us not call looking down on others righteousness. Let us call it what it is: pride and hypocrisy.

Instead, let's show God's love to others and amaze them with its beauty and power in us. This means that, for many of us, first we will need to draw closer to God and open our hearts so He can work though us.

It may be frightening at first to give up our power, but His power is made perfect in our weakness. Be willing to sacrifice your life for others, even those you may think of as sinners. When it comes down to it, we are all sinners but we are also all redeemable.

In the end, it isn't about the heterosexual agenda or the homosexual agenda. It's about God's agenda. And He wants that all should be able to come to Him. Let's not make any exceptions. God doesn't.
This is a special message to my fellow Christians about how we have treated homosexuals over the years and hopefully can help encourage us all to be more loving to everyone. Feedback is highly encouraged.

You can also watch this heartbreaking video about the effects of anti-homosexual beliefs:…

More on this topic:

A Non-Hypocritical Perspective: The Bible Condmens Homosexuals and Heterosexuals Equally (stamp)

Speak Truth In Love: Can Christians Be Loving and Oppose LGBT Rights? (essay)

Christianity Is About Love (stamp)

Loving God's Way (essay)

God Loves LGBT People And So Do Christians (essay)
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