
Luna's revenge

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ElsieGuen's avatar

Literature Text

Luna watched the humongous bicep of her armwrestling opponent in despair. She looked back at her own upper arm and thought: “Oh my God… my arm looks like a noodle compared to Fiona’s. I will never be able to beat her!” Luna’s eyes widened as Fiona’s bicep slowly grew even bigger. A girl’s bicep couldn’t be that big, couldn’t it?

Fiona smirked. “Oh, little lunatic… Did you really think I needed to strain to withstand your weak pushing against my hand?”

Luna hated it when they called her ‘lunatic’. The anger gave her new power and she pushed against Fiona’s hand with all the strength in her little body. Luna groaned, her head turned red and sweat streamed down her face.

Fiona wasn’t impressed in the least. She yawned. “I guess that is all you can do. I can hardly feel your pathetic efforts. Even if there were five of you and you would all together be pushing against my single hand, I would still be able to beat you… But luckily for us, there’s just one of you.” Fiona grinned and casually pushed her hand down, and there was nothing Luna could do to stop her. She might as well try to stop a train with her bare hands.

Fiona stood up, towering over Luna, and hit a double biceps pose that made some of the people around them gasp. “You are no match for me, little loony. My muscles are so much bigger than yours, it is no comparison,” Fiona boasted, as she looked down at the younger girl in disdain. “Well. You know what to do,” she demanded, as she triumphantly turned her upper body around, and smiled at the sight of her own bulging biceps.

Luna sighed and dropped to her knees, which gave her a good view of Fiona’s tree trunk legs. “Oh mighty and strong Fiona, I…”

“You forgot ‘powerful’,” Fiona said, merciless. Some people around them snorted.

Luna took a deep breath. “Oh mighty, strong and powerful Fiona, I acknowledge your superior strength and therefore I will hand you all my lunch money this week.”

“Well done, lunatic, well done,” Fiona purred. “It is good to know that all my long hours in the gym are paying off. And... I’ll give you a new chance next week. Who knows? Maybe you will beat me next time…” She put her bare foot on Luna’s flat chest and pushed, making the smaller girl fall on her back. “… but probably not!” Luna just laid there, completely defeated and humiliated, as she heard them laugh and saw their legs move into the direction of the school parking lot.

After a while, she stood back up and dusted off her dress. She slowly moved to the doors and sighed. Four more days until it was weekend. Four more days she had to endure all this. Well, at least she had survived this day.

But this Monday wasn’t over yet. When Luna was on her bicycle and heading for the street, suddenly a car stopped just a few centimeters in front of her.

Trevor got out of his car, as always carrying his baseball bat. “Hey! Watch out, loony! You almost damaged my car!”

Luna had learned the best way to get through this, was to remain silent, do nothing to provoke them. The others from Fiona’s gang stepped out of their cars too and they surrounded her.

“It’s going to be full moon tonight, so our little lunatic here is probably distracted by that,” someone said.

“Does she turn into a monster tonight?”

“Well, she cannot possibly become any uglier!” They all laughed. Luna kept her head down.

“She is a danger to herself and others on that silly bike.”

“Maybe I should carry her home.” Fiona stepped forward and grabbed the bike by its frame. With a little grunt, she lifted it into the air, with Luna still on it. Fiona’s muscles were bulging. Luna held on to the handlebars with all her strength and closed her eyes, scared to fall down.

“Oh my God, Fiona. You are so strong! I wish I had your strength and muscles!” one of the other girls exclaimed.

“I know. Everybody does!” Fiona smiled and pumped Luna and her bike a few times. She even held it into the air with just one outstretched arm for some moments, while she flexed her other arm, to demonstrate her awesome strength even more. Then, she used both hands to put Luna back down on the ground.

“We need to make this world a safer place,” Trevor said as he swung his bat around, a crazy look in his eyes.

BANG! The bat missed Luna’s face by a few centimeters, while it slammed her front tire, which immediately exploded. The hub dented and several spokes bent. Luna jumped back, dropping her bike. “Are you crazy?” she yelled, forgetting her intention to remain quiet.

“Oh no,” Trevor said slowly, with a grin. “I am not the lunatic here.” His bat landed a couple more times on her bicycle, turning it into a heap of mangled metal.

Then, Fiona’s SUV pulled up and drove over the remains of the bike. She drove back and forth several times, until there was not much left of Luna’s bicycle.

All the others got into their cars too, and drove away, still laughing. Slowly, the crowd that had gathered around them, scattered, leaving just Luna and her bicycle. She considered carrying the remains to her home, but found it was too heavy for her. Which didn’t matter, because it was clearly beyond repair. She just left it there, wiped the tears from her face and started her long walk home.

She was surprised to see Fiona’s SUV waiting on the street. Fiona motioned with her muscular arm. Luna quickened her pace, but when she had almost reached the car, Fiona pulled up and stopped some hundred meters away, laughing. Again, she waved with her hand. This time, Luna didn’t react. So after a while, Fiona drove off, shouting: “See you, loony! We’ll have more fun tomorrow!”

It was a five kilometers’ walk to her house. Luna was on the same train of thought she had been numerous times before. Why did they pick on her? What had she done to deserve this?

She knew when it all started: two years ago. Luna had admired Fiona from a distance for quite some time. Fiona was two years older. She was the mayor’s daughter and she was beautiful, popular, tall, busty, and most of all: very muscular. In other words: Fiona was everything that Luna wasn’t.

Probably, everything would have been fine if Luna had kept her invisibility. If she hadn’t made a fool of herself.

One day, she had decided to start working out too, hoping to one day be as strong as Fiona. So she entered the school’s gym. She wore her usual dress and stared at Fiona as the muscular girl did alternating bicep curls, dressed in just a sports bra and a bikini bottom. The exercise made her arm muscles swell. When Fiona moved on to the next exercise, Luna picked up one of the dumbbells that Fiona had used. She immediately dropped it, as it was much heavier than she had expected. It missed her foot by just a centimeter and landed on the floor with a loud bang.

As she struggled to lift the weight with both her hands, to put it back on the rack, she heard someone say: “Let me help you with that.” Luna turned red when she saw Fiona standing next to her. She picked up the weight with one hand and lifted it effortlessly. Fiona saw her stare and shrugged her broad shoulders. “Well, these muscles aren’t just for show, you know?” She looked at Luna. “What’s your name?”

Luna mumbled her name.

“What? Loony?” Fiona laughed. “What a weird name.” She took a step back and observed the smaller girl. “Well, it kind of fits you. But what are you doing here? Are you waiting for your big sister? You look you are 10 or 11 or something.”

“No, I am in this school. I am 14,” Luna squeaked, and ran off.

It had gotten worse from that day on. Fiona and her friends had made fun of her name, inventing all kinds of supposedly funny variations.

Not for the first time, Luna cursed her parents, who had given her the name she had come to hate. She sighed, as she kicked against a pebble that happened to be lying on the sidewalk. Of course she knew why they had called her Luna.

Her parents were both space scientists, specialized in the moon. So they had called their only daughter after the celestial body they loved the most. Which was kind of sweet, of course. And maybe she should be happy they didn’t study Pluto.

She tried running for a while but she had to stop after 50 meters because she was out of breath.

When she finally arrived home, more than an hour later, the house was empty. As usual. Her parents worked long days. There were days Luna didn’t see them at all. So she was quite sure that she had the house for herself for the next couple of hours. “Good,” she whispered.

She sneaked into her parents’ study and opened the showcase with the moonstone. She wasn’t allowed to, of course, but the moonstone had attracted her since she was very young. She took it out and held it in her hands. As always, touching the stone immediately made her feel better. She took it upstairs, to her bedroom. She curled up on her bed and fell asleep, still holding the stone.

When she woke up, it had turned dark. She got out of bed and walked over to her window. It was a bright night, the full moon rising in the east. With the moonstone still in her hands, she looked at the moon and forgot all her sorrows. For the first time that day, she was completely relaxed.

Then, suddenly, there was a bright flash that shone right into her eyes. Instinctively she covered her eyes with her hands. The moonstone fell to the floor and broke.

“Oh no!” Luna dropped to her knees and picked up the two halves. Was this one of those days that everything went wrong? How was she going to explain this to her parents?

She found that the good feeling that the stone had always given her was gone. At the same time, she felt some kind of magnetic feeling. She put the two moonstones on her bed and closed her eyes. The strange feeling pulled her towards her cupboard. When she reached underneath, she could feel something small lying on the ground. She picked it up and examined it. What was that? It wasn’t something that had been in her room before. Had it come out of the moonstone?

She held it close to her eyes. It resembled a small sculpture, about two centimeters high. It looked like some primitive female figure, with two bulges on the front. She didn’t know why, but her index finger moved towards those bulges and touched them.

She had the feeling the room was spinning around her, and several things happened at the same time. She felt a kind of spark in her head. She also heard some kind of voice say a word in her head. Even though it wasn’t exactly a voice, and it wasn’t exactly a word; but she was almost sure it meant something like ‘finally!’ And the temperature of her body rose quickly, as if she was on fire.

Luna screamed in pain as she had the feeling that her body was melting. But that only lasted for half a second. After that, she experienced the best feeling she had ever had in her life. It was as if a thick, warm liquid spread through her whole body.

But there was something strange with her body. She could feel the liquid spreading to places where she never had a body before. At the same time, she didn’t have the idea that the liquid was pouring out of her body. So there was probably more of her; she was taking up more room now. And it felt like the liquid kept on moving to occupy even more room. It moved into all directions. In front of her, behind her, to her sides, above her.

She felt a bit dizzy and she blinked. When she opened her eyes, she didn’t know what she saw, but her brain quickly adjusted.

“Holy fuck!” She saw her room, but she saw it in extreme detail, like she could see every atom around her. At the same time, she also saw herself, like she had a 360-degree awareness that allowed her to see from all perspectives at the same time. It was hard to describe and at the same time it felt completely natural to her, as if this was how vision had always been meant to be.

What she really was amazed about, was what she looked like now. She wasn’t a short, average girl with drab hair anymore. Oh no. Not at all! Luna’s face was angelic now, with full lips, high cheekbones and big, blue eyes which seemed to radiate inner light, adorned with long eyelashes. Her hair was longer than before, thick and shiny. Her body had changed completely. She was taller, at least twenty centimeters. And she was very, very muscular. She could see big bulges everywhere. She brought up her arm and a huge ball of muscle popped up on her upper arm.

“Whoa!” She somehow felt the small arm inside. Her new arm was easily three times bigger. Quickly, the feeling changed until her arm felt comfortable. She looked down. Even though she had grown several sizes, she still fitted into her dress, as if it had adapted to her new body. She raised the rim of her dress to examine her legs. They had become just as full as her arms. She twisted her legs a bit, enjoying the sight of the big muscles dancing beneath her silky skin. She ran her hands over her thighs.

“I feel so strong, like I could lift a mountain!” Instinctively she knew she could without breaking a sweat. She also knew there were many other, great things she could do now. She was thrilled. “Let’s find out what I can do with this wonderful new body!”

She opened her window and jumped out, clearing the far hillside in one leap, laughing as she touched down with her left leg and pushed off clearing the upper atmosphere without coming back down. She wasn’t very much surprised that she could fly.

“Weehee!” She rocketed through the sky, whole continents passing beneath her in a flash. At the same time, she could see every detail, every grain of sand on the ground. And without any bit of concentration, she was counting the atomic particles along an entire beach.

After a while, she landed on a sea, near an iceberg. The water was cold, but she didn’t notice it on the bottom of her bare feet. She dove beneath the surface and lifted the whole iceberg out of the water with one hand, a broad smile on her face. The object was towering hundreds of meters above her, but it felt lighter than a cotton ball.

She flexed her free arm and watched it expand to cartoonish proportions. The ridiculous size made her laugh, while at the same time she enjoyed the feeling of the immense power it contained. Then, she made it grow even more. The pile of muscle shot up, drilling through the ice like it was made of suds. When it was more than halfway into the iceberg, she confidently let go with her other hand and giggled. She was supporting an iceberg with her huge bicep!

Luna quickly increased her body temperature. The inside of the iceberg immediately vaporized. As the steam had no place to go, the iceberg exploded. Bigger and smaller pieces of ice, tons in total mass, rained down on her harmlessly.

She dove again, until she had almost reached the bottom, two kilometers below. She cooled down her body and the water around her immediately turned into ice. Within seconds, she had created an iceberg which was five times bigger than the one she had just destroyed. It floated to the surface with her still in it.

She teleported herself outside and dove down once more. She swam thousands of kilometers under water in just a second. It was pitch dark, but she could still see as if it was a bright day. She saw a huge ship on the bottom of the sea. She remembered it from the movie she had seen numerous times.

She lifted it, but found that it had weakened after a century under water. She couldn’t lift it in one piece. So she made her body grow, until she was big enough to scoop the whole ship up in one hand. She took a few big steps and carefully put it down on the shore of Greenland. Luna shrunk back to her more human size. She felt excited after all those things she had done.

“Is there nothing that I can’t do?” she wondered, as she looked up at the full moon. She jumped up, cratering the coast of Greenland and closed the distance to the moon in a single leap. She carefully scanned every square centimeter of the surface, as she quickly turned loops around it. She repeated it while she also looked under the surface. She didn’t find anything.

She landed on the surface of the moon to think. She was pretty sure that she had transformed because of the small artifact that had been hidden in the moonstone. It had probably been waiting for her on the surface of the moon for eons. How high were the chances that this particular moonstone was picked up to be brought to the earth? And that she would discover the power within?

Virtually zero. Which meant that there was a Purpose here. The artifact was destined to end up in her hands and transform her into... a god? Was that was she was? She had the impression that all the incredible things she had done in the past minutes were just child’s play compared to the things she would be capable of if she unleashed the full potential of her powers.

She pondered the idea for a moment, walking by the moon landing, her steps quaking the entire hemisphere. “Oops!” she giggled. She picked up a random rock and crushed it into a moon diamond before flicking it to shatter a comet far outside of the solar system. A comet that she knew would otherwise have crashed into the earth, 17,919 years later.

“Maybe I should go somewhere else to experiment with my powers,” she said to herself. “I don’t want to extinguish the sun by accident.” Experimentally, she turned her eyes toward the sky. She laughed as she instantly scanned millions of systems, finding the universe teeming with life of all sizes to the molecular level.

In a fraction of a second, she had found what she was looking for: an uninhabited solar system, more than 2 million light years from the sun. In a flash, she transported herself to one of the barren planets that circled that faraway star.

She placed her hand on the surface of the planet and gently pushed, cracking the surface and sending the planet drifting through space.

“Wow! Such power!” She flexed proudly, her muscles ballooning to unreal size. Luna pinched the fingers of one hand together and extinguished a random star thousands of light years away, while simultaneously spinning a nearby gas giant faster and faster just by twirling a finger of her other hand. She giggled as she found it was ridiculously easy for her to do so.

She jumped into space and lifted a red giant with her bare hands. She made her muscles grow until they dwarfed the star. “There is nothing that I cannot do!” she boasted. She strongly exhaled, sending a complete spiral galaxy into a black hole. It took her just a drop of energy, infinitely small compared to the ocean of power within her.

“Okay,” she said to no one in particular. “I got it. I have the powers of a god, and I have to use them. But if you don’t mind, I would like to change a few things.” She floated up into the sky.

“First: my dress.” It turned into a moon white superhero costume. It was basically a swimsuit which left her impressive arms and legs bare, as well as most of her wide back. She added a cap which covered the upper half of her head, including her eyes. She thought about a cape for a moment. No cape, she decided.

“Second: more muscles. I want to be much more muscular than anyone else.” Immediately, her muscles doubled in size.

“And third…” Her breasts inflated, until they looked like two large, perfectly round globes. She looked down into her deep cleavage with satisfaction. “Just what I always wanted!” When she looked at her body from all angles, she found herself to be a little unbalanced. So she made her buttocks grow too. She added some crescents to her costume around her breasts and buttocks to emphasize her fantastic curves. “Perfect,” she said. “Just perfect. That is what I am.”

She flashed back to her own solar system and stopped somewhere halfway the moon and the earth. She turned around. “Now it is time to leave my signature, to show those powerless worms that I have arrived. I’ll make sure that it will not go unnoticed.”

Immeasurably powerful beams of energy shot from her eyes, carving a valley into the surface of the moon. It was several kilometers wide and just as deep. She was still a bit amazed about the power her new body contained. She knew for sure that it would be just as easy for her to cut the whole moon in two with just her eyes.

She quickly moved her eyes, writing a perfect “L” on the whole visible side of the moon. She smiled when she looked at her creation, and she smiled even more when she heard the astounded reactions from the earth, a few seconds later. “Their tiny minds just can’t comprehend my greatness,” she said.

“This is how it is, Luna,” she told herself. “You are incredibly strong now, and that little planet is incredibly weak compared to you. So you have to be careful!” She thought about this for a millisecond and she nodded.

She flew back to the planet and started running very fast. She grinned as she remembered herself growing tired, just a few hours earlier. So much had changed since then! “I love my new body!” she yelled. “Let’s see how far I can take this!”

Luna accelerated and discovered that was just as easy for her. So she kept increasing her speed until she was running laps around the planet at light speed. It still didn’t feel very difficult, so she varied a bit. One lap she would run on water, another lap she would run on the bottom of the ocean, the third lap she leaped across the Himalaya, the next one straight through the mountains of the Himalaya. Nothing could slow her down a bit.

Two minutes later, after a thousand laps, she stopped. She wasn’t tired. She wasn’t sweating. She was perfect as always.

Luna looked around. She was in a country where a war had been raging for many years, where many parties thought against each other and many cities had been destroyed.

She reached out with her mind and contacted every screen in the world. On every television, computer and telephone she overruled the software and broadcasted an image of her breathtaking body.

“Hello,” she said in a warm and pleasant voice. She made sure that everybody could understand her in their own language. “I am Luna. I guess you have seen by now what I have done with your moon. That was just a little demonstration of what I can do with this amazing body. Now I’ll show you some other things!”

She moved to one of the many battlefields in the country and started posing. As bullets flew past her and grenades exploded, she gave the whole world a view on her unearthly muscles. She made them grow to proportions no one on the planet had ever seen, or even thought possible. Traps that rose higher than her ears, biceps that grew way over her head, pecs that made her already enormous breasts double in size, veins thicker than a garden hose, shoulders bigger than a space hopper, a back several meters wide, abs that popped out more than ten centimeters and were clearly visible under her costume, thighs bigger than a sequoia tree.

“Of course I could have manipulated these images,” she told her audience of billions. “But with muscles like mine, there is absolutely no need to do that. In fact, I have been holding back. I could make my muscles thousand times bigger as well, but I suppose that would be too much for you to contain.

I hope you all love my muscles as much as I do! And now I’ll demonstrate to you that these big, bulging muscles aren’t just for show.” She moved a bit until she was standing in a line of fire. “You may think that nothing is happening. But watch this! I’ll give you a little insight into the way I look at the world.”

The camera switched to super slomo and zoomed in on an approaching bullet. It spun around through the air and flew into the direction of the massive super woman. When it touched her, it could clearly be seen that her skin didn’t dimple even a fraction of a millimeter. The bullet flattened, exploded and dropped to the ground without doing her any harm whatsoever.

“As I speak, more than a hundred bullets and grenades are hitting me every second. That is something I know, because my brain is so powerful. It is not because I can feel any of those bullets. They are completely useless against me. I wonder how long it will take until the soldiers realize this.” She showed some more images of ammunition harmlessly bouncing off her huge muscles. A whole pile was building up around her. She even followed a bullet that hit her eye and dropped into her deep cleavage.

After a minute, the shooting ceased. In the relative silence, the sound of approaching vehicles could be heard. Luna calmly walked into the direction of the sound. She turned around a corner and faced a line of three battle tanks. They immediately starting shooting their 120mm rounds at her. Their ammunition was powerful enough to bring a whole building down, but Luna simply caught them with her hands, while she kept on walking towards the tanks.

Even when she was close to the first tank, she didn’t stop. She kept on walking, her body slicing through the vehicle like it wasn’t even there. “You might think these are powerful weapons, but they are just toys to me. As you can see: these flimsy tanks cannot stop me,” she told her dumbfounded audience. She encountered the tank crew and tossed them out. “In fact, there is nothing in the universe that can stop me.”

She walked out through the side of the tank and then turned around. She raised her index finger and a small spark appeared on its top. She pointed at the tank, the spark flew towards the vehicle and in a flash, it turned into a big moonfish, which graciously floated off into the sky.

Luna jumped onto the second tank and tore the turret off. She crushed it against her invulnerable body while at the same time, she pulled the soldiers out with her mind power. They floated through the air and softly landed hundred meters away, astonished by what had just happened to them.

Luna brought her foot down and stamped the whole vehicle hundreds of meters into the ground. She jumped out of the hole and turned to the third tank. The crew of that tank had already understood their weapons were powerless against the super girl, so they had fled. Luna picked up the tank with one hand, spun it around on her little finger and threw it into the sun.

“I am sure you are getting the point,” she said to her audience worldwide. “There is nothing that can hurt me. There is nothing that can stop me. There is nothing that I cannot do. All of you, the whole population of this planet combined, together with all your puny weapons: you are totally powerless against my incredible might. I can do with you whatever I want.”

She switched to super speed and collected all the weapons within a hundred kilometer radius. Not just the tanks and armored vehicles, but also artillery, ammunition and bigger and smaller hand weapons. She piled it all up and half a minute later she had created a small mountain of metal, hundreds of meters high.

“Now that I have arrived, you will no longer have to use little weapons like these,” she said. “So I will destroy them for you.” She walked to the metal mountain and spread out her arms. Even with her super wide back, her arms were way too short to get them around the whole pile, but that was no problem for her. She made her arms hundreds of meters long and wrapped them around the mountain. She squeezed and the metal gave in to her superior strength. Within seconds, she had reduced the huge pile to a tiny ball about ten centimeters in diameter. She rolled it over her breasts to make it even smaller and then dropped it into her cleavage.

“The weapons industry will probably be not very happy with me around. I will deal with them later.” She was satisfied when she felt the panic in board rooms all around the world and noticed stock prices plummeting immediately.

“But there is something more important for me to do right now.” She re-appeared on the other side of the world, in the center of an area that suffered from a major flood. At that point, the water was three meters high. She dove and laid down on the muddy ground. She opened her mouth.

The camera was still running, and the whole world population watched in awe as the water level quickly dropped. “I am making sure that only free water molecules are entering my mouth,” Luna’s voice said. After seeing her do all those impossible things, no one was really surprised that she could speak even when she was under water and drinking ridiculous amounts of water.

It took her just one minute and then, the whole flood had disappeared. She stood up. “I needed that. Travelling through the universe makes you really thirsty!” she said with a dazzling smile. She patted her perfect stomach. There was no way one could tell that it now contained billions of liters of water.

“I am sorry, but I have to go. But I’ll make sure you’ll soon tune in to my channel again. I am Luna and I hope you all behave well!” She winked, flexed her bicep and closed the connection, leaving the whole world population perplexed.

She flew back to her home town. She scanned the earth beneath her and quickly caught thousands of murderers, thieves, drugs dealers and other criminals and turned them in to the police. She also stopped a train with her little finger, just because she could.

She flew through her window and landed softly on the floor. It was only an hour ago since she had left. She looked through the floor and saw that her parents were watching the television, discussing the unbelievable events they had just seen. Luna softly giggled.

She picked up the two half moonstones and put the artifact back into it. She carefully placed the two halves against each other and repaired the trillions of connections between the two halves. “As good as new!” she said. She was sure she wouldn’t need the artifact anymore, as the power of the stone was now within her body.

With a little sigh, she transformed her body back to the small, average Luna. “Well, at least I can now step through a doorway without having to worry that my broad back won’t fit through,” she said to herself. She went downstairs, quietly put the moonstone back in its showcase and entered the living room. She told her parents she had fallen asleep and innocently asked if something had happened in the meantime.

She spent the rest of the evening with her parents, who told her about all these wonderful feats that super woman had performed. And they listened to the – often ridiculous – commentary that was coming in from all over the world.

“I just can’t believe what she did to the moon,” her mother said. “Her powers scare me.”

“But you just told me she used them for good things. She disarmed soldiers, stopped a flood, caught criminals. That’s a good thing, right?” Luna argued.

“Still. I don’t think it is healthy for one person to possess so much power.”

“I think it would be pretty cool to be so powerful,” said Luna.

Her parents didn’t want to go to bed. They hoped that the super girl would show up once more. So Luna said goodnight and went to her bedroom.

Her superior body didn’t need sleep anymore. But still, it felt kind of comfortable to behave like a schoolgirl for some time. So she went to bed, and put herself to sleep, while the full moon shone down on her.

She woke herself up the next morning. For the first time in years, she enjoyed the thought of going to school. She ate breakfast alone. Her parents had left much earlier to go and study the moon.

She had forgotten her bike was total loss. She considered flying to school, but she decided to act like a normal schoolgirl for a little longer, so she walked. In the meantime, she scanned all the articles about her in the newspapers and on websites all over the world. There were lots of speculations about her. And she noticed there were very popular groups on social media where Luna fans gathered. The most common sentence in those groups was that she was ‘a very hot super chick’. She smiled to herself.

She created profiles for her alter ego and added her to the social media. In the time it took her to walk to the school, she already gathered millions of followers and she answered over a million questions. Luna giggled. This was fun!

She arrived at school just in time, but something was going on. The lessons should be about to begin, but it seemed that everyone had gathered in the great hall. So she used her super senses to discover what was going on. She found out that Fiona and her friends were on the stage and Fiona was talking.

“We were about to go to bed when Luna suddenly materialized in our living room. We were all a bit scared but she told us we didn’t need to, she just wanted to talk to the mayor – as you all know, that’s my father – but we could stay too, if we wished. She told us that she had just caught a couple of thieves and put them into jail.

She was really nice and she complimented me with my physique. I am sure she will visit us again soon and that we will become best friends.”

Luna became very angry and accidentally set a tree on fire. She quickly extinguished it and calmed down. She sensed that most students in the hall didn’t quite believe Fiona’s story. But some did.

“Time to put things right!” Luna said to herself and she walked inside, into the direction of the stage.

“… and she has a really nice name. Luna. That means ‘moon’, did you know that? It is my favorite name and I really wished my parents had called me that. So we… What are you doing here??”

Luna had climbed on the stage and was soon surrounded by Fiona’s friends. They tried to stop her. But Luna simply pushed them away and walked on. When she was facing the bigger girl, she said: “I am here to stop your lies.” Even though she wasn’t using a microphone, everybody in the hall could hear her loud and clear.

“Wh… What? I am not lying! Luna did visit our house yesterday! What do you know about it?”

“Well…” said Luna and she smiled. She slowly transformed into her super form. The first time, it had been painful. But now, it was just a great feeling. Her body expanding, her muscles growing, the power flowing through her veins. While she was enjoying the feeling, she also noticed astounded cries from the other students. She quickly disabled the camera function of all telephones in the hall. She also made her body glow, and added some music.

Fiona stumbled backwards, her eyes almost popping out of her head. The others on stage could only stare.

When she had taken the form that already felt so familiar, Luna took off her cap. She shook her head, making her thick hair stream down her back. She created a little wind around her, to make her hair flutter.

“Well,” Luna said, giving Fiona a cold look. “So I have visited you last night, right? And you really like my name? Maybe there is something wrong with your memory? Because I remember you making fun of my name for the last two years!”

Fiona could just stammer and sob, and Luna shut her up with a simple hand motion. “Don’t worry. It doesn’t matter anymore. I just want one, final, armwrestling match with you.” She flexed her upper arm. It was easily as big as a barrel, with veins as big as a normal wrist. Fiona dropped to her knees seeing Luna’s humongous muscles, and several younger students in the audience fainted.

An armwrestling table materialized in the center of the stage. Luna took her place and patiently waited for Fiona, who had trouble walking. Of course Luna noticed Trevor, who swung his bat behind her, but she didn’t care about his silly action. He hit her straight in the back. The bat got stuck in a deep ridge between two muscles. He tried to pull the bat back, and found he couldn’t. Luna used her perfect muscle control to crush the top of the bat and pull the rest of it towards her, bit by bit. To Trevor, it looked like her back was eating his bat and he ran away in terror. Luna reached out with her mind and made him slowly float towards the ceiling.

Fiona had finally arrived at the other side of the table. Trembling, she took Luna’s hand. “Don’t be afraid, I will be careful with you,” Luna said. “Are you ready? One, two, three!” She smiled at the girl at the other side of the table. The girl she had admired for quite some time. The girl she had been scared of. But now, she was the one in total control. She enjoyed the sight of Fiona pushing against her hand with all her strength, her bicep bulging. It was all so insignificant!

“I guess that is all you can do. I can’t feel your pathetic efforts at all. Even if there were a hundred of you and you would all together be pushing against my single hand, I would still be able to beat you!” Luna said, and suddenly there were hundred Fiona’s on the stage. They all struggled to grab the original Fiona’s hand and help her. When there was no place left, the remaining Fiona’s just pushed against the arm of one of the others. Luna grinned when she saw the bewilderment in the eyes of the original Fiona.

“Maybe you were a bit reckless, trying to beat a super girl who can curl black holes for reps,” Luna said and she slammed her hand down. All the Fiona’s flew through the air and disappeared when they touched the ground. Except for one, who laid down in a heap on the stage, holding her hand, sobbing.

Luna walked towards her and towered over Fiona. She hit an insane double biceps pose that made everyone gasp. “You are inferior to me in every way. I am taller, stronger, more popular, more beautiful. I can eclipse you with just one of my breasts. And my muscles are so much bigger than yours, it is no comparison,” Luna boasted, as she looked down at the smaller girl in disdain. “Well. You know what to do,” she demanded.

Fiona wiped the tears from her face and raised to her knees. “Oh mighty, strong and powerful Luna, I…”

“You forgot ‘omnipotent’,” Luna said. “And a whole lot more, but you can leave that out.”

Fiona took a deep breath. “Oh omnipotent, mighty, strong and powerful Luna, I acknowledge your far superior strength and therefore I will hand you all my lunch money this week.”

“Well done, little girl, well done,” Luna purred. “Would you like a new chance next week? No? I am a bit disappointed, but it is just what I expected. But don’t think we are finished now. There is one more thing we have to do. You just wait. Don’t move, because first I’ll deal with your shitty friends here.”

She turned around and faced the other boys and girls she had come to fear in the past years. She smiled at them. “Would you like to experience how powerful my body is? I can crack your skulls with just my eyelashes. I can toss you into the sun. I can turn you into jellyfish. I can bury you alive on Mars. And there is nothing you can do to stop me.”

Several girls dropped to the ground and begged Luna to forgive them. She took a few steps towards them, which made the whole building shake. “Yes. I will show mercy with you. I’ll just flex my legs for you.”

Her thighs started growing, and kept on growing. The others had to back up to make room for Luna’s ever expanding quadriceps. They gathered in two corners and tried to push Luna’s growing muscles back, but of course they didn’t stand a chance. Luna increased the sensitivity of her skin, so she could feel them claw and squirm as they were being pushed against the walls, fifteen meters away from where her feet were standing. When they were about to pass out, Luna stopped the growth and transformed her upper legs back to their usual form. Using her mind power, she forced them to stand up, even though some were hardly capable of doing so.

“Okay. One last thing!” she cheered. Suddenly, Luna, Fiona, Trevor and the other bullies were on the school parking lot. Luna pouted her full lips and sucked in her breath. The cars of her bullies all started moving towards her, while the other cars kept in place. Luna inhaled a bit stronger, and the cars pressed themselves into her mouth. She chewed a few times and swallowed. “Hmm, nothing tastier than steel and gasoline,” she said.

She looked around her. “That was all. You all behave, or face the consequences.” The tarmac under their feet turned into a pool of mud and they all sank into the dirt up until their waists. Luna just floated a centimeter above the ground and giggled. “It was fun playing with you, but now I have to go. There are several world problems I have to solve in the next ten minutes. Goodbye!”

Luna turned around, giving them an excellent view of her muscled ass, and took off. She never looked back.
© 2017 - 2024 ElsieGuen
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Pumpedd's avatar
I damn near fainted reading good!💪