TUFFAgentShepherd on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tuffagentshepherd/art/Covered-Up-Interpol-Cops-686890205TUFFAgentShepherd

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TUFFAgentShepherd's avatar

Covered Up Interpol Cops



They definitely put the "cover" in "undercover." HAHAHAHAHAHA XD!!!

Okay, joking aside, there's TWO reasons I made this pic.
1) After hearing news that there's gonna be a Sly Cooper TV show coming soon.
2) As a thank-you gift to my friend :iconshinragod: for the cool b-day gift he made me: fav.me/db4x5vm

It's a little pic of Carmelita Fox and her partner, Sarah Brendhart, covered up in colored blankets, but here they're doing it while on the job.
The story behind this is that Muggshot is committing crimes on the streets of Paris, and Carmelita and Sarah were sent to stop him. While searching the alleys, Sarah saw two blankets on a nearby clothesline, and had an idea: cover her and Carmelita with them, and get the jump on Muggshot when he least expects it.
After talking Carmelita into going through with it, they covered themselves, and decided to blend in with the rest of the junk in the alley in hopes of catching Muggshot by surprise. Of course, Carmelita's a bit hesistant about it since she can't see a thing, but Sarah tells her that this plan is perfect. Even if they can't see Muggshot, they could still hear him.

Because Muggshot's all muscle and no brains, he'd be fooled easily. But, if it was a certain dashing raccoon thief, he could tell it's them under those blankets. ;P

Anyway, hope you like it, :iconshinragod:

Be sure to fave, and leave a comment below (as long as it isn't petty hate)
FAIR constructive criticism is accepted

Stay rad, all!

Carmelita belongs to Sucker Punch/Sanzaru games
Sarah belongs to :iconshinragod:
Art belongs to me
Image size
2187x1700px 614.35 KB
© 2017 - 2024 TUFFAgentShepherd
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shinragod's avatar
Yeah! How exactly did Sarah convince Carmelita to go on with this fur-brained scheme? XD 
Especially since Carmelita thinks pretty little of Sarah as of late.
Luckily for the two; Muggshot isn't the brightest bulb in villany. These two just might pull it iff surprisingly XD
Thanks John! This a very humorous take on your prefered fascination in covering girls in blankets ;3