Sargasso Supplement - The Offal Gods

19 min read

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Amanacer-Fiend0's avatar
Main Article: Sargasso, The Ever-Changing City
Other Article(s): Displaced Deities, The Warriors of Freyja

(-Writer's Note: This isn't a completed list, but I will put this up for you guys to have some idea of what the pantheon of Offal Gods is. If you guys have any idea of your own to add, feel free to share.-)

Update (9/27/2021):
Added Mahj Timeeater, The Devourer of History to the list.

While other deities have been taken from their worlds, what about the gods that originated from The Super Sargasso Sea? These gods are even more powerful then the gods that were taken from their respective worlds, as they were born from The Sea itself.

Ossua Dregraiser, The Lord of Dregs
The Offal God of people in society who are considered to be immoral and of no value such as The Homeless, The Drug Addicts, The Riffraffs and the Criminals. Ossua does lend his power to those in dire straights, however this power can be lent to those who would abuse this gift for their own benefits. This blessing does end after the one blessed has reached a higher status then where they were before.

Turina Ragkeep, The Damsel of Rags
The Offal Goddess of Textile. A fashionista by nature, Turinia's domain over all forms of textiles can result in her priests' religious garb that is more like a grandmother's patchwork quilt then anything formal. Places where you can find her iconography are where mass amounts of clothing can be found like thrift & antique stores, and even in Tosher's Market when one finds and repairs clothing from The Sea.

Garaban Junkhawker, The Chariot of Commerce
The Offal God of Trade and Commerce. A gigantic, Basurian-like garbage truck the size of four Double-Decker Buses put together with scores of tentacles coming from the entrance in the back. People that pray to this god usually ask for luck in scrounging around The Sea, or for having the chance of attaining a good deal in a transaction.

As the gods aren't usually THAT hands on with the mortals, 'cept in a couple of specific sites of worship on different islands dotting The Sea, Garaban actually does have its own shopping website ( on The Ever-Changing City's Internet that functions as such. Think of it as something like if Amazon, Ebay, The Pirate Bay and UPS had merged together and is run by a god with direct access to all manners of multidimensional artifacts sold for ludicrous amounts of money, using it's clerics as couriers to take the purchased goods to their buyer.

Urabhis Doomwind, The Doomed Zeppelin
The Offal God of the Dead. An ever-burning zeppelin that is engulfed in ghostly flames, yet still is high in the sky in Sargasso's Afterlife. Those that have died or dying on the Mortal Plane see the Doomed Zeppelin in their line of sight, or hear it's propellers, with no one else experiencing either. The soul is then uplifted onto the ghostly craft and they are transported across the veil into The Afterlife, where they are "beamed" down to the city streets. It's presence during The Black Door makes many mortals pray to whatever god they know of to not be one to be taken that night.

Tehff-Jha, The Exarch of Alteration (Click Here for Illustration)
The Offal God of Alteration. Considered by some to be the source of the mutating energies that permeate The Sea and the source for Sargassite in general. Tehff-Jha doesn't alter things for his own benefit or for any grand plan, but because he truly believes that what he's doing is good for everyone. As to him, any alterations by his hand is for the sake of progress and variety, scoffing at concepts like tradition and what could be considered mainstream.

However, he's severely misguided in his pursuits as he doesn't realize that not every form of change he does is beneficial for everyone. Not everyone wants to have their race and/or species swapped with another, have their skin color and/or hair changed, have their body shape altered, or have all manners of new appendages like wings, claws, stingers and frog tongues because the god thought they would be better with them.

Gondad Crownbreaker, The Big Boss of Violent Revolution and Anarchy (Click Here for Illustration)
While this god isn't evil, he vehemently and passionately believes that all forms of authority and hierarchy is evil, despite being The God of Anarchy, and this irony is completely lost on him even with some of the other gods flat out explaining it to him. And it's this hatred of any and all forms of authority that has him lash out against the other gods and their followers.

He makes his home in The Golden Commune, a part of the continent that was originally California, but had it's entire social structure restructured to make it an anarcho-communist society. This change wasn't for the better, as after a few years it was reduced to that of a third world country. As their actual leaders are a group of skeletal beings (The Dead Head Club) that made themselves the commune's hidden sovereigns after killing every leader they could find, and later on getting into turf wars with one another to gain more and more land. These battles can spill over into other parts of the continent, becoming major headaches for the local residents.

Fobrae Tyras, The Paragon of Authority
The sister goddess of Gondad, Forbrae used her brother's passions and stupidity to have them and their followers to take complete control over The Golden Commune. And it is with her machinations that allowed The Dead Head Club to take the leadership position, as the goddess believed that their must be a form of authority in power, as the people are rather stupid and need guidance to keep from destroying themselves.

Stalash Lustitia, The Lady of Equality
A goddess with a severe case of OCD, Stalash has a desperate need to have things be perfectly equal. Though this need can get out of control as she sides with anyone who wishes it to be so, be it under the law, in societal standing and even physically. For her, the story of Harrison Bergeron is a great starting blueprint to build off of, but with using gods like Teff-Jha to make people both physically and mentally equal. Reducing everyone into identical drones is the end result of her constant societal planning.

Utznord Godcrusha, The Smasher of the Divine (Click Here for Pic)
The Offal God of Unbelief. One of the many contradicting deities in this pantheon, Utznord has an unbridled thirst for killing divine entities. And is one of the few things that can actually kill a god, able to give that kind of blessing to those who saw themselves as under the thumb of the gods. And those blessed by Utznord are considered very dangerous to those that follow the other gods.

Durz Crookbusta, The Feral Lord of Crime-Fighting
What could be described as a neanderthal superhero, Durz is a rather dull individual, but has a heart of gold when it comes to protecting the innocent from criminals, and punishing those that break the law. While he can be prayed to by those who wish to make their home safe from lawbreakers, he gains his power from the act of crime-fighting itself. Though his single mindedness of "Upholding the Law" does get him tricked into blessing those who are authoritarians and use the law to harm those under them.

Ur-Grom Ironscream, The Idol of Metal
The Offal God of Music, Metallurgy and Inventions. What could be mistaken for a Dwarven God, Ur-Grom is worshiped by Musicians, Blacksmiths and Inventors of Musical Instruments. Those who gain Ur-Grom's blessing have said to gain a voice that could shake the very air around them like it was the voice of a god. One of the Idol's more prominent shrines is located on an island far away from The Golden Commune's coast, an island that was originally a Dwarven Mountain Stronghold ruled by one Glorim Ironbeard, The Black Iron Lord.

Kheraes Dawnbringer, The God of Primal Darkness that shepherds in The Light
A mysterious individual wearing a dark green hoodie, with the hood obstructing their face. Can be considered the god of nightfall and daybreak, as his power allows him to rise and fall the sun & moon every day. Kheraes is also considered the god of laughter, amphibians and chaos, with shrines decorated with frog iconography and intricate drawings and carvings of "Memes."

Saehild Warhawk, The Mad Princess of Battle
The Offal Goddess of Conflict. This goddess is a rather peculiar one in that she passionately loves any and all forms of battle and her definition of "Fighting" is unusually broad. This can include gang wars, intellectual debates, sports, games of strategy, rap battles, battles between heroes and villains, battles against one's self and even battles where one struggles against ailments like cancer. And she will be there on the side lines cheering wildly for one side or the other. And it doesn't matter who wins, all that matters to The Mad Princess is that there is a battle happening and she doesn't want to miss it.

Wendreda Lovebringer, The Mother of Delights
The Offal Goddess of Luxury and Pleasures. A rather promiscuous goddess that grants those all manner of pleasure and luxury. Though Wendreda does tend to go overboard with her blessings, with her followers gaining all manners of unusual kinks and fetishes that the average person could consider really out there. With some getting so overboard for pleasure that they would do more and more immoral acts just to receive it.

Gunnhildr Firelance, The Matron of Firearms
The Offal Goddess of all forms of Firearms. A goddess who is worshiped by gun makers, soldiers, conscripts and just about everyone who uses a firearm, to not only make their bullets hit the target, but to make sure that their equipment is in working order. Gunnhildr's place of worship is a church off of the Ever-Changing City's coast, one that actually has a massive stockpile of armaments of all kinds, as well as a giant cannon for a cathedral that is primed and ready to fire. This church became a big target for The Crime Bosses of Sargasso, as whoever has controls the church can threaten the entire city to surrender under their rule.

Ku-Kaili-Moku, The Land Snatcher
The Offal God that the Basurians claim to be the force that brings every new piece into The Super Sargasso Sea. For what reason, people can only speculate. Maybe the god gets a kick out of seeing people from all across totality getting into conflict with one another. Or maybe it just wants to make the god equivalent of a model train village. This particular deity is the target of ire for many of the people in The Sea, making him the basis for many unsavory insults against others.

Gastralk Foulmonger, The Mad Lord of the Wastes
(Click Here for pic)
A deity formed from the combined waste and drugs of an entire city. A creature made up from the thousands of drug addicted maniacs that litter the streets of what was once a shining metropolis. This creature was the progenitor of an entire race of slimy creatures collectively dubbed, The Foul.

Ku-Shu Fieldtender, The Herald of the Harvest (Click Here for pic)
An Offal God of Agriculture that made it's home on the island of Iapana. On Iapana, Ku-Shu watches over the people of the islands as well as the farmlands that keeps the island from starving. He is also one of the gods that watch over a yearly fighting tournament.

Tasa Ruinmaker, The Great Wrecker
The Offal Goddess of Destruction & Ruin. A rather unpopular goddess only prayed to by those who wish to inflict ruin upon whatever the being praying to Tasa wanted gone. However even without prayer, Tasa has the habit of inflicting ruin upon everything and anything around them. And it's not just physical destruction like destroying buildings that Tasa is representative of, this can also be the destruction of Ideologies, Ideals, Cultures, Traditions, Arguments, Wills, Minds, and Souls.

Much like her sister, The Mad Princess of Battle, Tasa watches any and all forms of destruction with great fervor. Infact, the two do occasionally meet with one another to take bets on which side of the conflict would win. Though the wager doesn't really matter, because to the two deities, as long as there are conflicts and destruction happening, everyone wins.

Oz-Mina, The Loved
The Offal Goddess of Love, Protection & Comfort. A Lion-Dog / Black Pug hybrid that originally was the family pet for a loving family for 12 years. However, in her final months she continuously grew more and more frail and ill, losing so much weight, her sight and most of her hearing as well as constantly collapsing as her old legs gave out from beneath her due to becoming more and more weak. It was with a heavy heart and tear-stained eyes that the family decided to have the dog put to sleep.

On the night of her burial under the shade of a pine tree, the poor thing was finally laid to rest. However, while her body was in the ground, her soul was spirited away to The Super-Sargasso Sea. Her arrival revitalized her spirit, making her resemble a black & grey Lion-Dog of Japanese mythology but with her same pug face with a withered left eye.

She makes her home in between both The Living World and The Afterlife, entering the world of mortals to give comfort to those on the verge of death to make their passing easier by jumping up and lying on their lap. As she lays on the departed's lap, she protects their spirit as they are taken by Urabis Doomwind to cross over onto the other side.

Mesperyian, The Wounded Maiden
The Offal Goddess of Punishment and Torture. A purported daughter to the Greek God, Hades, that was said to have been so beautiful that Aphrodite grew jealous and burned half of Mesperyian's face out of spite, forcing the girl to wear a iron mask to hide her scarred face; resulting in her becoming the goddess of Torture and Punishment. However, A. There was already a goddess of punishment in the Greek Pantheon before Mesperyian, and B. Mesperyian never existed in the first place, only as an unintentional creation of an internet group.

Her status as a hoax would not last for long, as in the Super-Sargasso Sea, the concept of Mesperyian became fully realized into an actual goddess. Her physical appearance resembling a blonde, raggedy-haired woman wearing a damaged purple toga and a cast-iron mask that's shaped like her former visage. She also carries with her chains that are attached to shackles and various forms of torture equipment.

Tamin, The Villainous Farmer (-- by BassoeG --)
"Muahahaha, pathetic mortals I'll make your crops grow so much that you'll have massive surplus and crash the global grain economy!"
A comically evil agricultural deity with the power to ensure bountiful harvests. This god had appeared some time after The original 13 Dark Gods have been sealed away, but Tamin has heard enough about them that he wanted to emulate them in his own way. Fortunately for humanity, their malevolence is matched only by their gullibility so they can be tricked into using their powers so long as they're convinced that it's bad.  Ku-Shu Fieldtender is amused in seeing this Dark God doing a rather decent job in not having it's "victims" starve and giving them plenty of food to export to other parts of The Sea. Though Ku-Shu and the other gods still keep up the charade as who knows what will happen if someone came along and blew the whistle on just how much this Dark God was duped.

Neteraantmwmw, The Dolphin Queen
The Offal Goddess of Water & Sargassian Sea Life. Starting her life as a hoax, Neteraantmwmw (pronounced "neh-ter-arnt-mew-mew") was originally conceived as a minor Egyptian Goddess of Water and Dolphins to fool mythology websites, as the only evidence of this goddess' existence was fabricated. However, this goddess does actually exist within The Sea, having domain over both Water and the sea life within The Super-Sargasso Sea with Sargassian Dolphins and dolphin-shaped Basurians being considered the goddess' messengers. The islands where worship of this goddess is more prominent are in the middle of large bodies of waters the size of one of America's Great Lakes.

Captain Bloodshank, The Psycho Buccaneer (--- by BassoeG ---)
The Dark God of Pirates, Psychopathy & Trauma. A rather human looking, but psychotically unpleasant Dark God that is dressed like a one-eyed pirate captain. While Bloodshank is free & every time a pirate dies, a random sargassian citizen has One Bad Day leading to traumatization and the loss of one eye. Since Bloodshank refuses to stay dead, the only thing that was able to temporarily stop him was imprisoning him in a magic treasure chest similar to how The 13 Dark Gods have been sealed. Though unlike The 13 Dark Gods & their followers, Bloodshank's followers are still around even after all these years, sailing around The Sea as they pillage every other ship that they find, taking every bit of supplies that they get their hands on, brutally keelhaul the people on those ships as well as currently searching for the treasure chest Bloodshank has been sealed in. These cultists usually steer clear of areas where worship of Neteraantmwmw is most prominent, as the goddess detects these cultists and sinks their ships if they enter her territories.

Zoran Windkicker, The Speedster of Speedsters
The Offal God of Speed, Racing, the Wind, Riding Animals and Thought. A so-called Norse God that was never part of it's supposed parent mythology to begin with, the concept for this being ended up in The Super-Sargasso Sea, where it developed into a fully fledged deity. Zoran is a god that is more likely one that interacts with Mortals the most, in that he challenges them to races and loves the faces his opponents make when he easily outruns them to the finish line. Even to speedsters like Sammy Swift, Nitrox & Leadfoot, Zoran is considered the fastest being in The Super-Sargasso Sea, able to travel across the vast expanse of junk in mere minutes.

Mahj Timeeater, The Devourer of History
One of the most dangerous gods in The Super-Sargasso Sea. Why so is that this god has the power to devour the history of whatever she targets, resulting in that target's history to be re-written to accommodate the changes. Like if she targets someone who experienced some kind of serious trauma in their life, she can eat that point in that mortal's history which re-writes their history as if they never had that trauma in the first place. Or if she targets someone who experienced an event that inspired them to achieve greatness, Mahj can devour that person's experience so they never got the inspiration in the first place. While she may be forbidden from eating the histories of the other gods thanks to her Superior, Mahj still goes among mortals to taste the various delicacies among them. And she's neither a hero or a villain, neither caring about what is right or wrong. If she sees you have an interesting history, you might be on the fast tract to getting your history re-written after she has a bite of it. Currently the only two things that can restore a person's changed history is if either Mahj willingly gives it back, or if someone uses an Ultimate Time Dialator on the person.

Geghyr Star-Scale, The Draconic Messenger (by BluefireProduction)
A very powerful and intelligent dragon that came from a different universe of origin. In it's native dimension, this beast was The Messenger of the Gods. However, Geghyr wasn't the messenger of only one world and of one pantheon. In fact, they actually are the messenger of multiple different gods of both their planet and other planets all across the universe. Very lean and built for speed, this orange-colored and lightly-armored dragon is able to move so quickly that they can cross entire galaxies in mere minutes with it's natural speed.

However one day, Geghyr was caught during it's travels by a portal that lead directly into The Super-Sargasso Sea. Due to it's divine nature, the other Offal Gods have took notice and approached the dragon with an offer. While they may be unable to exit The Sea, they can still continue it's occupation as a Messenger of the Gods by working for them. So after much deliberation, Geghyr agreed to the job and he became The Offal Gods' messenger. And like back in his universe, this dragon is so fast that they can travel across massive expanses of The Super-Sargasso Sea to the point where it can travel to different versions of different locations in minutes. This intense speed has caught the attention of Zoran Windkicker, and Zoran has often get into races with Geghyr whenever the dragon has a delivery.

The Offal Gods are an open source concept created specifically for use by anyone. Feel free to use it any way you wish. You must also give creator(s) credit.
© 2018 - 2024 Amanacer-Fiend0
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Like I've said before, I'm looking forward to using The Offal Gods in my comics! You said that in terms of raw power, Utznord Godcrusha is the most powerful of The Offal Gods since he is powerful enough to kill God-like beings as a day-

job, including other Offal Gods. You also named Offal Gods like Ku-Kali-Moku, Tehff-Jha, Captain Bloodshank, Tasa Ruinmaker , Mahj Timeeater and The Dark Gods.

Seeing as despite their powers, The Offal Gods as a whole are third in the divine hierarchy of Sargasso with the members of The Letter Legion being second and Creator Gods like The Superior Being at the top and given that The Offal Gods have to listen to either a Letter Legionaire who have their own spot in the sea since those two groups are more than capable of whipping The Offal Gods into line should they act out of turn, what I wanted to ask you is do The Offal Gods have a leader?

That is, do they have an equivalent to Zeus/ Jupiter, Odin, Amen-Ra and other Kings and Queens Of The Gods or do they just not have a leader and operate independently of one another and do whatever they want without having any kind of hierarchical structure and organization as a pantheon? Or would it be a Creator God like The Superior Being that would technically be considered the Zeus or Odin of The Offal Gods?

Because for the comic book that I'm doing for Shark, in the Triumphant Universe, I just recently came up with the idea of a NATO( North Atlantic Treaty Organization)-like organization made up of about 17 or 18 different pantheons of Gods( The Roman Gods, The Norse Gods, The Egyptian Gods, The Japanese Gods, The Finnish Gods, The Slavic Gods, The Haitian Voodoo Gods, The Irish Gods, The Celtic Gods, The Italian Gods and The African Gods among them) and the ruler of each respective pantheon has a seat as a member of the organization's head committee.

But just like how NATO has 30 countries as members and many other nations of the world that AREN'T and that reside outside of their jurisdiction, so too, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization-like organization of The Gods( which I'm still working on a name for as a neat-sounding acronym) will have many pantheons that aren't members in the organization- among them, pantheons like The Sumerian Gods, The Babylonian Gods, The Mesopotamian Gods, the different pantheons of Aboriginal Gods, The Lithuanian Gods, The Pegana Gods, The Lovecraftian Gods, The Vietnamese Gods and so on.

I'm also going to have The Offal Gods not be members in the NATO-like divine organization of Gods and I'll have Shark explain in the graphic novel that there are some pantheons that are disorganized and that don't have leaders and any kind of hierarchical structure and they just operate independently of one another and they don't have one supreme God ruling over them and governing and commanding them and issuing edicts and dictates. SOME of the pantheons that aren't members in the organization won't be allowed in because they don't have a definitive leader and that will be one of the requirements for pantheons to be in the organizations( and there'll be some WITH leaders that aren't allowed into the organization for other reasons, too). In the comic I'm going to have Captain Wondrous make an analogy to Shark how there are street gangs of nations of the surface world who are similar in that there are some that are very disorganized and that don't have any real known leaders like black street gangs like The Bloods, The Crips and The Gangster Disciples, Black Gangster Disciples and Black P. Stones Gangs out of Chicago and other such similar black gangs and that there are other gangs like some white gangs, Asian gangs, Mexican and Hispanic Gangs and other gangs and criminal organizations like The Italian-American Mafia, Mafias of other nations and Outlaw Motorcycle gangs that have real leaders and an organized hierarchical structure and I thought that it would be very interesting to have pantheons who are similar to some street gangs in that they're just a mess and disorganized, warring, pointlessly bickering, quibbling and quarreling within their OWN pantheon. I don't think I've seen Marvel or DC do something like that before with mythological Gods( or if they have, I haven't heard of them ever doing it).

So when I use The Offal Gods, like I said before, I'll have them be one of the many pantheons of Gods who aren't members in the NATO-like organization and like some other pantheons of Gods who aren't in the organization, they won't be happy at all about not being granted membership. But I wasn't sure if they have a leader or leaders of their pantheon who commands and rules over all of them and who tells them what to do or if they're more like some of the street gangs I mentioned earlier who have no real leaders and organizational structure( Shark will tell Captain Wondrous that he wouldn't compare a pantheon of Gods to a street gang of the surface world but that the analogy is still fitting in the sense that similar to some gangs, there are pantheons who are an absolute destructive mess with no real leadership and structure).