Lemea VS Mawths: A History Lesson

2 min read

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Lemea Thoughts

Lemeans are always on the "right" side of things in their worldview. They fly, they have technology, they have limited magic... They believe they are superior and have a bit of a superiority complex. As such, when they discovered Aneitha, they felt like, regardless of who was their first, that they could make the 'best use' of it and its resources, so it therefore should belong to them. They are 'clearly' the better inhabitants...

Mawth Thoughts

Aneitha is their home. It always has been and always will be. Mawths are built for the terrain, weather, and more. They don't have to MODIFY the landscape to survive in it like the Lemea do. They live in it on the daily! They flourish in it as well! To be so rudely and abruptly uprooted from their HOME at risk of punishment, presumably physical pain, is absolutely and completely out of the question. The Mawths simply are not having it!

The Struggle

The Lemea want Aneitha for themselves to build a better vacation spot for more Lemea to enjoy. They are slowly edging out the Mawths from their homelands, hunting grounds, farmland, and other resources. When Mawths meet Lemea, they are untrusting of each other. Even the leaders, Leta and Makena, can barely have civil words together...

Present Day Tensions

As the Lemean vacation spot on Aneitha grows, the tensions are reaching a boiling point. The Mawths have started perfecting the ability to throw and launch spears into the skies secretly as a form of defense from the Lemea who dive-bomb them and attack with hoof and claw out in the open...
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